{The fourth update is coming soon. }

"Hey, after a while, I'll find you some female snakes, so that you can have a good time." The kitten was very happy when he heard that the loach had compromised, and his chest became straighter, and he smiled proudly.

"You think everyone is like you!" Zhang Cheng spat at him, and then said, "Okay, get ready to leave with me."

"Boss, are you finally taking me away?" The kitten immediately showed an excited expression when he heard this, and said, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go now, I have nothing to prepare."

"Why, you don't want those tigresses anymore?" Zhang Cheng was a little surprised. It seemed to care a lot just now, but now it seems to be a tiger.

"No, it's just a few tigresses. Besides, there are no tigresses anywhere in the world!" The kitten said something that almost made Zhang Cheng fall.

"Okay, I admit, you are more chic than me. If that's the case, then let's go." After speaking, Zhang Cheng put the kitten on the flying sword, and then he controlled the flying sword to attack Dan Daozong. fly.

Two days later, Zhang Cheng took out the five vermilion fruits that he had obtained in the Longevity Secret Realm in the alchemy room of Dan Dao Sect.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng wanted to refine Zhu Guo into Diyuan Pill. Diyuan Pill was ranked as the fourth-grade mortal elixir.

At the same time, Diyuan Pill has another name called Diling Pill.

However, Earth Spirit Pill and Earth Yuan Pill represent the same kind of pill in ordinary times, but there is still a certain difference between them, that is, Earth Spirit Pill is made from Zhu Guo as the main medicine. , or it can be said that Diyuan Pill is an upgraded version of Diling Pill.

However, since Zhu Guo is hard to find, gradually, Earth Yuan Pill and Earth Spirit Pill have the same meaning.

The Diyuan Pill is only ranked as a fourth-rank pill, but its efficacy is not as good as that of a mortal-level eighth-rank pill. Other pills are different.

If you want to take ordinary pills, you must cultivate to a certain level in order to be beneficial and harmless.

For example, ordinary people can take mortal first-grade pills, but they are limited to mortal first-grade elixir. If you want to take mortal second-grade elixir, you need a warrior to take it.

As for the third-grade elixir, it needs to be taken by warriors in the innate realm, or practitioners in the Qi training period, and so on.

The reason for this regulation is because the higher the grade of the pill, the stronger the medicinal effect, and the faster the medicinal power will be released.

Generally speaking, once the elixir is taken, it will melt immediately and turn into the most elite power. However, in this way, a huge impact will be produced invisible.

If the cultivation base is too low, various conditions of the body, such as the strength of the tendons, the strength of the physical body, etc., will not be able to withstand such a terrifying medicinal power.

Therefore, taking the elixir by leapfrogging the level will not only not improve the cultivation level, but it will also be life-threatening.

However, due to the addition of Zhu Guo, the efficacy of this Diyuan Pill has increased several times, but the grade has not improved at all. Moreover, the release of the medicinal power is very gentle. After taking it, it will not be released, just like a battery. , released slowly.

This kind of elixir can be taken by monks in the foundation stage, and it is for this reason that Zhang Cheng chose the Diyuan elixir to refine it.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, with his current cultivation base, he can already learn to refine fourth-grade elixir, and even have access to fifth-grade elixir, so he plans to refine it himself.

In this way, on the one hand, he can improve his alchemy skills; on the other hand, because his alchemy rate is much higher than others, he can make full use of Zhu Guo and not waste it.

It was because of these two considerations that Zhang Chengcai chose Diyuan Pill to refine.Moreover, the amount of vermilion fruit needed to refine Earth Yuan Dan is very small, so a large amount can be refined.

According to Zhang Cheng's rough estimate, if he were to refine these five vermilion fruits, at least two or three hundred pieces of Earth Yuan Dan could be refined. This is not a small number, enough for them to break through the golden core stage It's used.

After being fully prepared, Zhang Cheng began to learn the refining method of the fourth-grade elixir in "Wuji Danlu".

The refining method of the fourth-grade elixir is not much different from the previous elixir, but the difficulty of refining is much more difficult than the previous elixir.

Because, there are more than ten kinds of elixirs for refining fourth-grade elixirs than the previous elixirs, that is to say, there are more things that need to be controlled when refining elixirs.

Moreover, the balance of the medicinal properties of various medicinal materials is more complicated than before, and it is difficult to control. If you are not careful, the elixir will be damaged due to the inconsistent medicinal properties.

However, these were not too much of a problem for Zhang Cheng, who was in the golden elixir period of the Yuan Dynasty, so in less than half a month, Zhang Cheng had mastered all the fourth-grade pills, including the earth spirit pill.

As for the refining method of Earth Yuan Pill and Earth Spirit Pill, the main reason is that there are two more medicines on top of the medicinal materials, one of which is vermilion fruit, and the other is a elixir with the opposite nature of vermilion fruit medicine.

In this way, the two kinds of medicinal materials can be combined, and the medicinal properties will not be unstable.

However, in order to prevent any accidents, he refined the Earth Spirit Pill more than ten times, observed every detail of it thoroughly, and imagined the refining process of using vermilion fruit many times in his mind, So at this moment, he has full confidence in the refining of Earth Yuan Pill.

After making complete preparations, Zhang Cheng started refining.

After preparing the medicinal materials, Zhang Cheng recalled the refining method of the earth spirit pill in his mind.

Afterwards, he took out Zhu Guo and directly put one into the alchemy cauldron.Then carefully extract all the medicinal power in it, forming a ray of red energy in the alchemy.

Then, Zhang Cheng took out other medicinal materials and put them in a certain proportion.

Then, he extracted the medicinal power from it and fused it with that of Vermillion Fruit. However, the fused power still had an obvious red color, which meant that Vermilion Fruit's power had not been completely balanced.

So Zhang Cheng took out a lot of medicinal materials and threw them into the alchemy cauldron. After several adjustments, the red color was completely eliminated, leaving only a large group of transparent energy floating above the alchemy fire.

"It's almost there." Zhang Cheng saw the timing, and made a few handprints, and the whole ball of energy was divided into five strands by Zhang Cheng in the blink of an eye.

Then, Zhang Cheng used the method of splitting thoughts to divide his mind into five strands, each strand of belief corresponds to a certain amount of medicinal power, and then began to refine at the same time.

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