At noon that day, Zhang Cheng, Li Long and Zhao Pu finished drinking, and then a group of people came to the pier outside Wuling City. At this moment, there was a luxurious big boat parked on the pier, and several old men stood on it, one of them was It was Wu Dao who had talked with Zhang Cheng and the others before.

The other two people's clothes are very similar to Wu Dao's, they are very ordinary clothes, but Zhang Cheng knows that those two people should be the other two people who signed the contract on the Heaven and Earth Dao, You Long and Bi Yun.

Moreover, the cultivation base of the two of them is definitely not much lower than that of Wu Dao next to them, and they should also be masters in the fusion period.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng knew that they were ready, which meant that he should go too, so he turned around and looked at Zhao Pu, who was drinking a lot, and said, "Uncle Zhao, we are going to Now go, you have to take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of myself, you go, go." Zhao Pu waved his hands and forced a smile, but he felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

After these few days of thinking, he untied the knot that had troubled him for many years, and, being with them, his heart seemed to be decades younger.

It's just that the beautiful days always pass too quickly, and they will be separated in a blink of an eye.

"Hmm!" Zhang Cheng didn't know what to say, he hated this parting scene the most, so he nodded and turned to board the boat.

And Li Long and Ye Ling also spend more time with Zhao Pu, so the relationship between them is deeper.However, at this moment, they didn't know what to say, and they always felt that no matter what they said at this moment, it was inappropriate, so the two stood in front of Zhao Pu, looked at him, and didn't say a word for a long time.

"Okay, don't look like this, get on the boat quickly, don't make people wait." Zhao Pu said with a smile.

"En!" Li Long and Ye Ling responded, then turned and walked towards the clothes, but after walking a few steps, they turned around and looked at Zhao Pu reluctantly.

"Go, go!" Zhao Pu waved his hands at them, his face was still full of smiles, but the corners of his eyes couldn't help getting wet.

In this way, the two people reluctantly boarded the boat.

"Start the boat!" Wu Dao didn't have the time to take care of them. Seeing Zhang Cheng and the others boarded the boat, he yelled this, and then the three of them went down into the cabin together.

But Zhang Cheng and the others stood on the deck and looked at Zhao Pu's direction, and Zhao Pu did not leave for a long time, until the shadow of the ship completely disappeared from his eyes, he looked away.

"I hope you are all well!" Zhao Pu sighed. He knew that this was probably the last time they would see each other.

After speaking, he dragged a somewhat lonely figure and left the pier.

Zhang Cheng had never been on a boat, not even a boat in a small river. This time, it could be said that it was his first time to take a boat, but it was on the sea, which made him a little excited.

After recovering from the emotion of parting, he stood on the facing deck and looked into the distance.

He knew that the direction they were driving at the moment was the direction of the Silent Spirit Continent, and when he thought about returning to the Silent Spirit Continent, his mood was hard to calm down.

"Zhang Cheng, tell me, after we leave, can we come back?" Li Long walked to Zhang Cheng's side, with a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Don't worry, you can come back. When your cultivation base is high and you are no longer afraid of any threats, you can come back at any time." Zhang Cheng glanced at Li Long and said seriously.

"But, can I really achieve that kind of cultivation?" Li Long didn't think so far at all. He just wanted to stay with Ye Ling in his previous cultivation, or he didn't pursue such a strong strength in his cultivation. , I just want to live longer and spend more time with Ye Ling.

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said now, he felt that such a thing was too far away from him, too far away, to the point that he might not be able to reach such a point in his life.

"Don't be discouraged. The most feared thing in this world is the word seriousness. As long as you are serious, there is nothing you can't do. Why, don't you believe in yourself?" Zhang Cheng asked back.

"I haven't thought about these things..." Li Long paused, and then said: "Zhang Cheng, I have something to ask you, I wonder if I can say it?"

"Tell me and listen." Zhang Cheng nodded and said.

"I want to follow you, go through some hardships with you, sharpen my mind, and improve my cultivation!" Li Long replied seriously.

"Why did you suddenly have such an idea?" Zhang Cheng didn't expect Li Long to say such a sentence, but he could hear the persistence in Li Long's heart.

"This idea did not arise suddenly. I had this idea after Ye Ling was arrested. At that time, I thought, if my cultivation level is higher, maybe Ye Ling will not be arrested by Qin Honglie. So , I want to create a safer environment for Ye Ling, and this environment requires a strong support." Li Long said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng knew that what happened to Qin Honglie had caused a lot of psychological shadow on Li Long, and at the same time, it also made him truly awakened. The whole person seemed to be reborn, with more firmness and confidence than before.

"How is it?" Seeing that Zhang Cheng didn't answer his words, Li Long couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Why do you think that being with me can sharpen your mind and improve your cultivation?" Zhang Cheng didn't answer him directly, but asked this question.

"Because I believe that following you, I will become stronger." Li Long said seriously.

"Are you really willing to leave your Ling?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

"This..." Li Long didn't think about it, so he asked, "Why do I practice with you, and do I want to leave Ye Ling?"

"Nonsense, is it possible that you want to take her through danger with you?" Zhang Cheng said angrily.

"This is also..."

"Okay, think about it again, and come to me when you think it through!" Seeing that Li Long was still hesitant, Zhang Cheng interrupted him.

"That...well, I'll think about it again." Li Long nodded when he heard Zhang Cheng say this. He didn't think so much before, he just wanted to improve his cultivation so that he could protect Ye Ling later.

But when he heard that he was going to leave Ye Ling, his heart couldn't help but pause, and then there was a burst of reluctance...

At this moment, a terrifying force emanated from the cabin, and then directly pressed towards the water. Suddenly, Zhang Chengcheng felt the waves under the boat suddenly increased a little, and then returned to calm again.

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