{I'm sorry, it's only seven shifts today, and the one shift I owe will be made up tomorrow. Hey, I quarreled with my girlfriend again, so I'll fuck it up. }

On the second floor, after searching for a while, I saw a door with the word "Heaven" written on it. Just as Zhang Cheng was about to knock on the door, the door was opened directly.

"Come in." The previous voice sounded again, but this time it didn't come from their hearts, but from their ears.

Zhang Cheng looked inside suspiciously, and then walked in together with Li Long and the others. After they entered, the door closed suddenly, and then a white-haired old man walked out from inside.

This person was wearing a cloth robe, with his hands behind his back, walked up to Zhang Cheng and the others, waved his hands and said, "Sit!"

Zhang Cheng saw that although this person was dressed in ordinary clothes, there was a powerful aura exuding from his whole body, which was completely a powerful aura possessed by a superior person, which made Zhang Cheng dare not look directly at him.

This is not the first time Zhang Cheng has seen such a powerful master. His master is such a master. He has even seen masters in the Tribulation Stage, such as Liu Jing and Xue Biao.

However, this is the first time I feel this strong sense of oppression.

Then, Zhang Cheng and the others sat down at the table according to the old man's words.

"My name is Wu Dao, and you can call me Senior Wu." The man introduced himself after sitting down, and then asked directly, "How many of you are going to Spirit Continent?"

"If you go back to Senior Wu, the three of us will go." Zhang Cheng said respectfully.

"Our reward is that escorting a person is a magic weapon of the seventh grade of spiritual energy, or a magic weapon of the seventh grade of spiritual level. What are you going to use to pay for it? Cultivation method or magic weapon?" Wu Dao asked.

"Baby!" Zhang Cheng replied.

"Yes!" As he said, Wu Dao took out three scrolls, unfolded them one by one and laid them on the table.

There are many strange symbols painted on these scrolls, Zhang Cheng doesn't know them at all, he only knows the big "deed" written in the middle of the scrolls.

On the outermost layer of the scroll, there are four empty spaces, three of which have been written with the names of three people, one of which is the Wu Dao in front of him, and the other two are You Long and Bi Yun. .

There was no name to fill in the remaining vacancy, which was obviously for Zhang Cheng and the others to fill in.

"This contract is called the Great Contract of Heaven and Earth. It is currently the highest-level contract in the cultivation world. Once the contract is established, we will form a temporary contract of equality with you. That is to say, we cannot have unfavorable thoughts against you. Once one of them violates the contract, he will be punished by heaven and earth, and he will die without a place to die, so you can rest assured." Wudao replied.

"The Great Contract of Heaven and Earth?" Zhang Cheng looked at Wu Dao suspiciously. It wasn't that Zhang Cheng didn't believe his words, but that this matter was related to their wealth and life. He didn't dare to joke, so he asked about the situation through the contract. Let's talk about Xiangtian.

"This person is right. The Great Contract of Heaven and Earth is actually an upgraded version of an equal contract. It can be signed by multiple people. Moreover, after signing, the signers will be bound by the power of heaven and earth. Once signed, unless all signers voluntarily cancel it at the same time. , otherwise they won't be able to cause any harm to you." Xiang Tian replied.

"So, can you trust them?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"It's hard to say, I have to look at the contract, after all, if the scroll describing the contract is wrong, then there is no such binding force!" Xiang Tian replied.

"Then what should I do?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"The opponent's strength is too strong. If I appear rashly, I will be discovered by him. If you do this, take that scroll and have a look, and then when he is not paying attention, touch the scroll with the ring, so that I can detect it. Find out if he is a fake!" Xiang Tian said again.

"Okay!" After speaking, Zhang Cheng responded, and then said to Wu Dao: "Senior Wu, can I take it over and have a look?"

"Anything you want." Wu Dao waved his hand, looking very generous.

Zhang Cheng was also polite, reached out to pick up a scroll, looked at it carefully, and then pretended to scan the scroll with his ring inadvertently, and then Xiang Tian's voice came from Zhang Cheng's mind: "This Zhang is real."

"Hmm!" After speaking, Zhang Cheng picked up the other two cards according to the previous method, and finally let Xiang Tian confirm that they are all true.

"If there is no problem, just write your names with your blood!" Wu Dao replied.

"Okay!" As he said, Zhang Cheng nodded to Li Long and Ye Ling, then bit his own finger, and wrote his name on the scroll.

However, at this time, Li Long and Ye Ling did not move for a long time, and their expressions were a little embarrassed. They didn't know whether to write or not to write. After all, once they were written down, the magic weapon of the seventh rank of the spirit level would be gone. .

"Zhang Cheng, I think we're not going!" Li Long said hesitantly.

"Okay Li Long, if you are a man, hurry up, don't be like a little woman, write it down." Zhang Cheng patted Li Long's shoulder and said.

"Boy, you just listen to him, you don't think about yourself, you have to think about that girl." Zhao Pu persuaded.

"Okay, I'll write it!" As he spoke, he and Ye Ling looked at each other, and then they wrote their names respectively.

After a while, the symbols on the three scrolls slowly flew out of the scrolls, and then turned into four rays of light, two of which shot into the eyebrows of Zhang Cheng and Wu Dao respectively, and the other two shot into the eyebrows of Zhang Cheng and Wu Dao. to a room next to it.

The scrolls of Li Long and Ye Ling soon also underwent such changes.

"The contract is complete, you can give me the magic weapon!" Wu Dao put away the three scrolls and said.

"Okay!" As he spoke, Zhang Cheng took out three magic weapons of the seventh-rank spiritual level, handed them to Wu Dao, and asked, "By the way, Senior Wu, when are we going to leave?"

"It's up to you. When you are ready, you can just notify us through the contract. We can [-]% at any time." Wu Dao replied.

"Then choosing the day is worse than hitting the day, that's today." Zhang Cheng couldn't wait any longer, so he said it without thinking.

"Okay, I'll go get ready and meet at the pier at noon!" Wu Dao said bluntly.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng responded, then got up and left the room, looked around and guessed that it was noon, and Zhang Cheng suggested: "Uncle Zhao, how about we go have a drink?"

"Okay, I'll see you off." To be honest, Zhao Pu was really reluctant. Although they didn't know each other for a long time, he had a very happy time with these little guys.

Now that I heard that they were leaving, I couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.

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