Zhang Cheng and Jin Hu hid in the trees beside them, quietly observing the movement here, the more they looked, the more they seemed to be acting.However, what he couldn't understand was why these two guys were still acting at this time.

"Could they be sure to deal with me who owns the golden tiger?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help thinking about this, so he didn't dare to make a move for a long time. If the sacred fruit can't be taken out, even his own life has to be kept there.

Therefore, he planned to take another look, and wait until he was sure that there was no danger before making a move.

Huang Tian and Wang Qing'an naturally didn't think of this, they were purely for their own breakthrough, and didn't have any ideas, but if Zhang Cheng who was frightened by their actions, he didn't know how he would feel .


At this moment, a piercing sound resounded from a distance, and then an acquaintance came here, it was Liu Ye, and when he saw Huang Tian and the others who were desperately snatching them away, a sneer appeared in his eyes.

Then with a profound title, the master of the late Xuanxian period rushed over without any hesitation.

However, speaking of it, compared to Wang Qing'an and Huang Tian, ​​this Liu Ye was more unlucky.

He had personally obtained the mark of the Supreme before, but after entering the Realm of the Supreme King, he searched for a long time but could not find the sacred fruit that belonged to them.

Later, I learned that another member of their Qi sect had obtained it. Although Liu Ye was very angry, she had no choice but to focus on the other holy fruits.

The group of them searched for a long time but could not find half of the holy fruit of the blue sky. They felt it once before, but it was used by Huang Tian and the others to ambush Zhang Cheng.

After being driven away, I have been in a depressed mood.

At this moment, seeing Huang Tian and Wang Qing'an staying here alone, he felt a surge of excitement, and finally had a chance to find his place again.

However, before he reached Huang Tian and Wang Qing'an's side, he saw a group of people coming out from the opposite side, but they were from Jianzong, and the leader was Wang Hai who had separated from Zhang Cheng before.

"It's lively now, the suzerains of the four sects have all appeared." Zhang Cheng is not in a hurry to snatch the holy fruit at the moment. It is rare for the four suzerains to perform on the same stage.

"Sect Master Liu, you came at the right time. Hurry up and drive them away. This sacred fruit is yours." Seeing the two groups of Jianzong and Qizong coming, Huang Tian cried out inwardly.

Suddenly a plan came to mind, intending to let Liu Ye and Wang Hai pinch each other to ease the situation.

"Sect Master Huang, since you said so, then give me the holy fruit. As long as you give it to me, I will deal with them." Liu Ye is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very shrewd.

He was very clear that what Huang Tian said at this moment was to use him to contain Wang Hai. Once he started a war with Wang Hai and the others, these two guys would definitely not give him the holy fruit.

"Sect Master Liu, don't you still trust us? Don't worry, as long as you drive away the people from the Sword Sect, this sacred fruit will be yours." Wang Qing'an also said hastily.

"I can't trust you guys." Liu Ye didn't care about their feelings at the moment. They drove him away before, so they should have thought that there would be today.

"Sect Master Liu, you can't do this, our three sects are an alliance..."

"Alliance, it's ridiculous. Have you ever seen an alliance drive away its allies?" Liu Ye interrupted Huang Tian and questioned.

"This..." For a moment Huang Tian was a little embarrassed, and didn't know what to say.

"I don't have time to waste here with you. If you still want to continue to cooperate with my Qi Sect, you can give me the holy fruit. I can forget the past." Liu Ye looked at Wang Qing'an and Huang Tian, ​​and then stretched out hands. "


"Sect Master Liu, your tone is too loud. Do you think you have the confidence to defeat us with the same number of people?" Wang Hai watched for a while, and finally couldn't help but speak.

Originally, he wanted the three of them to choke each other, and it would be better to choke all three of them, but now it seems that this wish is impossible to realize.

"Wang Hai, you should be clear that our three sects of Dan, Array and Qi are cooperative. If you try to snatch this sacred fruit, once the Supreme King Realm ends, what awaits your Sword Sect will be a catastrophe. After I said this, do you still intend to continue to fight with us?" Liu Ye threatened.

