{There is still one more update, party, update at eleven o'clock. }

"Very good." With that said, Dan Chenzi took out the map and handed it to Li Wuqing. After he looked at it for a while, the group drove to the place marked on the map, and confirmed that this was exactly where Ling Haishan was. , Li Wuqing took out the Tianxuan Baojian.

As soon as the treasure mirror was taken out, it flew out of Li Wuqing's hand as if it felt something, and then floated in mid-air.

Then a beam of light shot out from the center of the Tianxuan Baojian, like a projector, and then a gate actually slowly emerged from the void under the light of this beam, Zhang Cheng was dumbfounded seeing such a spectacle.

"Okay, the door has been opened, let's go in." Li Wuqing was a gentleman at this time, he didn't go in directly, but said this to Dan Chenzi.

"Then I won't be polite." After speaking, Dan Chenzi was also not polite, and directly led a group of people to the gate, touched it, and found that the gate was actually a real thing, and he was very upset. surprise.

Then, the door was naturally opened.Then, torches lit up on the walls on both sides of the door, illuminating the entire ruins.

"Go!" With that said, Dan Chenzi led the crowd in.

"Let's go in too." As he said that, Li Wuqing led his people in, and after everyone entered, Li Wuqing waved his hand, and the Tianxuan Baojian retracted its light, and then returned to Li Wuqing's hand.

Then, the gate closed automatically, and the scenery outside became farther and farther away, completely disappearing into the darkness before the gate closed.

Just when Dan Chenzi focused all his attention on the gate, Li Wuqing's face suddenly turned cold, and he shot towards Dan Chenzi abruptly.

However, Dan Chenzi had expected that the old guy would attack him at this time, so he was already prepared, and the moment he made a move, Dan Chenzi hid to one side.

However, this time Li Wuqing wanted to put Dan Chenzi to death, and he shot mercilessly. Seeing that one hit missed, he followed up with another blow, and directly hit Dan Chenzi to hide by the side wall.

For some unknown reason, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Dan Chenzi's heart, but just as he had this thought, before he could think about it carefully, he heard Li Wuqing yell, and then he slapped directly at the His face was photographed.

Dan Chenzi could feel that the power contained in his blow was so great that he couldn't hit it head-on with his strength, so he could only withdraw to avoid it.

But at this moment, he has been cornered by Li Wuqing, and there is really no way to retreat.

However, the moment his body touched the wall, the imaginary blocking force did not arise, and half of his body actually went directly into the wall.

This situation gave him a jump, and at the same time, he also understood why the old boy Li Wuqing wanted to kill him in this place, it was premeditated.

He guessed that the space inside the wall might be a trap, and if he entered it by himself, it would definitely not end well.

So he wanted to withdraw his body to avoid Li Wuqing's blow, and then come out from the wall.

However, Li Wuqing managed to force him to this point, how could he let Dan Chenzi escape so easily, so he felt ruthless, and the output of spiritual power suddenly increased several times. Getting stronger and stronger, actually made Dan Chenzi feel that there is no way to retreat.

Without that, he could only bite the bullet and face Li Wuqing head-on. Although he might be seriously injured, compared to the unknown place behind him, it might be better.

Moreover, seeing Li Wuqing forcing himself like this, there must be some other tricks in it.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to go in. Even if he knew that he would not be able to get a good result if he confronted Li Wuqing head-on, but he couldn't just be tricked by him for no reason.

The Sanxian of the Dan Dao Sect saw this scene and wanted to make a move, but the Sanxian of the Yin Yang Demon Sect was not a vegetarian, and several masters of the Sanxian level also fought.

Not only them, the masters of the distracted stage, the out-of-body stage, the Nascent Soul stage, and the Jindan stage all fought together, and the situation became a little chaotic for a while.

Zhang Chengna just came in after thinking about it, and the two parties put on airs. At first, he thought they would cooperate for a while, but now it seems that this is his wishful thinking.

