Alien Madness

Chapter 51

{The red ticket is almost there, and it is expected to be updated today, wow. }

The reason why Qingfeng was so excited was very simple. The Qinglian Sword Sect’s choice of disciples was not based on their talent, but on whether they had a sword heart. The stronger the sword heart, the faster they can comprehend swordsmanship. The future achievements will be higher.

In the past, when they collected it, as long as they could feel Long Feiyang's sword intent, it was considered good. If they could feel Zhang Long's level, then it meant that his sword heart had reached an extremely high level, and he was said to be a natural swordsman. The material is not too much.

Moreover, their Qinglian Sword Sect has not had such a good seed for more than 100 years, so Qingfeng is so excited.

"Okay, you old stingy man, now that it sounds nice, when it's time for you to buy a drink, you'll push back and find all kinds of excuses to shirk. I don't know who you are. Well, I'm in a hurry, so I won't get along with you." You are talking nonsense, I am leaving now, there is another girl to send, goodbye!" Dan Chenzi said this angrily, and after Zhang Cheng, Zhang Xin and Zhang Hu said goodbye, he took them left here.

"Okay, don't watch it, and go to see them when you have time, come, follow me back to the sect, I will hold a grand ceremony for you right away!" Qing Feng patted Zhang Long's shoulder and said dotingly.

"Yes, Master!" Zhang Long replied, but at this moment, in his heart, he did not feel the joy of joining the Qinglian Sword Sect, but instead felt the sadness of parting.

He had just left his father, and now he was leaving his brother and sister, which made it difficult for him to adjust for a while.


After Dan Chenzi and Zhang Cheng left, they went straight to Yuxu Sect. This time they didn't stay on Yuxu Mountain for a long time. After recommending Zhang Xin to Yuxu Sect, the two of them went straight to Dan Dao Zong came.

Dan Daozong is located on the top of a mountain called Tianwei Mountain on the easternmost side of Jiling Continent. Tianwei Mountain is nearly [-] meters above sea level. The climate is different, and it is difficult to climb, which blocks the path of many seekers.

There are many mountains around Tianwei Mountain. Compared with Tianwei Mountain, the altitude of these mountains is not very high. There is a city named Tianwei City under the mountain. Many disciples of Daoist Alchemy would come here to sell pills in exchange for spirit stones for cultivation.

Therefore, in addition to Tianwei Mountain, Tianwei City is also a well-known city, especially in the world of comprehension.

Of course, this city was built among the mountains, and not many people in the world know about it. Therefore, there are basically no ordinary people in the city, and even those with the lowest cultivation level have innate realms.

At this moment, Dan Chenzi drove the jade gourd to the sky above Tianwei City in a blink of an eye. Looking down from above, he could see the bustling scene in the city, and there were still many monks rushing into the city.

Without any pause, Dan Chenzi flew up the cliff. When he reached the top of the mountain, tall, majestic and simple buildings appeared in front of Zhang Cheng in the distance.

"Teacher, this is our Dan Dao Sect, how is it, how does it feel?!" Dan Chenzi looked at the buildings in the distance and said with some pride.

"It's so magnificent!" Compared with the previous Qinglian Sword Sect, Zhang Cheng felt that Dan Daozong was more magnificent and imposing, and many buildings were built quite gorgeously.

Coupled with the lingering clouds and mists on the top of the mountain at this moment, the entire Taoist alchemy sect seemed to be located in the clouds, giving Zhang Cheng the illusion of coming to heaven.

Dan Chenzi controlled the jade gourd and stopped in front of the gate of Dan Daozong. What caught his eye was a huge three-legged alchemy tripod more than ten meters high, with nine five-clawed golden dragons depicted on it, which was so lifelike that Zhang Cheng was dumbfounded.

"Teacher, come with me!" Dan Chenzi interrupted Zhang Cheng's stupefied, and then led him directly into the Dan Dao Sect.

I met many monks on the way. After they saw Dan Chenzi, they all stopped to salute, and respectfully called Grand Master Uncle, and then flew away.

This made Zhang Cheng unavoidably curious about how high Dan Chenzi's status was in Daoist alchemy, and how respectful others would be when they saw him.

