Alien Madness

Chapter 68 The so-called genius

Zhang Cheng didn't answer, walked to the front of the alchemy furnace, and with a move in his heart, the Qianyuan fire control spell was cast. Immediately, he felt that the earth's core fire in front of him was like a mad beast, which was not under his control at all. It made him start to sweat.

Originally, when he saw Danchenzi concocting alchemy, he seemed to be very relaxed and free, so he naturally thought that controlling the fire did not seem to be difficult.

It was only when he tried it himself that he realized that it was not the case at all, which shocked him deeply. After all, it is so difficult to control the fire, let alone other things.

"Don't worry, first familiarize yourself with the Qianyuan Fire Control Curse. You will inevitably encounter such problems when using it for the first time. Practice makes perfect!" Seeing Zhang Cheng's appearance, Dan Chenzi showed a faint smile on his face.

Dan Chenzi didn't do this because he was watching Zhang Cheng's jokes, but he felt that this was good, it would let Zhang Cheng know that alchemy is not so easy, and he would hone his temperament.

"Yeah!" Zhang Cheng nodded. He is still in trouble with this fire. He doesn't believe that others can do it, and he can't do it so well.

Gradually, his mind was fully focused on using the Kunyuan Fire Controlling Curse, and carefully felt every change in it. As time went by, he became more and more comfortable using the Qianyuan Fire Controlling Curse. At the same time, It is also easier to control the fire in the center of the earth. Of course, this ease is compared to the previous difficulty.

He believes that if he throws the medicinal materials in now, these medicinal materials will definitely be devoured by the fire in the center of the earth immediately, let alone refining them. However, the progress has also given him hope.

But just when he was full of energy and wanted to completely tame the inner fire in one fell swoop, he found that more than half of the true energy in his body had been consumed, and it was no longer enough to support him to continue.

He shook his head helplessly, then sat down cross-legged and started to run the "Xuan Yuan Jing" and began to recover. At the same time, his mind was not idle, and he began to constantly think about what he did wrong.

He still remembered that Dan Chenzi said before that when he reached the first level of the Qianyuan Fire Control Curse, he could control the fire in the heart of the earth, but he had already reached the first level at this moment, so why did it take so much effort to control it.

"Could it be that master lied to me?" This idea was rejected by Zhang Cheng without stopping, because he couldn't think of anything to deceive.

"I'll take a look later, maybe it's because I'm not proficient in using the Qianyuan Fire Control Curse, so I need to practice for a while longer!" Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng's mood eased a little, and when his cultivation level recovered, he almost recovered. After that, he re-entered the state of fire control.

Seeing Zhang Cheng's attitude of becoming more and more frustrated, Dan Chenzi was very satisfied. Only with such a persistent heart can he pursue a higher alchemy state, or be qualified to pursue it.

Originally, he was worried that Zhang Cheng would be hit because of this, and even thought of words to comfort him, but now it seems that it is useless.

Moreover, he was completely relieved, and just sat aside like an old monk, very quiet.

Half a month has passed like this, what Zhang Cheng does every day is to control the fire, and then practice, and continue to control the fire after training, and gradually he finds that the reason why it is so difficult to control the inner fire before is entirely because of proficiency That's why Huo Huo didn't listen to him at all.

With this half a month of practice, his use of the Qianyuan Fire Control Curse has been greatly improved. At this moment, he has been able to control it for a while.

Although this time is still too short, Zhang Cheng worked harder after seeing the hope.

After the whole month passed, Zhang Cheng finally managed to control the heart fire. However, these were all within Dan Chenzi's expectation, so he was not surprised.

With the flame, the next step is to try the first step of alchemy. Therefore, according to the alchemy formula of Zhuji Dan, Zhang Cheng directly grabbed a piece of medicinal material and threw it into the alchemy cauldron, and then controlled the inner fire to burn it .

However, this fire is not easy to control. The released power is too strong, and the medicinal materials can't bear it, and it will be turned into fly ash immediately. If the firepower is too weak, the effect will not be achieved.

So he took an experimental attitude, increased the firepower bit by bit, found the most suitable temperature, and then used his soul to perceive and remember that feeling.

However, it is easy for him to think, but it is not easy to do it, because his perception is not as clear as he imagined, and sometimes he has just captured some sensations, but it is abolished because of more firepower.


"Almost, still almost, so fucking depressed!" This was the tenth failure, which made Zhang Cheng a little frustrated, but at this moment, Xiang Tian's voice sounded in Zhang Cheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Well, apprentice, if you want to master it quickly, you can try to put the soul cauldron into this cauldron furnace, and then perform alchemy in the soul cauldron. In this way, you will be able to perceive this in all directions. Without the refining process of the elixir, I believe you will be able to master the refining of this elixir in a short time." Xiang Tian reminded.

