"It's a coincidence that what we have mastered is exactly how to enter the Tianxuan Emperor's ruins, but we don't know the exact location of Ling Haishan. It seems that we can't do without cooperation." Li Wuqing replied embarrassingly.

"I think what you know should be obtained from the Tianxuan Baojian. For the sake of sincerity, you should take out the Tianxuan Baojian and let us have a look at the information on it, so that we can also be sure that you will not have What happened to us." Dan Chenzi replied.

"I can agree to this, but I have a premise, that is, I also want to read that map." Li Wuqing replied.

"Yes, but not now. I can't let you know where Ling Haishan is before we really determine how to enter. Go in by yourself, then I'll go find someone to reason with." Dan Chenzi shook his head and said with no doubt.

"Okay, I knew you couldn't trust me. If that's the case, I'll let you see it first." After speaking, Li Wuqing took out the Tianxuan Baojian, and said: "Put your spiritual consciousness into it , you can know how to enter the ruins, and some information related to the ruins, after reading it, show me the map."

The Tianxuan Baojian looks like a disc made of unknown materials, with complex and profound patterns engraved on it, and these patterns are still shining, as if they are alive.

"Let me take a look first." As he said that, Dan Chenzi put his consciousness into it, and a message was released from the Tianxuan Baojian, and Dan Chenzi immediately understood how to enter the Tianxuan Emperor's relic.

However, after knowing it, he lamented in his heart the powerful methods of Emperor Tianxuan, who was able to move all the mountains in the extreme northern land into the void, that is to say, these mountains did not move, and remained in place. It's just that the mountain has entered the void, so people can't see or touch it.

And if you want to enter it, you have to pass through the Tianxuan Baojian, because this can directly open the void to summon the gate of the ruins, and then through the gate, you can directly enter the ruins.

However, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the Tianxuan Baojian must be used near the ruins, only in this way can it work, otherwise, Li Wuqing and the others would have already entered the ruins.

Seeing this, Dan Chenzi cried out inwardly, fortunately, he was careful and didn't let him look at the map directly, otherwise, it would be bad if Li Wuqing saw the address of the ruins.

You must know that the Tianxuan Baojian is equivalent to the key to enter the ruins, without it, no one can enter.And this key is in Li Wuqing's hands at the moment, if he really throws people like himself and enters the ruins, then he really has no way to stop it.

"Okay, can you show us the map now?" Li Wuqing replied.

"Still not!" Dan Chenzi replied.

"Dan Chenzi, don't bully people too much!" Li Wuqing said angrily.

"Li Wuqing, don't play tricks on me. Why don't I let you see? You should be very clear. This Xuantian Baojian is like the key to enter the ruins, and this thing is in your hands. Tell me, if I tell you The specific location, you dumped us, who do I go to reason with?" Dan Chenzi said, ignoring Li Wuqing's anger.

He didn't dare to be careless, after all, the relics of Emperor Tianxuan are too important, and the situation is so special, if he doesn't pay attention, he will be fooled by Li Wuqing, so he must be cautious Be careful and be careful,

"Then what do you want?" Li Wuqing looked at Dan Chenzi coldly and said, in his opinion, they had agreed before, and now Dan Chenzi suddenly repented, which was simply an insult to him.

However, the map is in his hands, and he has to cooperate with it, so he can only take a step back. As for what he has endured at this moment, he will settle it with Dan Chenzi in the ruins.

"It's very simple, you swear by your demons, and we will explore the ruins together. Before entering the ruins, you can't play any tricks, otherwise you will die of madness. Only in this way, I can let you see the map." Dan Chenzi replied.

"Don't bully people too much!" Li Wuqing said coldly with a cold expression. It was obvious that he was very dissatisfied with Dan Chenzi's actions.

"Am I deceiving people too much? You know for yourself that the reputation of your Yin Yang Demon Sect is really not good. Therefore, in order to make me feel at ease before entering, you still swear by your demon. Otherwise, the cooperation will be over. "Dan Chenzi replied incredulously.

"Don't think that you have this map and you will be able to eat us. Let me tell you, even if we don't have your map, we can still find the ruins. Don't forget, the land of the extreme north is so big. After looking through it again, I don't believe I can't find it." Li Feng couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily.

"Hehe, indeed, you can do this, but you have to think clearly, although the land of the extreme north is not big, it is not small. If you want to search all of them, it will take at least a few decades. But, as long as you give In just one day, I can let the entire cultivation world know about it."

"At that time, if you don't explain this matter clearly, I think the foundation of your Yin-Yang Demon Sect will be uprooted in less than a month, so you should think clearly before making a decision." Said without flinching.

"Are you threatening me?" Li Wuqing's face darkened. He has not been threatened by a person whose cultivation level is not as good as his. This makes him feel very bad. He just wants to kill people. .

"If you think so, then I'm threatening you. You don't have to agree, and I won't force you." Dan Chenzi knew that he couldn't show weakness in this matter. For their benefit, he had to offend Li Wuqing.

"Okay, very good." Li Wuqing sneered and shouted this sentence. Although he didn't say a few words, his mood was already written on his face.

However, although he was very angry, he still understood the seriousness of this matter.

If he really did what Dan Chenzi said, even if he got many magic weapons and exercises in the Tianxuan Emperor's ruins, he would become a street mouse by then, and everyone would shout and beat him.

By then, his situation will not be good.

In desperation, he had no choice but to swear by the heart demon according to Dan Chenzi's wishes, but his mood was extremely checked, so he secretly decided in his heart to kill the old boy in the ruins.

After all, his oath only said that he would not use tricks before entering the ruins, but he did not say that he would not use tricks after entering the ruins.

Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on Li Wuqing's face, but his smile gave off a cold feeling, which made people feel uncomfortable.

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