Alien Madness

Chapter 67 The Difficulty of Alchemy

It took a whole month for Zhang Chengcai to practice the first step of the Qianyuan Fire Control Curse. However, this speed is not so important in Dan Chenzi's eyes, because when he first started practicing, it only took seven days. It will be fully mastered in less time.

However, what Dan Chenzi didn't know was that he didn't practice this one exercise alone, but practiced six exercises at the same time, and the average time for one exercise was only about five days.

If he knew this, I don't know how he would feel.

In the following time, Zhang Cheng followed Dan Chenzi to learn the knowledge of alchemy, as well as the principles of ten kinds of pills, including Jiedu Dan, Bidu Pill, Pishen Pill, Bigu Pill, Yiqi Pill, Buling Pill, and Buyang Pill. The ratio of medicinal materials and their efficacy.

These are basic things that only need to be memorized, and with Zhang Cheng's photographic memory, he can almost record them in his mind at a glance, and the rest is how to refine the elixir.

"Boy, I will only show you these ten kinds of elixirs once. I will show you some precautions while explaining them to you. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me, but I won't take the initiative to point you. , because alchemy relies on brains and hard work, if you learn to rely on it, then, let me tell you clearly, you are useless." Dan Chenzi said solemnly.

"Well, I understand these." Zhang Cheng understands what Dan Chenzi means. Although this sentence is very convoluted, it can be summed up in a sentence from the old sage Confucius, that is, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking is useless." If you don't study, you will be perilous."

In fact, in his opinion, alchemy is the same as doing a problem, and requires one's own independent thinking and summarization, so as to improve one's own experience and increase the alchemy rate.

If you develop the habit of copying your homework or asking others when you encounter a question you don't understand, there will be no problems in the short term, but it will show its original shape during the exam.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng understood Dan Chenzi's words very well, and he never thought of relying on others in the past.

"Well, take care, my refining process will be slower, you have to remember every detail, including the changes of the pill!" Dan Chenzi took out the medicinal materials for refining Bigu Dan from the space bag, and then Throw it directly into the Danding.

"Before putting in the medicinal materials, you must use the Qianyuan Fire Control Curse to control the fire in the center of the earth to restrain his heat, so as to prevent the medicinal materials from being burned as soon as they are put into the alchemy cauldron. After all, this uses the lowest level. Herbal medicines can't withstand the burning of the earth's core fire." Dan Chenzi reminded and demonstrated.

Under his control, Earth Fire is like a docile and well-behaved kitten, without any fanaticism before.

Afterwards, these elixirs were continuously burned by the fire in the center of the earth, and groups of light green energy cups were calcined out, and gathered together above the flames, forming a light green air mass.

And those medicinal materials that lost their medicinal power were burned into fly ash by the fire in the center of the earth at the same moment and disappeared.

"This is the first step. Extract the power from the medicinal materials, and then it is the condensing body. I have given you the condensing body's handprint before, and now let me use it." Said, Dan Chenzi folded his hands in front of his chest , Ten fingers fluttered, and within a few breaths, he swiped dozens of handprints, leaving Zhang Cheng stunned.

At the same time, the medicinal power in the sky above the earth's core fire was constantly being compressed as the handprints were made, and was slowly condensed into a small ball the size of a thumb, and its color also changed from light green to dark green.

"Ning!" At the moment when this set of handprints was finished, Dan Chenzi spit out the word directly. Immediately, the group of medicinal power seemed to shrink sharply as if the little soldier had heard the general's order, and turned into a ball in an instant. Dark green pills.

"At this point, if you think that the elixir has been refined, you are completely wrong. The elixir formed now is just a fake elixir. It must be calcined continuously with the earth's core fire to remove the impurities in it. Exclude, increase his degree of aggregation at the same time, and then determine whether it is time to become a pill according to the change in the degree of aggregation."

"This is also the most difficult step in alchemy. If it is too early, the potency of the fake pill will collapse due to insufficient aggregation. If it is too late, the whole pill will be swallowed by the earth's core fire. This is why the success rate of the pill is so low. The fundamental reason why it is difficult to improve. As for how much fusion can be achieved, this is a feeling, that is, the grasp of the fire can only be understood, and I can't describe it to you in words, so this can only be done by yourself Go and think about it." As he spoke, Dan Chenzi's fingerprints changed, and he shouted: "Success".


Almost at the same time, there was a sound like firing a cannon, and the pill rushed outside like a wild horse, very fast.

However, no matter how fast it was, it couldn't be faster than Dan Chenzi. He waved his hand, and then the elixir flew into his palm obediently as if he had been summoned.

"This is the last step, making the pill. You have to be careful in this step, because after the pill is formed, it will also be endowed with spirituality. The higher the level of the pill, the stronger the spirituality. It will not be willingly taken by others. Take it, so it will choose to escape at the moment when the pill is formed. At this time, all you have to do is to use Yindan Jue to attract the pill, if you can't attract it, then he will escape from this place, Then, this elixir will become someone else's wedding dress." Dan Chenzi said.

"Oh, I remember." After Dan Chenzi broke it down in this way, he had a general understanding of alchemy.

He analyzed it in his mind. He believes that alchemy is divided into four steps. The first step is to refine the medicine, which is to extract the medicinal power from the medicinal materials; the second step is to condense the medicinal power into shape; The fourth step is to collect pills.

Every step is very important, if there is a slight mistake, the whole medicine will be useless.

"Okay, let's move on to the second pill." Seeing that Zhang Chengruo had realized something, Dan Chenzi nodded in relief, and then threw another medicine into it...

These ten elixirs are all first-grade mortal elixirs without exception, and they don't have much effect on mid-to-high-end cultivators, nor do they have much effect on low-level monks.

Therefore, after these elixirs are refined, they are mainly sold to the secular world in exchange for a large amount of cultivation resources.

However, these elixirs are very suitable for newcomers to practice. Skills improve the ability to control the flames and enhance the experience of alchemy. Moreover, the value of the medicinal materials is not high. Once the refining is successfully sold, all will be taken back .

Under Dan Chenzi's careful teaching, the refining methods of the ten pills were all demonstrated soon, and then Dan Chenzi said: "I can actually refine dozens of these ten pills in one furnace, but In order to let you see clearly, I concentrated all the medicinal power together, which also led to the relatively large size without ammunition."

"However, the actual effect of this elixir is the same as that of ordinary Bigu elixir. At most, it can make the user last longer. Therefore, when you refine it, try to refine as many as possible, so that you can Improve the fire control ability of your Qianyuan Fire Control Curse, well, you can start."

After finishing speaking, Danchen cracked open and made room for Zhang Cheng.

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