In a forest near Tianlong City, Zhang Cheng stood on the flying sword suspended above the forest, his soul rippled like water waves, instantly enveloping the entire forest.

However, soon, his brows became wrinkled, and he thought to himself: "What's going on, the kitten isn't here?"

When Zhang Cheng went to the endless sea area before, in order not to let the kitten drag him down, and to take pictures for the kitten's safety, he left him in this forest and let him practice here by himself.

But this time he came here and wanted to bring it back, but now he found that it was no longer in the woods, which made Zhang Cheng think wildly, "Could it be killed by other monsters?"

"No, no, there is no monster stronger than the kitten here, even if you can't beat it, you can escape, so it should be impossible for him to be killed." Zhang Cheng shook his head and denied his previous thoughts, but he thought What doesn't make sense is, since the kitten is not dead, where did it go?

Under the stage, he could only expand the scope of his search, and began to explore around the entire forest. Suddenly, he found a familiar figure about ten miles away from the forest. It was not a kitten or someone else. .

However, at this moment, he was lying beside the small river with a few tigers one size smaller than him, taking a leisurely nap. Obviously, those tigers one size smaller than the kitten were tigresses.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng couldn't help scolding "se cat" in his heart, so he urged the flying sword to fly towards them with "loach".

The so-called "loach" is Zhang Cheng's new name for the soul-eating python. The reason why he named the soul-eating python is based on the same belief as when he named the kitten. Eat tigers.

However, this name is really too inappropriate, a majestic ancient beast was actually given the name "loach", which made the Soul-devouring python very depressed.

But, there is no way, who told him to be his own master.

However, when he heard that there was another tiger named "Little Cat", it got some comfort in its heart and felt a little more balanced.

Beside the small river, the kitten was lying on the tigress, admiring the scenery ahead, feeling at ease, and getting up from time to time to "exercise" intensely with the tigress next to it, which was very pleasant.

When Zhang Cheng arrived near them, he happened to see this "se cat" exercising, and cursed in his heart: "This kid is actually more comfortable than himself, he really shouldn't be left here, with whom? Learned, really useless!"

Seeing that it was in high spirits, Zhang Cheng was too embarrassed to disturb it, so he sat on the flying sword and looked at "Loach" and said, "Don't be like him in the future, you kid. You can't walk when you see a female snake. Be careful, I'll put it on you." Your life. The roots have been cut."

As soon as the Soul-devouring python heard these words, its cold body suddenly became hot, and a layer of something similar to cold sweat emerged from its body.

Originally, he wanted to appreciate the tiger's romantic deeds, but now after hearing Zhang Cheng's words, he immediately retracted his eyes, and didn't dare to look any more.

He was afraid that if he looked twice more, he would become the first eunuch snake in history...

After waiting for a long time, the little cat still had no intention of stopping, which made Zhang Cheng depressed, "Didn't you see that this kid is quite tough in this respect?"

After another half a day, with a sinister roar, the tiger finally disarmed.

Zhang Cheng just got impatient with the wait. He stretched out his right hand to activate "Jiulong Yin" instantly, and then the kitten who had just finished venting felt that he was being pulled tightly by a suction force. Before he could react, it was pulled Zhang Cheng caught him.

When it reacted from this shocking change, the first thing it felt was the appearance of an enemy, but soon he smelled a familiar smell, looked up, and a familiar face appeared in front of it.

"Roar——" The moment the kitten saw Zhang Cheng, an excited smile appeared on its face, and then it rushed towards Zhang Cheng without saying a word.

"Stop, stop me, kid. Are you doing well? It's only been a while, and you already have three wives and four concubines." Zhang Cheng looked at the tigress over there, and said angrily.

"Hey, boss, didn't I learn from you? What's the matter? These girls of mine are pretty good. Are you interested? I'll give you a few." The kitten said this.

"..." Zhang Cheng was stunned by the kitten's words and said nothing at all, "Your boss, I don't like this, you should keep these for yourself."

"Boss, who is this guy? It seems to be quite powerful." At this time, the kitten noticed the "loach" next to him through a sound transmission.

"It's the same as you, and it's also a baby I tamed. It's called Loach." Zhang Cheng said.

"Loach?" When the kitten heard the name, he sighed in his heart about Zhang Cheng's aesthetic ability, but he felt a little balanced in his heart.

"You get along well in the future, do you understand?" Zhang Cheng didn't bother to pay attention to it, and said this directly.

"Of course!" The kitten responded, then looked at Nixie, and said via voice transmission: "Hey, Nixie, I will be your second brother from now on, come on, call your second brother and listen."

"Why are you the second child?" Loach quit and asked.

"Why? Because I've been with the boss longer than you, because I'm more handsome than you, because I'm whiter than you, isn't that enough?" Kitten said proudly.

"Then I'm darker than you, and my cultivation base is higher than yours, and I'm older than you, so you should call me second brother." Niach said not to be outdone.

"Hehe, you still dare to talk back, boss, what do you think, do you want me to teach him a lesson!" The little cat and fox pretended to be a tiger.

"If you have the ability, you can teach him a lesson. I don't mind?" Zhang Cheng felt a little funny when he saw the kitten's appearance. How long has it been since the kitten turned into a tiger, and Zhang Cheng almost didn't recognize him.

"Well, boss, you have to save me some face, otherwise, how can I face those tigress of mine in the future?" If Zhang Cheng didn't back him up, he would lose face.

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Cheng was a little helpless, who let him meet such a guy, and then said to Niqian: "Niqiu, give him some face, when I accept other babies in the future, you will have a younger brother." gone."

"It's the master." Although there was a lot of reluctance in the loach's heart, under the pressure of Zhang Cheng, it could only accept its fate.

"Hey, little loach, come and call me second brother." The kitten said with a proud look.

"Second, second brother." Loach felt very aggrieved.

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