Since he stopped cooperating, there was no need for him to suppress anything, so he turned his eyes to the crowd of Yin Yang Demon Sect.

But he found that the guy from ASRock had disappeared at this moment. He searched around for a long time but couldn't find the shadow of this guy, which made him depressed.

"Zhang Cheng, be careful." At this moment, Gongyang Xinyue saw a Nascent Soul master holding a long knife, rushing towards Zhang Cheng with such force that he seemed to split him in half with a single knife.

This situation also startled Zhang Cheng. Just now, he only paid attention to the whereabouts of that guy from ASRock, and didn't pay attention to other things. At this moment, this guy seemed to have his eye on him, and he took advantage of his distraction to attack him.

However, would Zhang Cheng be afraid?the answer is negative.

With a move in his heart, Zhang Cheng activated the channeling technique, and then a terrifying power erupted from his body.

Immediately, all the masters in the entire ruins, except for the Sanxian masters, were all affected, especially the masters of the Jindan period. They seemed to have seen something terrible, and the whole person was frightened. In situ, a terrified expression appeared on his face.

The Alchemy Dao Sect disciples who fought against them naturally would not be merciful, and almost instantly, all the disciples of the Yin Yang Demon Sect's Golden Core stage were slaughtered.

The situation of Nascent Soul stage masters is not much better. In front of this terrifying force, they are like a small boat in the sea, unable to control their bodies at all, and can only drift with the current.

Zhang Cheng didn't know about the other Nascent Soul stage masters, but the Nascent Soul stage master who killed him must have been lucky, because Zhang Cheng couldn't give him another chance to see the sun the next day.

The tiger ben knife was taken out, and then directly pierced the master of the Nascent Soul stage, and then injected pure power into Zhang Cheng's body.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't use this power to improve his own strength. Besides, this power was just a drop in the bucket for him, and it couldn't improve much at all.

Therefore, he went directly to Gongyang Xinyue and the others, and instilled all this power into Ouyang Qianyun and Xiahou Wan'er.

Immediately, the cultivation of the two of them rose from the mid-stage Golden Core to the late-stage Golden Core, the speed was astonishing.

Then, he aimed at the other masters, and in the blink of an eye, he harvested the lives of several Nascent Soul Stage masters, and the power he got from them was directly infused into the bodies of the three of them, Gongyang Xinyue .

At this moment, the true energy in their bodies has reached the peak, and they can completely break through.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't let them break through. After all, this place was not safe at all, so he used secret methods to temporarily suppress their cultivation base, and then broke through after they went out or when they were temporarily safe.

And Li Wuqing was also affected by Zhang Cheng's power at this moment. After all, his power could stop even a sea beast in the Sea Emperor period, so Li Wuqing was naturally no problem.

However, it is certain that this power will have an impact on Li Wuqing, but the impact on him is not too great.

After all, Li Wuqing's cultivation is there, and this is also the first time Zhang Cheng has used power to fight against the enemy, and his use of power can't be fully utilized like last time, it can only make his movements pause one time.

However, for Zhang Cheng, the pause of his actions may not affect the final result, but for Dan Chenzi, this pause can allow him to do many things.

During this pause, Dan Chenzi withdrew his half body from the wall, came behind Li Wuqing, kicked his ass, and wanted to retaliate in his own way. Treat him and kick him in.

However, Li Wuqing's reaction was really not slow. I was a little surprised that Zhang Cheng had such a strange ability, and at the same time, he avoided Dan Chenzi's kick with a flick of his body, then jumped aside, and took a cautious look at Zhang Cheng. Then he led the crowd towards the front.

He knew that with Zhang Cheng's special ability, their staff must be getting smaller and smaller. By then, their situation will be really dangerous.

Therefore, he can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​dealing with Dan Chenzi and the others, and enter Emperor Tianxuan's ruins first, and then deal with them.

You know, the information about the ruins that he showed to Dan Chenzi before was processed, and he directly erased some of the restrictions, so he didn't find it difficult to kill people like Dan Chenzi .

