Chapter 325 Chatting (Two in One)

However, Zhang Cheng discovered at this time that although the tiger ben knife is overbearing, it cannot refine the inner alchemy of the snake demon, because he saw a fist-sized inner alchemy in the snake's body.

Without being polite, he put away the inner alchemy and prepared to refine some bisui pills to improve the strength of the kitten and the soul-devouring python.

However, at this time, the Soul-devouring python also crawled over, opened its mouth and sucked on the corpse of the snake demon, Zhang Chengcheng felt a transparent force being sucked in by the Soul-devouring python, and after a while, it came again Zhang Cheng's side wrapped his tail around his wrist.

Then, Zhang Chenggong felt a stream of pure soul power coming from the soul-devouring python's tail.

Only then did he realize that what it had just absorbed should be the soul of the snake demon.

Then, without further ado, he commanded his own soul to eat up the soul power of the ownerless soul. He found that after absorbing so much soul power, his soul had improved a lot, and he could break through immediately. To the strength of the Nascent Soul mid-stage.

If the increase of the Horcrux is added, I believe that his soul strength can be compared with the masters of the late Nascent Soul.

At this moment, he finally realized the benefits of the Soul-devouring python, and then he focused his attention on the remaining monsters.

Seeing Zhang Cheng's gloomy eyes and the fate of the snake monster, the monsters seemed to realize their fate, and their bodies trembled violently.

"Brother, don't kill that leopard, use it as a mount for me." At this time, Zhang Xin pointed to the sad leopard that was crushed by the corpse of the tiger demon, and said.

To tell the truth, that leopard is really beautiful, with perfect streamlines matched with a little bit of pattern, and the faint halo on the skin, it can't be better used as a girl's mount.

Moreover, its strength is not weak, and it can act as a temporary thug when necessary, which can be said to be worth the money.

When the leopard heard Zhang Xin's words, its eyes immediately showed excitement. Although these monsters usually have their own pride, even if they die, they will not bow their heads.

But the death of the snake demon completely shattered their hearts, and they couldn't imagine what it would be like to die like that.So, they put that pride behind them.

"Yes!" Then he looked at his eldest brother Zhang Long and asked, "Brother, why don't you take a mount too?"

"Of course that's fine. I want that lion." Zhang Long looked at the two monsters trapped in the void spider web, and finally chose the lion.

In fact, what he wanted most was a tiger, but that tiger had already been killed by him, so he had no choice but to choose a lion.As for the cow, it looked dull, and it didn't have much of a point other than rampage, so he really wasn't interested.

"Okay!" As he said, he ignored the bull demon's pleading at all, and directly turned him into his own nourishment with one stab, increasing his true energy reserves.

At the same time, with the help of the Soul-devouring Python, he obtained the soul power of the bull demon again. For a while, his spirit was very full, and he immediately broke through the boundary of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and an unprecedented sense of satisfaction emanated from his body revealed in the soul.

Just the souls of the two monsters allowed his soul to be greatly improved, faster than if he practiced alone for half a year.For a while, he fell in love with this almost soaring way of promotion.

"Okay, big brother, old sister, you sign a contract with them so that they won't betray you in the future!" Zhang Cheng put away the void spider web and the tiger demon's body.

Although they were not restrained by the void spider web, under Zhang Cheng's majesty, the two monsters had no intention of running away, and they all prostrated on the ground, their bodies trembling even more.

Then Zhang Long and Zhang Xin came to the lion demon and leopard demon respectively, bit their fingers and drew a symbol in the sky, and then a ray of gray energy separated from the lion demon and leopard demon, and merged in the contract.

Suddenly, the two bloody runes released golden light, and a mysterious and mysterious power was released from them, and then turned into two bloody lights and shot into the bodies of the two monsters.

Since then, they have become the mounts of Zhang Long and Zhang Xin, and they can no longer betray.

But in this way, they should be relaxed, because in this way, they will not be killed.

As a precaution, Zhang Cheng also signed a contract with the Soul-Eating Python. After all, this Soul-Eating Python greatly promoted his cultivation, so he had to be careful.

After this matter came to an end, not only did Zhang Cheng not feel tired, but he felt refreshed. He took out one Huiyuan Pill and handed it to Zhang Long, and another Huiling Pill to Zhang Xin, so that they could have a good rest. Reply.

When they were almost recovered, the three of them got on their mounts respectively and continued to walk towards a deeper level of space.

However, not long after Zhang Cheng and the others left, another figure appeared next to the fruit tree. This person was ASRock that Zhang Cheng had been hunting down.

At this moment, ASRock looked at Zhang Cheng's leaving figure with a serious expression, and said in his heart: "I didn't expect his strength to improve so fast, and his skills are getting more and more. Fortunately, I didn't fight him before, otherwise , I’m afraid my fate will be miserable.”