"Sorry, what you said really can't threaten me. Do you think the combination of the three of you is great? If we really fight, our Jianzong will be wiped out, but neither of you three sects. It's going to be better, it's a big deal." Wang Hai is not worried about this at all, if they can make a move, they won't wait until now.

"That is to say, are you planning to fight me to the end?" Liu Ye asked with a grim expression.

"You guessed it right. I plan to fight you to the end. Why don't you accept it? If you don't accept it, let's compete alone." Wang Hai didn't care at all. In terms of fighting alone, he can pick two willow leaves alone. , Who is afraid of whom?

"You..." Liu Ye really didn't dare to compete with Wang Hai. He is a master of the sword sect, and he has also comprehended the sixth epee of sword intent in "Wu Wang Sword Code". There is no difference between fighting him and courting death.

So he looked at Huang Tian and Wang Qing'an and said, "What are you two still thinking about, give me the Holy Fruit of the Daigo, otherwise I won't be able to protect you both."

"What should I do?" Seeing this situation, Huang Tian didn't know what to do for a while, so Wang Qing'an asked with a glance.

"What else can I do, give it to him!" Wang Qing'an knew that now neither he nor Huang Tian would give in. Once he did, his fate could be imagined.

So, in the end, they reached a consensus, handing over the sacred fruit to Liu Ye, which would not only maintain the alliance of the three sects, but also transfer the problem to Liu Ye.

As for the holy fruit, they also figured it out. If they don't get it this time, there will be a next time, and there are still opportunities.

However, just when they had just sent out the holy fruit, a red figure flashed between them, and then the holy fruit disappeared.

"Why... Where's the holy fruit?" Huang Tian, ​​Wang Qing'an, and Liu Ye all stared wide-eyed, then looked in the direction where the red shadow flew past, and saw Zhang Cheng riding a fire unicorn, holding a holy fruit in his hand. fruit.

"It's you again!" Huang Tian was completely anxious this time. Counting this time, it was the third time that Zhang Cheng had completely lost his face.

"Isn't it me?" Zhang Cheng laughed, and then he came to Wang Hai's side in a flash, and directly handed the holy fruit to Wang Hai.

After seeing Wang Hai appearing before, he sent a voice transmission to him to force Huang Tian and the others to give up the holy fruit of Daigo to Liu Ye.

Although he could easily take down Wang Qing'an and Huang Tian by virtue of the golden tiger, there was no guarantee that one of them would swallow the holy fruit. The risk was too great, and he didn't want to take it, so he came up with this method.

But Huang Tian and Wang Qing'an really cooperated, and actually gave up the holy fruit of Daigo to Liu Ye, which was also Zhang Cheng's intention.

So at the moment when they just gave out the holy fruit, Zhang Chenggong urged Jinhu to get the holy fruit. This time, he got four of the seven holy fruits by himself. This time he finally made a profit. arrive.

"Okay, you go, I don't want to see you anymore." Zhang Cheng didn't want to see these guys anymore, staying here would only make him feel an eyesore.

"You..." Huang Tian and Wang Qing'an were just about to say something, but when they saw the golden tiger under Zhang Cheng's crotch, they all closed their mouths when they thought of how powerful it was, and then they winked at Liu Ye. Then left here.

Seeing them leave in despair, Zhang Cheng felt very happy but not very comfortable, and said to himself: "It would be great if I could kill them all, so as not to be tricked by them."

"Zhang Cheng, have you got the holy fruit from our Jianzong?" Wang Hai asked.

"I got it. Counting the one in your hand, I got four in total. Haha, I didn't expect that I could get so many." Zhang Cheng is really happy at the moment, four, you know here There were only seven pieces in total, and I actually got half of them.

When I think of the words I said to Ji Feng, I suddenly feel like a world away.

At the same time, he also wanted to see how Ji Feng would feel when he heard that he had obtained four holy fruits.

ps: Thank you for your support and the monthly pass.

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