Alien Madness

Chapter 44

{The collection is [-], and there is still [-] short, do you dare to vote again, and then let Xiaolong add more? }

About a quarter of an hour passed before Zhang Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and then withdrew from his practice.

However, there was a look of surprise on his face, because after this practice, not only his injuries were healed, but his cultivation base was also improved a lot. For a while, he had a feeling for the water that Zhang Cheng gave him to drink. Out of curiosity, he asked, "Son, what's the matter with your water? Why is it better than taking ginseng?"

"Hehe, father, don't ask about this. The five tanks of water are all reserved for you. Now you can only drink the fifth tank directly. I believe these tanks of water are enough for you to raise your cultivation base to the ninth rank." .” Zhang Cheng smiled, but did not answer Zhang Fang’s question.

"Ninth, ninth grade?" Zhang Fang said in disbelief. In fact, he really never thought that he could reach such a high level of cultivation.

After all, he has stagnated at the level of seventh-rank martial artist for five years, and he has already given up the idea of ​​continuing to improve.

However, suddenly, he had the possibility of promotion again, which made him a little unbelievable.

"Hehe, it's the ninth rank, don't worry father, it's not only the ninth rank, you can also be promoted to the innate realm in the future, but when you reach the ninth rank, you must stop and consolidate for half a year, otherwise, it will have an impact on your future cultivation .” Zhang Cheng reminded.

"That's great, I thought it would be impossible to achieve innateness in this life." Zhang Fang realized what Zhang Cheng said, and his mood became more comfortable.

"Hehe, with me here, it's impossible for you not to reach innateness. Well, I'll go and see my master, father, and you can practice by yourself." Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

"Well, you go, thank you master for me, if it weren't for him, our Zhang family would really be over this time." Zhang Fang nodded and said.

"Well, I understand, I'm going now!" With that, Zhang Cheng left the room.

After Zhang Cheng left in the room, Zhang Fang still couldn't believe that all this was true, so he patted his face, felt the pain, immediately beamed with joy, and said firmly: "Okay, here's Once, I must break through the ninth rank in one fell swoop!"

After speaking, he took another sip of water and continued to practice.


After Zhang Cheng left the room, he came directly to Dan Chenzi's side. Sensing Zhang Cheng's arrival, Dan Chenzi also opened his eyes and said, "Boy, when will I return to the sect?"

"Master, I still have some things to deal with. Wait a few more days. Just in time, you should also take advantage of this time to take a look at the classics left by Senior Xiang Tian. Maybe it will be helpful to you!" Zhang Cheng said Going to leave now.

Now Wang Chen and Li Meng who killed Xiao Zhangcheng have been killed by him, and the murderer Zhang Hu has not been dealt with by himself, and the matter of his elder brother has not come to an end, so he can't get away for the time being.

"That's good, by the way, I won't return the bottle of rejuvenation pill you just gave me. There are many seniors in our sect who are near the end of their lifespan. I just take it to them. If they get through With their pass, I have more confidence, maybe I can make them make an exception and pass on the first-grade immortal-level "Xuan Yuan Jing" to you." Dan Chenzi said.

"That's great, but, are those pills enough? If not, I still have a lot here!" Although Zhang Cheng had the immortal-level ninth-grade kung fu "Burning Heaven Jue", Xiang Tian refused to let it go. He told others, so he could only temporarily hide it from Dan Chenzi.

Now seeing that Dan Chenzi was thinking of a way for himself, he was a little moved, so he added this sentence.

"Hehe, no need, these pills are enough, but if you are short of money or want a magic weapon, I hope you can sell these vitality pills to the sect. The price of the sect's purchase will never be low, as the saying goes , doesn't the fat water flow into outsiders' fields!" Dan Chenzi laughed.

"It's natural." Zhang Cheng nodded, and then said, "By the way, Master, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, tell me!" Dan Chenzi asked.

"It's like this. Look, my elder brother's injury has healed, and he can practice again. So, I want to ask the master, can you help my elder brother and my sister find a cultivation school? You also know their situation , Tianfeng Gate must not be able to go." Zhang Cheng said.

"It's not difficult. Your elder brother has good aptitude and talent, and that girl's talent is also good. Well, I will recommend your elder brother to the Qinglian Sword Sect. As for that girl, she also has fire attributes in her body." Talent and soul power are not weak, if she wants to make alchemy, she can be included in our alchemy sect. If she doesn't like alchemy, I will recommend her to Yuxu sect, it should be a good place." Dan Chenzi thought for a while and said.

Think about the Qinglian Sword Sect he mentioned before, and Yuxuzong are one of the top ten sects of cultivation. One of the most powerful sects.

However, no matter which sect it is, ordinary people can't enter it casually, and only a dignified person like Dan Chenzi can name such a few great sects casually.

"How's the strength of these two sects?" After Zhang Cheng tasted the sweetness of the backstage, he didn't want them to wrong a small sect, so he asked this question.

"Don't worry, the masters of these two sects are no worse than our alchemy sect, and they are also among the top ten sects, so don't worry." Dan Chenzi smiled, he still didn't understand what Zhang Cheng meant.

"Ah, that's great." Zhang Cheng is very satisfied with Dan Chenzi's arrangement. Compared with Dan Daozong, it is definitely a great sect.

"Okay, you give me all the books, I'll go to your room to read, as for you, finish your business as soon as possible, I've been away from the sect for a long time, it's time to go back." Dan Chenzi said.

"Well, I will solve the matter here as soon as possible." After speaking, Zhang Cheng took out all the books in the storage ring and threw them to Dan Chenzi.

Dan Chenzi also had a storage ring on his hand, so he directly put all the hundreds of books into his storage ring, and then went into Zhang Cheng's room to read books.

As for Zhang Cheng, he went back to Zhang Long's room to have a look, and after feeling that there was nothing wrong, he walked out of the room.

After Zhang Cheng walked out of the room, he went directly to trouble Zhang Hu. At the moment, Zhang Hu was in the Zhang family's training ground, and there were several younger brothers beside him.

Zhang Hu was very jealous because of Zhang Cheng's brilliance in the competition before, so after he came home, he called his group of younger brothers to the martial arts training ground to fight with him.

Of course, rather than fighting him, it would be better to say being abused by him and letting him vent his anger.

After all, he is a second-rank martial artist, and his younger brothers are all first-rank. Even if they all make a move, they cannot be Zhang Hu's opponent.

After a while, the group of people were all knocked to the ground by Zhang Hu, curled up on the ground one by one, trembling with pain.

However, Zhang Hu didn't let them go. He looked at the group of people on the ground ferociously and said, "Get up for me, whoever made you fall down, get up quickly!"

Just scolding didn't seem to relieve his anger, Zhang Hu went up and punched and kicked, only kicking the group of people on the ground screaming, but they were afraid of Zhang Hu's temper, so they could only bear with their heads on the ground.

"What a bunch of trash!" Zhang Hu seemed to feel that it was meaningless to fight like this, so he stopped after cursing.

However, as soon as he stopped, he couldn't help but hear Zhang Cheng's arrogant appearance. Suddenly, his mood turned bad again, and he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Zhang Cheng, wait, I will meet you sooner or later!" The one who trampled you underfoot!"

"Really?" Just then, a disdainful voice came from behind.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Hu was startled, turned around quickly, and found that Zhang Cheng had arrived at the martial arts training ground at some point. At this moment, he was standing not far behind Parry, looking at him with arms folded and smiling. .

Suddenly, Zhang Hu felt that Zhang Cheng's smile was terrifying, subconsciously took a few steps back, and then stammered, "You, when did you come here!"

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