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the mummy corpses on the ground, choked in his heart, and then said to himself: "However, although you are very powerful, the people around you are very ordinary, wait, my Revenge is about to begin."

After speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash.


"Brother, didn't you retreat in Dan Dao Sect, why did you come out suddenly?" Zhang Xin couldn't help asking the three of them on the road.

"Yeah, I originally broke through the middle stage of Jindan in retreat, so I came out after I broke through. Later, I heard from my senior brother that there is a secret realm of longevity, so I rushed over and met you at this place." Zhang Cheng He made up a reason and replied.

The reason why he didn't want to tell them the truth was simply that he didn't want them to feel worried and sad.

After all, they already know that they are not their own brothers, but they still treat themselves as their own brothers, so once they know that they are looking for their parents, they will definitely be very sad.

"Then it's a coincidence that you came here. If you come later, then we will become the meal of the reptile under your butt... Wait!" Zhang Xin was startled when he said this, as if he had thought of something , Shocked and asked: "Brother, you just said that you retreated to break through the middle stage of the golden core, so are not at the middle stage of the golden core?"

"Hey, that's a must." Zhang Cheng said with a chuckle: "Brother, old sister, you are far behind me, you have to practice hard in the future, otherwise, you will not be able to catch up with me. "

"Brother, what you said is true. Do you really have the mid-stage Golden Core now?" Zhang Long couldn't believe it. It is very difficult, otherwise, there would not be so many masters at the Golden Core stage in the cultivation world.

However, Zhang Cheng has only been practicing for a long time, and he has broken through to the middle stage of Jindan. This speed, even if he is riding a horse, he can't keep up.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding with you guys. The reason why I was able to break through is because I had some adventures. If I just rely on hard work, even if I'm exhausted, I can't reach the level of cultivation I have today. So, you guys There is still a chance to surpass me." Zhang Cheng laughed.

"It seems that I will have to go out for a while in the future. It will not work if I always work behind closed doors in the sect." Zhang Long was deeply inspired by Zhang Cheng's words, and planned to go out for a walk outside after he left here.

"Brother, your strength is strong enough to make a fortune. By the way, what is the trick you used to kill that tiger demon just now?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"That's a move in the Qinglian Sword Art. It's called Qinglian Birth, and it's the most elementary move in the entire Qinglian Sword Art. With my current sword heart cultivation, I can only use one move. After that, it will lose its combat effectiveness, so it can only be used to fight others, which is not very practical." Zhang Long replied.

"That's pretty good, too. This can be regarded as the big brother's trump card." Zhang Cheng paused, and then said: "In my opinion, the power of the big brother's move is quite astonishing. It shouldn't be a problem to fight against the gold but the masters in the later stage. If he is not prepared, he can even be killed, if I encounter it, I am afraid it will be doomed."

"This move is powerful, but it needs a certain amount of preparation time, and it cannot be interrupted in the middle, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted. Therefore, it is powerful only when I use this move. If I can't use it, even ordinary attacks are useless." Not as good." Zhang Long replied.

"Then there is no way to speed up the display?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"No, I can only use my understanding of swordsmanship and sword heart to speed up the display, but in the short term, I can't make a breakthrough." Zhang Long replied.

"It's okay. After I go out from here, I will discuss with my elder brother. With pressure, there may be new gains." Zhang Cheng replied.

"It's a good relationship. After we get out, let's have a fight. I also want to see how far your kid's cultivation has reached." Zhang Long's eyes lit up when he heard Zhang Cheng's words, and he said in surprise.

"However, we have to agree, I will not show mercy." Zhang Cheng said very seriously.

"I'm still not happy that you show mercy. What I want is to fight with real swords and guns, so that it will be effective. However, let's stop as soon as possible. I don't want to be wiped out by you." Zhang Long said.

"That's natural..."

"Okay, you two, you two fought and killed as soon as we met, and I can't get in the conversation, so can't you say something else?" Zhang Xin, who was on the side, saw that they were chatting happily, and she was very depressed. He interrupted their conversation angrily.

"Okay, okay, okay, talk about something else, talk about something else." Zhang Cheng smiled inwardly and asked, "By the way, old lady, how is your relationship with Brother Qingyang? When will you get married?"

"I'll fuck you. If you say that again, I'll ignore you." When Zhang Xin heard what Zhang Cheng said, he immediately lost his temper and gave Zhang Cheng a hard look. road.

"No, it's a matter of course for a male college to marry and a female college to marry. Why can't it be mentioned, brother?" Zhang Cheng asked pretendingly puzzled.

"Yes, girl, what are you thinking? I've seen that Qingyang too. I can see that he likes you quite a lot, and he has a good personality and treats you very well. He is a person worth entrusting for life. " Zhang Long said seriously.

"Oh, brother, why are you talking about me with this kid? It doesn't make any sense, understand?" Zhang Xin said angrily.