"Well, Master, will this Soul Cauldron be burnt out by the earth's core fire?" Zhang Cheng asked worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about that. Once the soul cauldron is condensed, it will be between the soul and the alchemy cauldron. Even the Sanwei real fire will be difficult to hurt. Moreover, the higher the level, the more flames that can adapt to it. Strong, so you don't have to worry about that at all." Xiang Tian was a little speechless about Zhang Cheng's performance.

Originally, he thought that Zhang Cheng didn't want to learn alchemy through this method. After all, he didn't really get it through his own efforts, and he was suspected of cheating.

But who ever thought that people didn't care about this at all, but worried about whether his soul cauldron would be harmed, which made him feel so embarrassing.

"Hehe, as long as it's okay, I was worried that it would burn out, so I didn't dare to use it!" Zhang Cheng laughed, and then directly sacrificed his soul cauldron into the alchemy cauldron while Dan Chenzi was not paying attention.

After the soul tripod is formed, it can be sacrificed and used at any time like a magic weapon, but it is different from ordinary magic weapons. It exists in the soul space, not in the dantian.

Moreover, the soul tripod itself is also a part of Zhang Cheng's soul, and it usually exists in the state of the soul. As long as he uses it, a thought passes, and the soul tripod will be re-condensed and sacrificed out of the body. It is very convenient to return to the soul state again.

With the addition of Soul Cauldron, Zhang Cheng's perception has been greatly improved. He can even observe various conditions of the pill from a 360-degree angle, as if being placed in front of his eyes by countless magnifying glasses, allowing him to The "seeing" is very clear.

This made Zhang Cheng sigh, this is probably the best cheating device in history.

However, even with the help of such a cheating device, Zhang Cheng lost his hand several times before finally mastering the refining method of a elixir.

However, he didn't make a pill, but kept his eyes and ears covered, and continued to practice refining other pills. In three days, in just three days, Zhang Chenggong mastered the refining methods of ten pills.

Moreover, his soul has firmly held all the feelings of various critical moments in the depths of his soul, so now with these ten ammunition, he can completely achieve a [-]% success rate.

However, in order not to shock the world, he did not rush to tell Dan Chenzi, but tried to refine multiple pills in one furnace according to Dan Chenzi's request, which invisibly increased the difficulty.

After all, to control several pills at the same time is equivalent to releasing some equal firepower at the same time, so Zhang Cheng seemed to be struggling, but the effect was indeed extremely obvious. The control becomes more and more handy.

In the next period of time, he didn't try to refine alchemy, because at this moment he was able to refine ten pills at the same time, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach eleven pills.

Zhang Cheng understood that with his current cultivation, refining ten pieces at the same time was already the limit.

So he stopped wasting time, stopped directly, and shouted at Dan Chenzi: "Master, I have mastered those ten pills."

"Huh?" Dan Chenzi suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Zhang Cheng in disbelief, and made sure he was not joking, so he asked, "Are you sure you have mastered everything?"

"Well, I'm sure, and the success rate is definitely over [-]%!" Zhang Cheng replied.

"How are you sure?" Dan Chenzi was a little confused about what the hell Zhang Cheng was doing. You must know that I haven't seen you practice a pill during this period of time, so why did you say [-]%!

"Hey, not being able to practice doesn't mean I don't have this ability, you take care of it." As he spoke, Zhang Cheng picked up a piece of Bigu Pill medicinal material and threw it into the cauldron. After a while, the medicinal power in the medicinal material was destroyed. extracted.

Then, I saw him clasping his hands in front of his chest, his fingers flying, and suddenly uttered: "Ning!".

Immediately, the elixir in the cauldron was immediately compressed to form a sphere, and then continued to be calcined. The whole process was exactly the same as when Dan Chenzi was refining it.

When Zhang Cheng felt that the heat was about the same, Zhang Cheng's handprint suddenly changed, his eyes opened sharply, and he kept shouting: "Success!"

"Bang!" There was another sound of firecrackers, and a pill the size of a bean was shot out. Zhang Cheng drew the pill with his right hand and took it over.

"My God, how is this possible!" Dan Chenzi seemed to have seen something unbelievable, his eyes were about the size of a bull's eye, and at the same time, the shock in his heart reached an unbearable level.

How long did it take, less than half a year, moreover, Zhang Cheng spent several months in cultivation, and the time for real alchemy never exceeded three months.

He can make a pill in three months, even Dan Chenzi himself can't compare.

But Zhang Cheng's action didn't end, he picked up another elixir and continued to refine it. In less than a day, ten kinds of elixirs had already quietly lay in Dan Chenzi's hands.

Moreover, these ten kinds of elixirs were all made at one time, which took Dan Chenzi a long time to hold back a sentence: "Is this the so-called genius?"

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