This time, he was completely angry. Since he began to practice, he has never been played by anyone like this. As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, so he bit his tongue again, intending to give Zhang Cheng a nirvana.

However, just as he regained control of his body, at this moment, a voice came from a distance, and then he saw a fire dragon roaring up to the sky, and then opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards him.

"I don't care, no." Seeing this fire dragon, Qin Honglie was taken aback. After all, the momentum was too frightening, but soon he found that apart from the scary momentum, the power of this fire dragon was mediocre.

I can pick it out with one finger.

So he wanted to teach Zhang Chenglai a profound lesson, so he stretched out his finger, but when he was about to attack, he felt a pain in his soul again.

This time, he really wanted to scold his mother, so he didn't bring such an outsider.

Then, he watched helplessly as the fire dragon swallowed it into his stomach. Although the scorching flames couldn't cause substantial damage to him, it did severely damage his image.

After the fire dragon disappeared, a Congolese man came out directly. If he wore a hood on his head, he would look like an Indian assam.

"Ah——" Qin Honglie was completely angry this time, and the last patience in his heart was completely wiped out. As if going crazy, he gritted his teeth suddenly, and a large piece of flesh was bitten off his tongue. .

"I'm going to kill you!" Qin Honglie, who was covered in pitch black, was like a crazy Indian third son, waving his pitch black arms, as if he wanted to tear Zhang Cheng to pieces.

However, just as he raised his hand, he suddenly felt a pain in his soul...

In fact, Zhang Cheng didn't want to "play" him like this, but he couldn't help it. Originally, he thought that his soul strength had reached the late Nascent Soul stage, and was even stronger than the soul strength of ordinary late Nascent Soul masters. In this way, he can easily kill the masters in the Nascent Soul Stage.

But when he was really fighting against the Nascent Soul master, he realized that just having a strong soul is really not enough. If his own cultivation can't keep up, then all this is useless.

Therefore, now he can only stop Qin Honglie time and time again, preventing him from attacking him, because once he seizes the opportunity, he may lose his fighting power with just one blow.

Therefore, when the matter developed to this point, Zhang Cheng was also forced.

In the following time, Zhang Cheng focused on his mind and kept attacking Qin Honglie's soul, while at the same time using powerful methods to attack his physical body.

I don't know how long it has passed, Qin Honglie only felt that half of his tongue had been bitten off by him, his mouth was already dripping with blood, and his body was also injured to varying degrees under Zhang Cheng's non-stop attacks.

Now, he really wanted to cry, not because of his physical pain, but because he was so aggrieved by this battle, he wanted to cry a lot because of the aggrieved.

"Wait, fellow Taoist, I, Qin Honglie, expect that there will be no grievances in the future and no hatred in the future. There is no need to make things too extreme. As the saying goes, everything is left on the line. I really want to see you later. Moreover, the purpose of your coming here It should be because of that woman, now you have rescued him, and the purpose of coming here has been achieved, I will not blame this matter, I hope you will take a step back, how about letting me go?" Qin Honglie said somewhat vaguely.

However, his tongue has been bitten off a lot by himself, and it is already very good to be able to speak. Although there is a bit of a big tongue, it is still forgivable.

At the same time, he also knew that there was no way to go on like this, and, if he didn't listen, he would really be consumed to death by this guy.Therefore, he intends to pretend to compromise, and then wait for the opportunity to attack him in the future.

However, Zhang Cheng was not a fool either, he knew what Qin Honglie was up to better than anyone else.

Moreover, he also knew about his mastery of soul attack, so no matter from which aspect, Zhang Cheng couldn't let him go.

However, he wanted to use his tricks and kill this old boy in one fell swoop.

"Okay, I can take a step back, but I don't trust you. If you really want to reconcile, let me slash you with a knife, so that I can rest assured that you are injured." Zhang Cheng couldn't help but think of you. With the ability of the Huben knife, if the knife is cut well, then this old boy will definitely be sucked into the flesh immediately.

And I can also use Qin Honglie to improve a realm, and perhaps break through the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop.

"It's not good. If you attack me after slashing me, who am I going to ask for reason?" Qin Honglie is also an old stick, so he can naturally hear the trap in Zhang Cheng's words, so how can he agree.

"If you won't let me slash, I don't trust you, and if I slash you, you don't trust me. If that's the case, there's nothing we can do. Let's continue." Zhang Cheng still has a lot of strength at the moment, and, He still has a lot of Huiyuan Dan, even if it takes another month, he can afford it, so he is not in a hurry.

"This..." Qin Honglie saw that the situation he had created with great difficulty was about to reach a stalemate, so he couldn't help saying: "Otherwise, I can swear by my inner demon, as long as you stop, I won't attack you again ,what do you think?"

However, Zhang Cheng's answer was beyond his expectation: "I'm still worried. Just because you said you didn't do anything to us, doesn't mean you can't let others do something to us. It can be seen that you are a wolf with ambition. So, I disagree."

"Then what do you want?" Qin Honglie didn't expect Zhang Cheng to be able to see what he was thinking, and asked such a question while feeling depressed.

"You said so, but I thought of it. I can also swear by my demons. I will only cut you once, and only cut off your arm, and then I will not do you any harm. What do you think?" Zhang Cheng Said.

"This..." Qin Honglie was at a loss for words. How could he have thought that Zhang Cheng would use his own method to defeat his army. For a while, he didn't know whether to agree or not.

"It seems that you will not agree. If this is the case, then we will continue to consume it." After speaking, Zhang Cheng took out a bottle of Huiyuan Pill, and there were at least fifty or sixty pieces in it, and then he was in Qin Honglie's He poured out a piece of food under his gaze, and his true essence immediately recovered.

Seeing this scene, Qin Honglie immediately widened his eyes. He still has pills to restore his cultivation, but he doesn't have any pills to restore his cultivation.

If it is really exhausted, he may still have to finish the game.


Online Game Star Luck Against the Heavens

[A very YY novel!A heaven-defying holy weapon!A strong man who can create brilliance! 】

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