"Zhao Hu, how do you grill your fish? The seasoning you use is similar to mine. Why is the taste of my grilled fish so different from what you think?" Zhao Pu swallowed all the fish in the lotus leaf in one go. , after pondering for a while, asked curiously.

"Hehe, in fact, seasoning is only second to barbecue. The key is to grasp the heat. When and what ingredients should be put in are all particular. It’s old, and besides, the quality of the meat is different, and the heat is different. To put it bluntly, this barbecue is actually an art.” Zhang Cheng is an expert in this field, and what he said sounds like nonsense, but it fell to Zhao Pu. But it was different in his ears, and even made him feel suddenly enlightened.

Originally, when he grilled meat, he just followed a certain method, no matter whether it was grilling fish or other things, it was the same. Now he understands and agrees with Zhang Cheng's words that grilling meat is also an art.

"Then Zhao Hu, you have to promise me one thing, teach me the method of grilling fish, because after eating your grilled fish, I feel that what I grilled before is simply bad food, hard to swallow. "Zhao Pu said as he cut off another piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

"Hehe, what to teach or not, just to learn from each other." Zhang Cheng is very happy to learn cooking skills with others. After all, there is no limit to the world of cooking...

At the same time, Wu Ji and Wu Lie were constantly searching in the endless sea, but Zhang Cheng and the others seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and they couldn't be found after searching for a whole day.

When the sun was about to set, Wu Ji also stopped, and said strangely: "It's really crazy, we have searched all the routes leading to the Lingling Continent, Qianyuan Continent and Huntian Continent. But there is no sign of them, so where can they go?"

"Master, could it be that they really didn't go into the sea?" Wu Lie speculated.

"No, if they hadn't gone into the sea, our people must have spotted him long ago, but no, so they must have gone into the sea, but, apart from these three continents, they have no other places to go, How could there be no shadow of them?" Wu Ji frowned, he was puzzled by this point.

"Then could they have already been swallowed?" Wu Lie guessed again.

"It's not very likely. We didn't encounter wrecks of ships along the way, so there is almost no chance of them being killed." Although Wu Ji said so, he didn't want to think so in his heart, because once Zhang Cheng was killed by a sea beast If he swallowed it, then he would not be able to obtain the attack method of soul attack.

"Then is it possible that they went to a small island to hide, so we couldn't find them?" Wu Lie felt that if they really went into the sea, then there would only be Ji Ling, Qian Yuan and Hun The sky continent can go, other than that, only some isolated islands in the sea can hide.

As for not taking these routes, he never thought about it, because no one would dare to do so. After all, the endless sea area is really too big. Once lost, the consequences would be disastrous.

Moreover, the number of sea beasts on these three routes is the least. If you take other routes, you will definitely encounter more powerful sea beasts. With their cultivation, it is definitely impossible to escape.

"It's possible, and it's very possible!" Hearing Wu Lie's guess, Wu Ji's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Do you know any islands nearby?"

"This, I really don't know!" Although Wu Lie grew up by the sea, he really doesn't know what islands are nearby, and he has never heard of it from his parents.

"Trash, you don't even know about this matter, so what are you doing with me?" Wu Ji scolded angrily. If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have brought such a burden.

"..." Wu Lie was speechless for a while, he knew that Wu Ji was in a hurry, so he would not be so stupid as to hit the gun, so he consciously closed his mouth.

"I wanted to count on you to make me relax, but it seems that I can't count on you." Although Wu Ji was helpless, he couldn't just leave, so he could only bite the bullet and explore the nearby sea area.


On Wuming Island, Zhang Cheng and the others have lived for two days. During these two days, whenever they ate, Zhao Pu stayed next to Zhang Cheng to "discuss" cooking skills with him. For the rest of the time, Zhang Cheng Take some time to study his Earth Shaking Fist.

After all, before there were only three types of real essence in his body, the Earth Shaking Fist had developed the Fire Dragon Break, Earth Dragon Shield, and Wood Dragon Guardian, which was enough.

However, now there are two more types, gold and water, so he sees if he can create these two sets of boxing techniques, and in the rest of the time, he starts to delve into matters related to formation techniques.

Now he regrets a little, why he didn't remember to study it when he was in the foreign space, and wasted so many years of time, even imagining it made him very distressed.

Zhang Chengcheng thought that they could just stay in this place for ten days and a half months, and when the limelight passed, they could return to the Xuanchi Continent. Simple and a little depressed, and my mind is always restless.

Zhang Cheng had this feeling before, that was the last time ASRock returned and almost killed himself.

Almost subconsciously, he thought that there might be some danger, so he gathered a few of them together, planning to leave this small island and return to the Xuanchi Continent.Anyway, Li Long and the others had already mastered the breath-holding formula. Although they might encounter some troubles when they went back at this time, the problems were not too big.

"What's the matter Zhang Cheng?" Li Long asked puzzled.

"I have a premonition that something big is going to happen soon, so I can't stay here anymore, I have to leave immediately." Zhang Cheng said as he took out the flying sword, and then asked them to put it on the flying sword.

"It's not Zhang Cheng. There's no need to be so nervous. I think it's because you've been too nervous these days, so you must have misunderstood the illusion." Li Long didn't believe in any hunch. When Qin Honglie captured him, why didn't he realize his premonition.

"Don't talk too much, just go up if you tell them, that's so much nonsense!" Zhang Cheng didn't bother to explain to them, and he felt more and more uneasy in his heart, he was afraid that if he wanted to leave later, it would be too late.

"Okay, okay, I'm going up, I'm going up." Although Li Long used the flying sword under Zhang Cheng's coercion, he still felt that Zhang Cheng was too nervous.

However, Zhao Pu doesn't think so. He has heard that some people with advanced cultivation bases have a premonition, and they can often realize the feeling when danger is approaching. Moreover, it seems that Zhang Cheng's nervous appearance does not seem to be Joke.

Therefore, he jumped directly onto Feijian.

However, at the moment when they all raised their flying swords, a terrifying soul coercion came from the sky and enveloped them directly.

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