Alien Madness

Chapter 69 Heading to the Bixia School

"Apprentice, tell me how you did it?" Dan Chenzi still can't believe it is true. You must know that his senior brother was once known as the first genius of Dan Daozong, but he also did it back then. Less than this step.

If he hadn't seen it all with his own eyes from beginning to end, he really couldn't believe his eyes.

"How did you do it? Didn't I learn from you, Master?" Zhang Cheng pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Um, could it be that you are really the legendary genius who can learn it at once?" Dan Chenzi had to think about it. After all, it was so miraculous that all this happened, and only the "genius" Words are worthy of growing up.

"Hehe, I don't know if I'm a genius or not, but, Master, I have completed the task you gave me ahead of time. Now, should you fulfill the promise you made to me?" Zhang Cheng laughed.

"..." Dan Chenzi didn't answer, because he was still in shock and couldn't extricate himself.

"Master, master..." Zhang Cheng yelled twice again, Dan Chenzi finally realized, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I mean, should you fulfill the promise you made to me before? I'm just waiting to leave." Zhang Cheng said.

"It's not urgent, tell me the truth, is there something you're hiding from me?" Dan Chenzi felt something was wrong, so he asked.

"This..." Zhang Cheng didn't expect that Dan Chenzi would suddenly mention this matter, but he immediately reflected on it, and then said: "Actually, there is nothing special about it, didn't I tell you before, I have that mudra to calm my mind. If I had to say anything special, it would have to be this."

"Handprint?" Hearing this, Dan Chenzi was startled, and suddenly remembered that when he saw Zhang Cheng use this kind of handprint for the first time, even his breath changed, and he could not help but believe him.

"Yes, I have been using this handprint since I was a child. There are nine in total, and each of them has a different idea. Therefore, the effect of each handprint is also different. As for whether there are other things? The reason, then I don't know." Seeing that Dan Chenzi believed it, Zhang Cheng continued to fool around.

In fact, he didn't want to hide anything from Dan Chenzi, after all, he was really thinking about himself, but the "Maha Mudra of Esoteric Buddhism" was his greatest reliance, and he would not tell anyone until he was unable to protect it.

Therefore, he could only say sorry to Dan Chenzi in his heart.

"Nine handprints? What are the other eight?" Dan Chenzi was startled, and subconsciously asked.

"Well, I'll show you how to do it!" As he said that, Zhang Cheng formed the nine mudras of the "Maha Mudra of Esoteric Buddhism". Anyway, only mudras can't be practiced, so Zhang Cheng didn't have any taboos.

And Dan Chenzi was taking it very seriously at the moment, if he wasn't afraid of losing face in front of Zhang Cheng, he would even want to follow suit.However, according to his memory, he could remember all of them after one pass.

"Did you put your thoughts on these nine handprints?" Dan Chenzi asked.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng nodded and admitted.

"Oh, well, it seems that the pain you suffered when you were a child was not in vain, and now you are considered extremely happy." Dan Chenzi sighed sincerely.

"That, Master, look..."

"Okay, don't say anything, I've prepared everything for you." Dan Chenzi understood what Zhang Cheng was going to say, and after saying this, he took out a storage bracelet.

Then he said to Zhang Cheng: "There is a flying sword in it, which is infused with my true energy and divine sense. You can communicate with him directly and let him take you where you want to go. There is also a magic talisman , my three sword qi are sealed in it, directly stimulated with true energy, as long as you don’t face the masters of the fusion period, this talisman can save your life three times. Although you have the token of Dan Daozong, ordinary sects will not I'll provoke you, but it's better to be on guard. As for the Foundation Establishment Pill you want, I've already put it in this storage bracelet, well, if you need anything else, please bring it up once."

"Enough, enough, by the way, master, you just said that the magic talisman sealed your three sword qi, as long as you don't meet the masters of the fusion stage, you can save my life, so what is your cultivation level?" Zhang Cheng said until Now I don't know Dan Chenzi's true cultivation, so I asked curiously.

"Hehe, it's time to tell you that my cultivation has reached the initial stage of body fusion, and my senior brother, that is, your uncle, has reached the middle stage of body body fusion. Therefore, as long as you don't face the masters of the body body body, this talisman can protect you." You are safe and well." Dan Chenzi said confidently.

"Fitness period, my God, Master, your cultivation base is so high, this is too, too much!" Zhang Cheng said excitedly.

He is really excited, during the integration period, there are only two realms of Transcending Tribulation and Mahayana, that is to say, with this magic talisman, he can go anywhere in the world.

This is like a child who suddenly got a pistol. The feeling is that I have a pistol in my hand. I have it in the world.

"Okay, hurry up and see your little daughter-in-law. However, you only have half a year. At the end of the year, you will go to the organ city with me. There will be an alchemy conference there. I am going to take you there to learn more." Dan Chenzi said.

"Half a year, enough for me." Zhang Chengcheng didn't plan to stay in the Bixia faction, he just wanted to go back to see his elder brother, second sister and his father after meeting Ouyang Qianyun and give them the Jidan, Then come back and continue to practice.

After all, in this world, if you don't have enough strength, no matter how big your backer is, it can only protect you for a while, not forever, and you have to rely on yourself in the end.

"Well, try to come back as soon as possible, and then master a few refining methods of pills. The reason why I let you learn alchemy is that I want you to participate in the alchemy competition of the alchemy university. , if you participate, maybe you can win the top prize and win one or two good organists." Dan Chenzi nodded and said.

"Well, then I'll go now." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Go, go, be careful on the road!" Dan Chenzi urged.

"I see!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Cheng left the alchemy room, but before he left the alchemy sect, he found Chu Yan, and after eating meat with him, he asked for some seasonings. Fei Jian flew away.

Under normal circumstances, flying swords can only be controlled by people above the golden core stage and have practiced sword control skills. At this moment, Dan Chenzi injected Zhang Cheng's flying sword with his divine thoughts, so instead of saying It is controlled by Zhang Cheng, rather it is controlled by Dan Chenzi's divine sense.

Moreover, what Feijian consumes is also the spiritual power that Dan Chenzi has input in advance, so Zhang Cheng just sits on it, without any effort at all.

After Zhang Cheng got in touch with Dan Chenzi's divine sense, Feijian automatically carried Zhang Cheng towards Bixia faction and flew there.

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