At this moment, Zhang Cheng happened to be at the bow of the boat, and he saw a black shadow fleeing at a very fast speed under the water. It can be seen that there happened to be a sea beast trying to attack them just now, but it was scared by the three masters. Ran.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. With the existence of these masters, it would not be a problem to return to the Silent Spirit Continent. Then he looked around.

Generally speaking, the sea is gentle in people's eyes, because under normal circumstances, it is calm in people's eyes. When you look at it at a glance, you can see a calm scene.

But at the same time, the sea is crazy, because under the illusion of calm, there are countless undercurrents and crises hidden. No one dares to underestimate it, and those who underestimate him always pay a painful price.

And when the storm is approaching, the sea will show its truest side to people, with huge waves as high as hundreds of feet, strong wind, heavy rain, lightning and thunder...

At that time, huge waves of hundreds of feet can easily destroy ships sailing in the sea, and the power of nature will be fully interpreted at this moment, making it impossible for people to control.

But at this moment, Zhang Cheng and the others are in an unfortunate situation. The sky is overcast with clouds, and an electric snake shuttles back and forth in the depths of the dark clouds. From time to time, it makes a few loud roars, as if to tell the people below that they are already angry. up.

The sea breeze was no longer so gentle at this moment, it became violent, and the sea water was mixed with it like bullets, shooting at the people on board, causing them to scream in agony.

The sea wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the waves are getting higher and higher. At this moment, their ship looks a little insignificant in the face of the almost crazy sea, and it seems that it will be swallowed by the huge waves at any time.

Not only that, the sea beasts who were afraid of the aura of the three masters of the fusion period and disappeared for a long time also started to move at this moment, patronizing the place where they are at the moment, wanting to use their hard dorsal fin Cut the ship in half.

However, Zhang Cheng was not worried at all, because there were three masters at the combined stage on this ship. With them sitting in command, the sea beasts were already scared away before they approached, making them in a state of absolute safety.

Now, instead of worrying that the sea beast would ignore them, they worried that the boat would be destroyed by the monstrous waves. After all, the scene outside was too scary.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng and Li Long were sitting in the cabin, roasting the sea fish they caught before with a small fire, and the fragrance filled the whole cabin, making them very comfortable.

"Zhang Cheng, to be honest, although I was born next to the Endless Sea, this is the first time I have gone out to sea, and before, I only thought that the most terrifying thing in the Endless Sea were sea beasts, but now it seems that the truly terrifying thing is the Endless Sea itself. I didn’t believe what others said before, but now I have seen it.” Li Long sighed.

He used to look at the sea from the beach, and what he saw was mostly a calm sea. Occasionally, he saw a tsunami once or twice, but because he was on land, he couldn't feel the horror of the sea.

At this moment, they are in the middle of the sea, feeling the huge waves around them, and the sense of helplessness that their lives are out of their control. Only then did he truly realize the horror of the sea, and at the same time understand that some old people Said about the sea.

"This is natural. You must know that sea beasts live in the endless sea. No matter how powerful they are, they can only jump in the sea. Once they leave the sea, they are nothing. Do you think the sea can be powerful? ?” Zhang Cheng nodded and replied.

"But, will this boat be scattered by this wave?" Ye Ling couldn't help worrying.

"Probably not. I think this ship is specially made and very hard. Moreover, there are three masters on board. They will not let the rumors fall apart, so we don't have to worry about it at all." Li Long replied. road.

"Come, eat." Zhang Cheng said this, then picked up the grilled sea fish, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Nothing happened overnight, and early the next morning, the sky had cleared up, and the originally angry sea calmed down his anger and returned to its previous calm.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng stood on the deck and looked around from a distance. He found that there was not even a small island in the surroundings except water, and there was no edge in the distance.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng once again felt the vastness of the sea, and he couldn't help but feel his heart rising with the sea, getting bigger and wider, and feeling extremely comfortable.

However, when he turned around, he found that at some point, the three masters at the fusion stage all walked out of the cabin, stood on the top of the boat and looked into the distance, with a little dignified expression on their faces.

"What's wrong with the three seniors?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously felt that something was wrong, so he asked.

"Go back to the cabin immediately, and don't come out without our order!" Wu Dao looked down at Zhang Cheng, and didn't answer his question, but said this.

"Yes!" Although Zhang Cheng didn't know what happened, his heart sank seeing that they were so cautious, and he took Li Long and Ye Ling back to the cabin.

However, before closing the door, Zhang Cheng looked towards the place the three of them were looking at, and saw a dark shadow far away. Seeing this, Zhang Cheng knew that trouble was coming.

As the ship moved, the black shadow got closer and bigger, and finally changed from a small point to the size of a hill.

Zhang Cheng saw through the crack of the door that it was a huge whale. At this moment, he seemed to be basking in the sun on the sea, and he didn't seem to notice the appearance of their ship, because after the ship approached here, it didn't have any movement.

"It's so big!" Ye Ling in the cabin shouted in surprise, seeing such a big sea beast for the first time.

"Don't talk!" However, at this moment, Wu Dao's voice sounded in Zhang Cheng's mind. Hearing his words, Ye Ling immediately closed her mouth and didn't dare to yell again.

"Senior, what's going on?" Zhang Cheng asked directly through the contract signed before.

"This is a toothed whale, a Neptune-class sea beast. It is resting at the moment. If we wake it up, it will attack us, and then we will be in trouble." Wu Dao replied.

"My God, how come there are sea king-level sea beasts here?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

You must know that a Neptune-level sea beast is on the same level as a master in the fusion stage, and at this moment in the sea, a sea king-level sea beast is much stronger than a master in the fusion stage.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng can also understand why they did this. After all, it is a very unwise choice to offend a sea king-level sea beast in the sea.

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