Alien Madness

Chapter 52 Introductory Testing

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"Oh!" Zhang Cheng responded, took the small piece of meat, and stuffed it directly into his mouth. Before he chewed, the small piece of meat immediately turned into a warm force and entered his body. Then, An indescribable taste filled his taste buds, his nerves, and he couldn't help but enjoy it more than his eyes.

The taste was so good, he swore it was the best thing he had ever eaten in his life.

Moreover, he also felt that the aura contained in this small piece of meat was very large, and just this small piece doubled the true energy in his body, which seemed to be a sign of breaking through the second rank and reaching the third rank warrior .

"Uncle, did you just say that he is your apprentice?" Chu Yan asked involuntarily, startled.

"Yeah, oh, by the way, let me introduce you. He is the biggest achievement I have gained from going out this time. His name is Zhang Cheng. He will be your junior brother in the future. You have to treat him well. What's good in the future? You must think about him when you eat, you know!" Dan Chenzi said earnestly.

"Don't worry, I don't have anything else, but when it comes to delicious food, as long as I have it, I will never forget him." As he spoke, Chu Yan agreed wholeheartedly.

"Brother Pig, I will take care of you more from now on!" Zhang Cheng didn't call Senior Brother Chu Yan, but called "Brother Pig", and this address made "Brother Pig" brighten up, and said excitedly : "Uncle Shi, your apprentice is really too appetizing to me. Yes, from now on you will call me Brother Chu, and I will call you Chengdi. It is always called by seniors and juniors. It is too old-fashioned. I don't like it."

However, what Chu Yan didn't know was that Zhang Cheng's so-called "Brother Pig" was completely different from the "Brother Chu" he was talking about.

Seeing that the two of them were speculative, Dan Chenzi was in a good mood, because among all his apprentices, Chu Yan was his favorite.

Although he is greedy, his talent does not matter, and he does not stick to formalities in his behavior. Every time he makes amazing discoveries, his senior brother is amazed by it. Otherwise, his senior brother would not be able to love this kid so much.

Therefore, Dan Chenzi very much hoped that his apprentice could be with him, so that he would not be infected by the ancient ideas of the sect and become like other people who only knew about cultivation and had no interest at all.

"Okay, you continue to face the wall here, I will take him to see the senior brother, and then let him formally worship the sect!" Dan Chenzi waved his hand and before Chu Yan could answer, he took Zhang Cheng to the Hall of Mental Cultivation in front of him. go.

Walking into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhang Chengcheng heard a loud voice echoing in the hall, whether he paid attention to it or not, it directly poured into his forehead, and immediately made him understand a lot of truths, but he didn't What is the use of knowing these principles now.

Under the leadership of Dan Chenzi, Zhang Cheng quickly came to the main hall. Looking at the reputation, he saw an old man in a white Taoist robe. This old man was sitting in the front and talking about something. At this moment, his Sitting in front of him were eight men in the same golden Taoist robes as Chu Yan before, listening to the story of the old man in white robes.

The old man's attire was very similar to that of Dan Chenzi beside him, but Dan Chenzi was wearing a yellow priestly robe, a very ordinary one, which was not at the same level as the old man's white priestly robe.

Suddenly, the old man in white robe seemed to be aware of their arrival, so he stopped and looked at the place where the two of them were at the same time.

"Junior Brother, you still know how to come back. How long has it been? You're so unruly!" The old man said angrily after seeing Dan Chenzi.

"Okay, senior brother, don't talk about me, I'm delayed because of something. However, I brought back an apprentice, why don't I come over here and let you have a look?" What Dan Chenzi was most afraid of was that his senior brother would not He kept nagging himself, so he quickly turned his attention to Zhang Cheng.

"Huh?" The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then he glanced at Zhang Cheng, and a ray of light flashed. Suddenly, he seemed to see something incredible, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said in surprise: "The strength of this person's soul is actually So powerful!"

"Of course, otherwise, how could I, Dan Chenzi, accept him as an apprentice." Seeing his senior brother like this, Dan Chenzi showed an excited smile on his face.

"Quickly, let him test it to see how strong his soul is." As he spoke, his body flickered to Zhang Cheng's side, and then a huge crystal ball appeared in front of Zhang Cheng with a wave of his hand .

"Teacher, put your hands on it, hold your breath and concentrate, don't do or think about anything, just leave the rest to us." Dan Chenzi said to Zhang Cheng.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng responded, and then pressed his hands on the crystal ball, holding his breath, and Daoist Danqing, who is Dan Chenzi's senior brother and the head of Dan Daozong, also pressed his hands on the crystal ball at this time superior.

Suddenly, a change occurred in the crystal ball, a faint red light bloomed from the center of the crystal ball, this situation immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"My God, he already has the soul strength of the early stage of Qi training, how old is he!" Someone exclaimed, breaking the peace of the entire Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Come on, continue to test your innate attributes." Daoist Danqing also seemed a little excited, then said that the huge crystal ball was put away, and then he took out the spirit-testing stone and asked Zhang Cheng to hold it. After a while, the spirit-testing stone Bloomed, red light.

However, the change was not over yet. The red light disappeared and turned into a green light. After the green light, there was another gray-brown light. After the three lights disappeared, Lingshi regained its calm.

"Three attributes, fire, wood, earth, native wood, wood fire, and the soul strength equivalent to the initial stage of Qi training, junior brother, the surprise you brought me is too great!" Daoist Danqing, who was used to being a genius, couldn't help admiring this sentence at this moment.

"That's right, don't look at who he's looking for!" Although Dan Chenzi said so, he didn't expect Zhang Cheng to have so many attributes.

After all, at that time, he only had a general feeling of Zhang Cheng's body. When he detected that Zhang Cheng had the talent of fire attribute and no water attribute, he stopped. Who would have thought that he had earth attribute, and wood attribute? Attributes.

If it is said that a person who possesses the two natural attributes of fire and wood is the best system for alchemy, then a person who possesses the three attributes of fire, wood, and earth is the most suitable person for cultivation.

After all, soil produces wood, and wood produces fire, and the magic formula of the fire attribute is the most powerful formula. With the indirect and direct blessings of the two attributes of soil and wood, the power of fire is even more powerful.

Therefore, regardless of whether he will learn alchemy or not in the future, his future achievements will not be low.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. From today onwards, he is the No. 30 sixth-generation disciple of our Dan Dao Sect, Wu Di, take him to record it, and take him to the room where he lives by the way!" Daoist Danqing instructed his side disciple said.

"Yes, Master." The person called Wu Di replied, and then said to Zhang Cheng: "Junior Brother, follow me!"

"Go, brother and I just have something to say, I'll go find you later, and then take you to practice." Dan Chenzi knew that Daoist Danqing had something to say to him, so he said this to Zhang Cheng.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng responded, and then followed Wu Di directly out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After Zhang Cheng left, some other disciples were also driven out by Daoist Danqing, and then they sat on the futon and asked, "Junior brother, how are you handling the matter of Qiu Xiaotian?"

"The old boy did not know where he got a magic weapon of the fifth rank of the immortal level, so I didn't pay attention for a while and was successfully attacked by him, and almost died in his hands. Fortunately, I met this kid Zhang Cheng, otherwise, I would I really won't be able to come back." When Dan Chenzi said this, he was very angry.

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