Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Ye Ling was startled, but immediately understood, and at the same time faltered and wanted to say something, but her voice lowered.Seeing this, Zhang Cheng knew that she believed him, so he let go of his palm.

"Is he alright?" Ye Ling asked such a sentence the first time Zhang Cheng let go of his hand, obviously she was always worried about Li Long, worried that he would do something stupid.

"He's fine, he's waiting for you outside now, let's go, I'll take you out of here." Zhang Cheng was about to hug Ye Ling up, but just as he was about to start, Ye Ling shouted: "No, Don't touch me!"

"Why, you don't believe me?" Zhang Cheng didn't understand why she said that suddenly.

"No, it's just that Qin Honglie has put a special restriction on me. As soon as I leave here, he will know immediately. Although your cultivation level is very high, you can't possibly be his opponent. Therefore, You'd better get out of here, and tell him a word for me so that he will forget about me." Ye Ling's eyes revealed a trace of grief and determination at the end.

Seeing this look, Zhang Cheng remembered that Li Long had also expressed such an application before. If he guessed right, she was probably planning to commit suicide.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng was really moved, and it also reminded him of the things between him and Gongyang Xinyue. He had been missing for five years and his life and death were uncertain, but they waited for him steadfastly. For five years, he didn't know how to repay this love.

But this made him even more determined to rescue Ye Ling, so whether she wanted to or not, Zhang Cheng went up and hugged her directly, and then rushed out of the courtyard.

"Huh?" At this moment, there was a sound of surprise in the courtyard, and then a figure flew out of Qin Honglie's room at a very fast speed, and flew straight towards Zhang Cheng and the others, very fast.

"Li Long, take her away quickly." Zhang Cheng knew that Qin Honglie had discovered his rescue, so he handed Ye Ling directly to Li Long, and then said this to Li Long.

"No, brother Zhang Cheng, this incident happened because of us. I can't let you bear this for us. You should go." Although Li Long saved Zhang Cheng's life, he never thought about it when he grew up. He got nothing in return, so it was impossible for him to watch Zhang Cheng die because of them.

"What are you talking about, let's go." After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, he immediately cast "Nine Dragons Rebuke" and ejected them several hundred meters away. After that, he turned around to meet the so-called Qin Honglie, blocking his way.

"Stinky boy, you dare to hit my woman's attention, and die to me." Qin Honglie was angry when he saw that Zhang Cheng dared to challenge himself with only a mid-stage Jindan cultivation base, and he was in the middle of his eyes. The woman he had chosen by default was snatched away, and his anger became even stronger.

So he came up without saying a word, and directly attacked, with a big wave of his hand, a powerful force came straight to Zhang Cheng, as if to kill him with one blow.

"It's not so easy to kill me." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Cheng launched the "Nine Dragons Thorn". After all, the opponent was a master in the Nascent Soul Stage, so he didn't dare to be careless, so he immediately launched a soul attack. .

Although the other party's cultivation base is strong, his soul is incomparable to Zhang Cheng's in terms of strength, sensitivity, and condensed level. Just for a moment, Qin Honglie felt a tingling pain in his brain, and his body also lost his strength at this moment. control.

"This is... a soul attack!" Feeling the pain in his brain, he immediately confirmed that the opponent was using a long-lost soul attack, and his heart burst into excitement.

Zhang Cheng didn't give him a time to confirm, he clicked on his feet, dodged Qin Honglie's attack just now, and then came to Qin Honglie's body in a flash, took out the tiger knife, and then chopped it off.

Qin Honglie looked at the long knife that was getting closer and closer exuding a strong murderous aura, he was startled, and then a breath of death permeated his heart.

He knew that if Zhang Cheng hit this blow, his life would be over.

Relying on years of combat experience, he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, and a severe pain was transmitted to his brain. Following this pain in his head and body, he forcibly urged the power of his soul, and suddenly regained control of his body right.

Then he took a sudden step and narrowly dodged Zhang Cheng's blow.

"I didn't expect you to possess the secret method of soul attack at such a young age. Very good, very good." Qin Honglie sneered, but his heart was extremely excited.

If he can get this soul attack secret method, his strength will be increased several times, and it will be easier to kill people and seize treasures in the future.

Moreover, in his opinion, Zhang Cheng's cultivation was far from his own, and his combat experience was insufficient, but his soul strength was a little higher, so he should be able to kill him easily with a little trick.

"Hmph, it's not so easy to catch me." Zhang Cheng didn't expect that he could avoid his attack so easily, but this made him interested.

Then another Nine Dragon Thorn was released, piercing Qin Honglie straight, and then he shot the wooden dragon guardian, a wooden dragon rose slowly, surrounding Zhang Cheng's body for a long time.

"I wipe, come again!" Qin Honglie felt a pain in his soul, and lost control of his body again.

So he had to bite the tip of his tongue again, using the same method to regain control of his body.

However, the next moment he saw Zhang Cheng dancing quickly over there, and a huge green dragon rose slowly, with a frightening momentum.

Seeing this scene, he was a little confused as to why a kid in the middle stage of Jindan possessed so many secret techniques. Moreover, looking at his posture, it seemed that the level of this boxing technique was not low.

For a moment, a greedy look appeared in his eyes, and he felt that there must be more secrets in this kid, and there should be many more.

If you can catch him and force them out, then you don't have to clear a small ancient ruin by yourself and get little benefit.

When he thought of this, his mood became agitated, so he raised his spiritual power and started to attack Zhang Cheng.

However, immediately after that, his soul was in pain again, and his body lost control again.

"Damn it, no!" Qin Honglie was depressed at this moment, he had never been so aggrieved before, and in desperation, he could only bite his tongue here.

Before he knew it, he had already bitten off three pieces of flesh on his tongue, which made him even more depressed.

"Boy, you pissed me off, let me tell you..." Qin Honglie's voice hadn't finished yet, followed by another sharp pain in his soul...


"Urban Priest"

[Recommend a good book: Intern nurses bring the priest skills in online games to reality, and become a generation of miracle doctors.The female doctor, the nurse, the school belle, and the loli all took the initiative to ask for help. 】

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