{The cold is getting worse, it’s still the fourth watch today, and the eighth watch tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I have a terrible headache, sorry. }

"It turns out that you are hiding in this place, and it took me a long time to look for it. Since I have discovered you, then you will stay with me." A voice came from all directions with boundless momentum, which made their eardrums hurt.

"It's really here." Li Long was a little surprised. After all, he had always thought that Zhang Cheng was overly nervous, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Moreover, he still regrets it now. If he had listened to Zhang Cheng's words and jumped on Feijian, they might have escaped by now.

"You go first, their target is me, I will lure them away." Zhang Cheng did this not because of his righteousness, nor because he was not afraid of death, but because he knew that Wu Ji and the others would treat them. People pursued him so hard, it was all because of his "Nine Dragon Thorn".

In other words, their main target was themselves, and Li Long and the others were only implicated by themselves.

Now that they have been discovered, no matter what, they can't let him go, so he doesn't want to hurt them, so he decides to separate from them, at least they can survive.

Moreover, without their burden, he would not necessarily die.

"No, let's go together, we can't leave you alone." Li Long knew that Zhang Cheng wanted to sacrifice himself to protect them, but Zhang Cheng and the others had done enough, he couldn't let Zhang Cheng sacrifice for them anymore .

"Let's go." After speaking, Zhang Cheng gave Fei Jian an order to fly to Chaoxuanchi Continent, and then he himself flew in the opposite direction.

"Old bastard, come and chase me if you want the method of soul attack." Zhang Cheng yelled at them, and then Shi unfolded "Nine Dragon Dance" and plunged directly towards the bottom of the sea.

Although he doesn't know how high the cultivation base of the person who came to chase him is, but from the previous coercion, it can be seen that this person's cultivation base must be much higher than his own, and if he meets him head-on, it is very likely that he will Died badly.

Moreover, if he was flying in the air, his speed would not be as fast as the opponent's, and he would have to be caught sooner or later.So, after thinking about many possibilities, he chose the sea.

After all, there is water resistance in the sea, even if the person's cultivation base is very high and his speed is fast, he will still be affected to a certain extent.Moreover, there are powerful sea beasts in the endless sea, maybe he can escape with those sea beasts.

"Stop going!" Wu Ji saw Zhang Cheng's intentions, how could he let him go, grabbed his big hand, and suddenly a terrifying force emanated from his hand, and the surrounding air immediately turned into a huge palm, facing towards Zhang Cheng. He caught Zhang Cheng in the air where he fell.

However, he was still one step too late, because Zhang Cheng had already dived into the sea water.

Seeing this, Wu Ji raised his brows, his heart skipped a beat, and the spiritual energy in his body was output suddenly. The palm suddenly became ten times bigger, directly covering a piece of sea area, and then he grabbed it directly towards the sea water.

Immediately, he grabbed that sea area directly, and in an instant, a deep pit with a size of tens of meters appeared on the sea surface.

Because Wu Ji's movements were too fast, the surrounding seawater didn't have time to recharge, making the deep pit last for several seconds before disappearing.

However, it's a pity that Zhang Cheng seemed to have turned into a loach after he got into the water, and he didn't catch him under his grasp.

"Useless struggle, let's go!" Wu Ji said disdainfully, and then he took Wu Lie and followed Zhang Cheng into the sea water.

"No, I'm going to help him!" Li Long was about to jump off the flying sword, but Ye Ling and Zhao Pu held him back.

"Long, don't go, I don't want you to leave me." Ye Ling hugged Li Long's waist, and said nothing to let Li Long leave. She knew the other person's cultivation level, if Li Long went, then there would be nothing wrong with sending him to death. different.

And Zhao Pu did not let go of his intentions, persuading: "I know you are impatient, but you have to know that he did this for us. If you go, wouldn't it be a waste of his painstaking efforts. Besides, the other party His strength is so strong, you will go up to die even if you go, it will not be of much help at all. Moreover, without our dragging, maybe he can save the day, so you still listen to me and stay here."

"But..." Li Long understood this truth, but he felt very uncomfortable seeing Zhang Cheng bear all these by himself.

"Don't worry, let's go back first and find a safe place to wait for him. I believe that he will be fine." Zhao Pu saw that Zhang Cheng was not a short-lived person, so he felt that this time Zhang Cheng could also Turn bad luck into good luck.

"This... can only be done first." Li Long sighed and said helplessly.

At the same time, after entering the sea, Zhang Cheng suddenly discovered that his "Nine Dragon Dance" could be used even on the bottom of the sea. When "Nine Dragon Dance" was cast, he could clearly feel everything around his body, and the speed was also very fast. fast.

It was also because of "Nine Dragon Dance" that he narrowly avoided Wu Ji's inevitable blow.

At this moment, he ran even more desperately, because he knew that the master he was facing this time was no longer something he could fight against, and the only way to gain a chance was to escape.

"Wu Lie, you and I chase separately." Their speed was seriously affected in the sea water, and due to the effect of inertia, his body was not so easy to control on the sea surface, so he almost caught Zhang Cheng a few times He stayed, but he escaped again.

Seeing this, Wu Ji wondered why this kid seemed to have changed into a different person when he entered the water, and his flexibility was like a fish living in the water, which really made him depressed for a long time.

Therefore, he felt that it was not an option to continue like this, so he planned to pursue separately with Wu Lie.

But how dare Wu Lie, where is this place, the bottom of the sea, the bottom of the sea is the world of sea beasts, if he encounters a powerful sea beast by himself, there is no way for him to escape.Therefore, he did not pursue Zhang Cheng from another direction according to Wu Ji's words, but followed Wu Ji closely.

However, this situation made Wu Ji speechless for a while, but he also had nothing to do with this kid.

"Boy, don't run away, you can't escape." Wu Ji didn't dare to swim too fast now, because of his habit, whenever he was about to catch Zhang Cheng, he only had to change direction , he will rush out all the way.

Therefore, now he can only maintain a speed slightly faster than Zhang Cheng's line, and then follow closely behind him, intending to die with Zhang Cheng, he still doesn't believe it, he is a majestic mid-stage avatar, and he can't be exhausted. A mid-Golden Core doll.

Zhang Cheng ignored him, but he also knew that going on like this was not an option, but now his mind was blank, his mind was highly concentrated, and he was afraid that they would catch him if he was distracted.But this time is different from the past, once he is caught this time, then waiting for his final death is probably a good ending.

Therefore, he couldn't stop, and he didn't dare to stop.

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