Alien Madness

Chapter 43

{The collection is more than 400, and it is only 800 or [-] to [-], and the red ticket is more than [-]. It was said before that the collection reached [-] or the red ticket reached [-]. It is not far away now, dare you Dare to let me add more?Dare to collect and vote! }

After returning, Zhang Chengcheng didn't say much, but sat there in a daze. Zhang Fang knew that he was digesting what he told him today, so he didn't bother him.

Moreover, he also felt that Zhang Cheng really needed time to sort it out. After all, there were too many of these things, and they all happened on this day, and no one could bear it.

As for Zhang Xin, he felt that Zhang Cheng was thinking about his mother, so he didn't bother him.

In fact, both of them guessed wrong. Zhang Cheng was wondering why his parents were murdered, vendetta, robbery, or other reasons.

However, if it was a vendetta and robbery, then why only his mother came to this place alone, while his father was nowhere to be found!

"Could it be that my biological father is still alive?" However, this idea was rejected by him as soon as it came into being. Of course, it is not so much rejected by him as it is that he dare not think so.

Because in his opinion, if his father is really alive, it is he who abandoned his immediate mother, and abandoned her when the mother was pregnant.

Then such a man is not worthy of being a man at all, let alone being Zhang Cheng's father, so he dare not think so.

However, if he didn't think so, then his father might have passed away as well. This time, he was caught in a dilemma.

After about half a stick of incense, the door of Zhang Long's room opened, and Dan Chenzi came out with a calm face. At this time, Zhang Cheng and Zhang Xin ran over immediately and asked, "Master, what's the matter?" It's over, has my elder brother recovered from his injury?"

"Well, his bones and tendons have been connected by me. At the same time, I also took advantage of the power of the Rejuvenation Pill to widen his tendons by the way. It is a blessing in disguise. However, the Because of the lack of movement of the tendons, the true energy dissipated slowly, and there was nothing I could do about it." Dan Chenzi nodded and replied.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's good if you can recover, your cultivation base is gone, you can practice again!" Zhang Chengyi was happy, and then said: "Master, take a break now, I'll go in and see my elder brother!"

"Well, go, I just need to recover!" Dan Chenzi responded, then walked to the side, sat down and closed his eyes to recover.

Then Zhang Cheng helped Zhang Fang up, and then entered the room with Zhang Xin and the three of them.

I saw Zhang Long lying comfortably on the bed, the gauze on his body was removed, his eyebrows were completely stretched out, and his complexion was much ruddy than before.

"Father, you can rest assured now, go back and recover quickly, your injury can't be delayed!" Zhang Cheng said to Zhang Fang after seeing that Zhang Long was fine.

Although Zhang Fang is not his biological father, the relationship between their father and son is closer than that of his biological father and son. Therefore, Zhang Cheng did not alienate Zhang Fang because of this incident. Cherish this feeling.

"Okay, I'll go back to practice now!" Zhang Long showed a smile on his face, especially when he saw that Zhang Cheng treated him the same as before, he felt very relieved and agreed.

"Sister, you stay here to take care of elder brother, I will send father back to her room!" Zhang Cheng said to Zhang Xin.

"Well, pay attention!" Zhang Xin also showed a smile on his face. Although Zhang Cheng is not his biological brother, the relationship between them has not changed, which makes her very happy.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." After speaking, Zhang Cheng helped Zhang Fang out, said a few words to Dan Chenzi, and then sent Zhang Fang back to the room.

"Okay, Cheng'er, you go, I'll do it after a little practice!" Zhang Fang sat cross-legged on the bed, and said.

"En!" Zhang Cheng responded, and then walked out of the room.

However, as soon as he left the room, he thought that his father hadn't made any progress in his five years of skill before, so he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, so he got in touch with Xiang Tian through the contract: "Master, is there any medicine that can speed up the martial arts? What's your cultivation speed?"

"Increase the cultivation speed of a warrior? Didn't I tell you that the foundation is very important, and you can't improve it too fast, or it will affect your future cultivation!" Xiang Tian thought that Zhang Cheng wanted to improve his cultivation, so he said this .

"No, you misunderstood, I want to help my father improve his cultivation!" Seeing that Xiang Tian had misunderstood, Zhang Cheng explained.

"Oh, so that's the case. However, how is your father's foundation? If you promote rashly, it will have a big impact on him!" Xiang Tian asked cautiously.

"I don't know about this either, but before, in order to save me, he would infuse true energy into my body every once in a while for five years, so that my skill has not improved a single step in the past five years. Can this improve?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Well, after five years of training, his foundation is pretty good. In this case, he can improve." Xiang Tian paused, and then said: "There is a qi-nourishing pill in the storage ring, which is used by monks during the qi training period. You can dilute the elixir to improve the innate qi, but you have to stop it when his cultivation level breaks through to the ninth rank, and then spend half a year to consolidate it before he can continue to improve, otherwise It will still affect future cultivation!"

"Then how to dilute it?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Same as before, dilute it with water, but your father's cultivation level is higher than your brother's, so five tanks of water will do!" Xiang Tian replied.

"Okay, I'll do it now!" After saying that, Zhang Cheng cut off the contact with Xiang Tian, ​​and then asked someone to move five water tanks into Zhang Fang's room.

"Cheng'er, what are you doing?" Zhang Fang asked puzzled.

"Hehe, father, don't ask, you will know later." Zhang Cheng smiled, did not answer Zhang Fang's words, and then ordered someone to fill one of the water tanks with water, and then asked them to deliver Dozens of buckets of water, after the person who delivered the water left, he took out the qi nourishing pill from the storage ring.

Yangqi Pill is smaller, only the size of a little finger, and is light yellow in color. After being poured out of the bottle, it exudes a faint fragrance, but the fragrance is not too strong.

Zhang Cheng put Yangqi Pill on the water tank filled with water, squeezed it hard, and then threw the broken pieces of the pill into the water. Immediately, the water in the whole tank turned pale yellow.

Then, he scooped up a ladle of water and poured it into another empty tank, then used the bucket next to him to fill this tank, then scooped up another scoop of water and poured it into another tank, and then filled the other tank with water. It was full, and Zhang Cheng didn't stop until the fifth cylinder was filled.

Looking at it now, the fifth tank of water hasn't changed much, and the water doesn't have any color, but if you smell it carefully, you can still smell a faint fragrance.

"Son, what the hell are you doing? Why can't I understand?" Zhang Fang was confused by Zhang Cheng. He really couldn't figure out what was the point of dumping these tanks of water!

"Hehe, come to father, take a sip, and try how it feels!" Zhang Cheng scooped a ladle of water from the fifth tank and brought it to Zhang Fang, saying.

"Drink this water?" Zhang Fang still didn't know what the hell Zhang Cheng was doing, but he still took a sip from the water ladle.

But suddenly, his face changed, followed closely by the boss who stared at him, and hurriedly returned the ladle to Zhang Cheng, and he started to practice immediately.

Zhang Fang felt that after the sip of water he just drank entered his throat, it immediately turned into a warm current that filled his limbs and bones, and ran wildly in his body.

He has experienced this feeling before, such as when eating ginseng.

However, when taking ginseng, the medicinal power is not obvious. Even if you take century-old ginseng, there will only be a trace of warm current at most, which cannot be compared with this situation at all.

Where did Zhang Fang dare to be careless, he immediately restrained his mind, tried his best to digest this force, and then strengthened his own cultivation and recovered his injuries.

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