"It seems that we are giving sex behind the old boy's back." When Dan Chenzi was forced into the position next to him, he knew that the old boy must have done something in the Tianxuan Baojian before. , and did not let him see something important.

Originally, when he planned to cooperate with the old guy Li Wuqing, he secretly warned himself to be more careful and careful, but after working hard for a long time, he was finally raped by him, which made him depressed and regretful at the same time .

If I had known this, I wouldn't have cooperated with them and made the matter public. In this way, they would not benefit the Yin Yang Demon Sect.

"Forget it, master, there is no need for you to be angry with such a villain. I think they may have been fooled." Zhang Cheng expressed his guess.

"How do you say that?" Dan Chenzi didn't understand what Zhang Cheng meant, so he asked.

"When you first came in, you may not have noticed, but I found that the boy from ASRock had disappeared, so I guessed that this boy might have obtained the Tianxuan Baojian first, and then he used Li Ruqing to use it The way to deal with us is to erase some important information, that is to say, Li Wuqing and the others are only in a better situation than us here, as long as we are careful, they will have nothing to do with us." Zhang Cheng replied.

"What else?" Dan Chenzi didn't pay attention to this, because Li Wuqing attacked him as soon as he came in, all his energy was used to parry Li Wuqing's attack, and he didn't notice ASRock Small characters.

"Your boy is right. There was indeed a boy who disappeared after he came in, but I didn't find out how he disappeared." At this time, a Sanxian master stood up and said.

"Uncle Shi, you noticed it too." After hearing what this person said, Dan Chenzi realized that Zhang Cheng's guess might be right. It was hard for him to accept it.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, the inheritance of Emperor Tianxuan is not so easy to get, let's take it one step at a time." The Sanxian continued.

"That's the only way to go." Dan Chenzi said with a sigh.

As for these Sanxians, they are called Dan Ling, his name is Dan Zhuang, his name is Dan Xin, his name is Dan Sheng, and his name is Dan Kun. And Uncle Dankun is an Eight Tribulations Loose Immortal with extremely strong strength.

Zhang Cheng had heard Xiang Tian say before that Sanxian is the strongest master in the cultivation world, and generally speaking, masters who have experienced three or four heavenly calamities are already stronger than masters in the Mahayana stage There are many, seven and eight calamities, that is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

Especially the Eight Tribulations, which can be said to be the most powerful cultivation base in the entire cultivation world.Moreover, the strength of the Eight Tribulations Sanxian is stronger than that of ordinary heavenly immortals. After ascending, he directly ranks among the golden immortals.

Generally speaking, if a cultivator ascends to the Immortal Realm, he can at most reach the Earth Immortal, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation from the heavens for the Loose Immortal.

At that time, when he heard that several Sanxians of the Seven Tribulations and one Sanxian of the Eighth Tribulations made a move, he was startled. It is said that it is inevitable, but it absolutely does not want to fall into the hands of others.

However, in this way, Zhang Cheng saw the determination of the Yin Yang Demon Sect towards this ruin. After all, the only person who could fight against the Bajie Sanxian was the Bajie Sanxian.

"It seems that it is not so easy to get the Profound Sky Sutra this time." Zhang Cheng sighed in his heart, but he also understood that the Profound Sky Sutra is a god-level skill, and he wanted to get it through some experience. The ordeal is worth it.

"By the way, apprentice, what happened to you just now? Why can you exert such a strong deterrent force?" Dan Chenzi asked puzzledly. After all, he didn't teach this thing, so he was a little strange.

"Master, it's a long story, and I'll tell you when I have a chance." It's not that Zhang Cheng didn't want to tell him. The main reason is that this place can be said in the future. This place is not a place to stay for a long time, and it must be done as soon as possible leave.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk, let's go too, don't let them get ahead of you." Dan Kun waved his hand and said.

"Well, I see." After saying that, everyone walked forward.

However, they didn't leave very quickly. After all, they were very unfamiliar with this place. If any restrictions were touched, their situation would be in danger.

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