"Then he has no hope at all?" Zhang Cheng still likes that Qingyang, he is upright and has a sense of responsibility, which is enough for Zhang Xin.

He just couldn't figure out why Zhang Xin just looked down on him.

"Okay, don't talk about him anymore. I asked you to talk about other things, but I didn't ask you to talk about these things. If you mention him again, I will be really angry!" Zhang Xin said angrily.

"Okay, let's not talk about him, let's talk about brother!" Zhang Cheng looked at Zhang Long again and asked, "Brother, do you have someone in mind?"

"Me?" Zhang Long was stunned, but he didn't expect that Zhang Cheng would bring the matter to him, so he waved his hand and said, "My main focus is on cultivation now, and I haven't moved on that, so I haven't for the time being. "

"No big brother, when I went last time, there seemed to be a beautiful senior sister who walked very close to you. Isn't she our future sister-in-law?" Zhang Xin immediately revealed his fault when he heard Zhang Long say so.

"Don't talk nonsense, that's my senior sister. At that time, I asked her to teach the Qinglian Sword Art." Zhang Long saw Zhang Xin said this, and immediately explained it, and he was quite nervous.

Seeing his nervous expression, Zhang Cheng guessed that this matter must not be as simple as he said, and there must be something tricky about it that he didn't know.

So, he said again: "Brother, look at what you said. You also said that the woman is your senior sister, not your master. What are you afraid of? Besides, the old sister is just guessing. You see that you are nervous. Could it be that you two What is there really?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Senior Sister Ziling is pure and pure, with a high cultivation base. There are many people in the sect who like her, and I am nothing at all,, we really have nothing, so please stop guessing. "Although Zhang Long said so, there was still a trace of disappointment on his face.

From the analysis of Zhang Chengcheng, it can be concluded that Zhang Long must have taken a fancy to someone called Zi Ling, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to show such a look.

"Brother, I have to talk about you now. You said she was pure and clean, with a strong cultivation base, but what's wrong with being pure and pure, with a high-definition cultivation base? Could it be that she was born with a high cultivation base? Besides, you call her Senior Sister , which means that she got started earlier than you, and it doesn't matter if your cultivation is not as good as hers."

"Besides, you are not as good as her now, are you not going to be as good as her in the future?" Zhang Cheng asked several questions in succession, and Zhang Long didn't know how to refute him for a while.

Seeing that Zhang Long had nothing to say, Zhang Cheng continued: "Brother, the future is full of too many unknowns. No one knows what the future will look like. There are two differences between fighting for something and not fighting for it." In the end, I fought for it, at least when I think about it in the future, I know that I fought for it, so I won’t regret it.”

"As for what you said about not being worthy of her, that's even more nonsense. In my opinion, there is no such thing as being worthy or not. Some just want to be together. As long as you think about it, then everything is not a problem. So, big brother, just listen to my advice, if you like someone’s words, then bravely fight for it, and if you win it, it’s your own happiness, even if you can’t win it, you won’t regret it, don’t you think so?”

This is also his greatest realization after two lifetimes. When he first came to this world, what he regretted the most was that he didn't confess to a sweetheart like him, that is, Chen Junying.

Moreover, this matter has been bothering him for quite a long time, until he had a frank and honest conversation with Gongyang Xinyue, and after he learned that she was Chen Junying, he was completely relieved.

Therefore, he understands the feeling of being in love very well, which is also the fundamental reason why he talks so much. He doesn't want his elder brother to have the same regrets as he did before.

"No, how old are you, kid? How can you tell me about this? Where did you hear it from?" Zhang Xin was a little depressed. She didn't understand these things, and Zhang Cheng was younger than her. , How can I understand these.

However, what Zhang Cheng said seemed to be casual at first, but when she thought about it carefully, he found that there was some truth in it.

"Sister, don't worry about where I heard it from, anyway, what I said is not wrong." Then, he looked at Zhang Long again, and said, "Brother, I don't know if you heard what I said. How will you feel, and how will you do it, I just hope you don’t leave any regrets for yourself.”

"I see, I will think about it carefully." Zhang Long nodded, and at the same time, a trace of firm belief emerged in his heart.

In fact, he has long been fond of his senior sister, but he feels that he is not worthy of her, so he puts this love in his heart, and he will go when he really grows up and feels that he is qualified to pursue her. Pursue.

But what Zhang Cheng said taught him a lesson, and he felt a sense of enlightenment, and he felt that it was necessary to make this matter clear.

If she does not agree with her request, then she will stop thinking about it, and she will be able to practice well and pursue a higher realm in the future.

It would be even better if she agreed, and she could still cultivate with peace of mind.

Therefore, no matter what the result is, it is a good thing for him, so he secretly decided in his heart that he will take care of this matter after returning to the sect.

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