"I have lived here for a long time, and I can be regarded as a king here, so there are also many younger brothers. These younger brothers are all over the entire Supreme King Realm. I don't know if I can find the last holy fruit through them." Jin Hu replied.

"Okay, you go and try, I'll wait for your good news here." Zhang Cheng's eyes sparkled after hearing Jin Hu's words.

Here is there, this is the forest, who is the real owner of this place, naturally the animals that live here, moreover, the number of animals here is much more than that of people, it is better than his own aimless search Much more convenient.

Maybe they can really provide themselves with a useful message.

"Okay, I'll go right away." After saying that, Jin Hu disappeared in place.

Zhang Cheng jumped up to the top of the tree and waited quietly. He is not in a hurry now. Anyway, he has already obtained three holy fruits, and the last one is the best. It is no pity if he does not get it .

With this thought in mind, Zhang Cheng couldn't feel anxious.

Soon Jin Hu turned back, and Zhang Cheng immediately jumped down from the branch, came to Jin Hu's side, and asked, "How is it? Is there any news?"

"There is news. Some guys said that they saw the holy fruit near Bibo Lake." Jin Hu replied.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go." Although Zhang Cheng didn't know where Bibo Lake was, he didn't need to know where it was because Jinhu, an aborigine, was here.

So he jumped on Jinhu's back, and soon one man and one beast disappeared in place.

Bibo Lake is one of the few lakes in the Supreme King Realm. Although the beasts living here are powerful and do not need to drink water, they still need to take a bath.

Therefore, basically all animals know the location of these lakes.

Under the leadership of Jin Hu, Zhang Cheng soon came to the side of the so-called Bibo Lake.

This lake is not big, only a few hundred square meters, but the water is very clear, and there are still a few animals bathing in it at the moment, but after feeling the aura emanating from Jinhu, they were shocked away a lot. There are also a few who are not afraid of Jinhu, not only that, but the appearance of Jinhu has aroused their temper, and they all look at Jinhu with unkind eyes.

"Old Jin, what's going on?" Zhang Cheng felt that those guys looked at Jin Hu with some unkind eyes, and asked involuntarily.

"Those guys, like me, are the kings of the entire Supreme King Realm. Usually, the four of us occupy the four directions of the southeast, northwest, and each other want to kill each other to gain each other's territory, so they look like this when they see me. But don't worry, I am no longer someone they can fight against." Jin Hu said confidently.

"It turns out that it is like this. It seems that your life here is not as good as I imagined." Zhang Chengcheng thought that Jin Hu was the most powerful beast in the entire Supreme King Realm, but he didn't expect that there were several more here.

Especially when he saw those few people soaking in the pool together, Zhang Chengcheng had a scene of several big brother-level characters who didn't agree with each other taking a bath together, so he couldn't help but take a second look.

"Roar——" Suddenly, without saying hello, Jin Hu roared at the top of his voice, and the sound rolled out, scaring away countless birds and other strange beasts.

Even the three in the water who were somewhat hostile to Jin Hu seemed to feel the gap between them and Jin Hu at the moment, and obediently lowered their heads, then slowly left the pool and disappeared in Zhang Cheng's sight among.

"What are you screaming for? You scared me." Zhang Cheng was startled with a loud roar behind his back, and couldn't help scolding Jin Hu.

"Hehe, I couldn't help it on the spur of the moment. I'm sorry. Be careful next time. Be careful next time." Jin Hu quickly explained that he was still very afraid of Zhang Cheng, after all, he was now the one who held the power over his own life and death.

"Do you still want to have a next time?" Zhang Cheng scolded angrily.

"No no, there's no next time." Jinhu shook its huge head quickly and said.

"Let's go, go and see if the holy fruit is still there." As he said that, Zhang Cheng moved towards the holy fruit with a man and a beast.

When the Holy Fruit of Daigo is placed by the Supreme, there is a restriction. Only humans can pass through this layer of restrictions to get the Holy Fruit of Daigo, and animals cannot.

Therefore, before Jinhu just waited before the holy fruit of Daigo, and did not directly snatch it.

Therefore, they can be stored there until someone comes to pick it up. This is also to prevent animals from moving the sacred fruit and causing the imprint to become invalid.

"This is what that guy said, but it doesn't seem to be here." Jin Hu walked under a big tree on the left side of Bibo Lake, circled the uncle twice, and finally failed to find the holy fruit. where.

"Have you asked clearly, is that the holy fruit of the blue goose is here?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Yes, that's what it said. It was on the branch above, but it's gone now." Jin Hu replied.

"Could he be talking about the one that has already been obtained?" Zhang Cheng suddenly thought of something and asked.

"This one……"

"Om..." Jin Hu hadn't finished speaking, Zhang Chengcheng felt that familiar wave reappeared, and it was obvious that the direction he was guiding this time was not where he was now.

"It seems that you really made a mistake." Zhang Cheng didn't need to listen to Jin Hu's answer, this movement already explained a lot of problems.

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't figure it out." Jin Hu didn't explain, and immediately apologized, with a very sincere attitude.

"Forget it, I don't blame you for this matter. Anyway, I have already obtained three holy fruits, and I am already very satisfied." Zhang Cheng didn't blame Jin Hu at all. As he said, he was already able to get three. Very contented.

In addition, he doesn't seem qualified to blame Jinhu. After all, two of the three in his hand were obtained with the help of Jinhu. It's too late to thank it, so he will blame it.

"Thank you, master, for your understanding." Jin Hu felt relieved, originally he thought that Zhang Cheng would give him a hard reprimand.

"However, why hasn't the fluctuation of the holy fruit disappeared?" Zhang Cheng was surprised. It had been a while, but the guiding force still existed, which made him a little puzzled.

"Master, could it be those guys designed to lure you over?" Jin Hu guessed.

"Impossible?" Zhang Cheng shook his head, he felt that Wang Qing'an and Huang Tian should understand how strong they are, and they would not be able to win here even if they ambush.

However, if this is not the case, this situation cannot be explained.

"Forget it, let's go over and see what's going on." Zhang Cheng shook his head and put all his distracting thoughts behind him, and then he and he rode a golden tiger and quickly moved over in the direction indicated.

Although he had already given up the last sacred fruit, he would not let it go if he could get it.

Soon, Zhang Cheng and Jin Hu came to the place where the holy fruit was. From a distance, they could see two people fighting non-stop, as if they were robbing for something.

Take a closer look, okay, it turned out that Wang Qingan and Huang Tian fought.

"Which show is this?" Zhang Cheng felt that this situation was a bit abnormal. After all, these two guys were the same breed, and they existed in a pair of pants. Why did they fight at this time.

"Will there be another ambush?" Although it seemed that they might have made a big move because of the holy fruit of Daigo, but in Zhang Cheng's eyes, it seemed a bit weird, and it seemed that the elements of acting were mostly.

However, what Zhang Cheng didn't know was that the two of them were not acting, but were really fighting for this sacred fruit.

After all, there were two of them, and there was only one piece of the holy fruit, and no one was willing to get it, so the two fought to snatch the holy fruit.

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