Just when he couldn't figure it out, a man in a golden Taoist robe walked up to him. The man was of medium build and a bit fat. He looked about 40 to [-] years old.

After seeing Dan Chenzi, this person stopped immediately, and shouted respectfully: "Disciple Chu Yan has seen Master Uncle."

"Master Uncle? Isn't it Grand Master Uncle?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help but glance at him when he heard this person addressing Dan Chenzi. After all, it was the first time he saw someone address him like that after he had been here for so long. .

"Xiao Chu, how many times have I told you that you don't have to do this when you see me... Hey, forget it, by the way, has my senior brother left the customs?" Dan Chenzi waved his hand, and then asked again.

"Little pig?" Hearing what Dan Chenzi called him, Zhang Cheng couldn't help laughing, but felt that Dan Chenzi's description was quite vivid.

However, what he didn't know was that this was not the other.

"If you go back to the uncle, the master has already left the customs, and he is giving lectures to the brothers in the Hall of Mental Cultivation!" Chu Yan nodded and replied.

"Uh, then why are you still here?" Dan Chenzi seemed to see something, and said a little funny: "Did your master catch you for stealing food, and punish you to come out and face the wall!"

"Hey, yes!" Hearing what Dan Chenzi said, Chu Yan immediately scratched his head and laughed.

"You, what pet did you eat this time?" Dan Chenzi asked.

"Hehe, I didn't eat anything, I just wanted to taste the taste of the crane, so I roasted the red-topped golden-footed crane of the master!" Chu Yan said with a smirk.

"My God, you are too courageous, don't you know that guy is my brother's favorite mount, you dare to eat it, I think, this time, he will definitely not let you go lightly !" Dan Chenzi was also surprised when he heard that Chu Yan ate his senior brother's red-topped golden-footed crane, you know, it was his senior brother's favorite mount.

However, Dan Chenzi also secretly sighed in his heart for how his brother took care of this kid. If this happened to his other apprentices, it would not be solved by facing the wall.

This Chu Yan can be said to be an alternative in the realm of comprehension, because when his cultivation reaches a certain level, he can completely provide sufficient energy without eating, which is the so-called bigu.

And this kid has already reached the bigu stage, but his appetite has not weakened because of this, but it has become more and more intense.

In particular, he likes to eat things with immortal energy, that is, those spirit beasts and birds, so he has often harmed his master, that is, the mount raised by senior brother Danchenzi in captivity these years.

However, at the beginning, he was a little restrained, and only picked some spirit beasts with weak aura to eat, but now he dared to eat even the red-topped golden-footed crane.

It was a species that was more precious than a spirit weapon of the eighth rank of the spirit level, and if he ate it like this, even Dan Chenzi felt a pain in his flesh.

"Hehe, I also did this when my brain got hot, but I will never dare again!" Chu Yan said with a smirk.

"Even if you think about it, there is no future. My senior brother only has that red-topped golden-footed crane, and there will be no more!" Having said this, Dan Chenzi asked curiously: "How is it, the red-topped golden-footed crane?" How does it taste? Is it still in stock, give me some!"

"The taste is amazing, the meat is smooth but not greasy, it melts in the mouth, I can swear, it is the best meat I have ever eaten in my life..." When it comes to the taste, Chu Yan seems to have changed Like a person, his expression became excited.

"I asked you if you still have stock, don't tell me these useless things, let's get to the point!" Dan Chenzi was too lazy to listen to him continue, so he interrupted him directly and asked.

"Hehe, there is still one leg. I know that Uncle Master likes this one, so I kept it for you! However, you can't tell Master. I told him that I have eaten all of it. If you know that I still have a leg Legs, he has to worry about me." Saying that, Chu Yan took out a crane leg and handed it to Dan Chenzi.

"Don't worry, don't you know who I am? When did I betray you? Really!" Dan Chenzi took the crane's leg unceremoniously, then tore a small piece and handed it to Zhang Cheng, saying: Son, the red-topped golden-footed crane is the best among spirit beasts, its flesh contains huge spiritual power, you can't eat too much, but you can still taste it."

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