At noon, Gongyang Xinyue and the others came back happily, with big and small bags in their hands, which showed that they had a great time shopping. [ ]

Zhang Cheng took a special look at Gongyang Xinyue, and found that there was nothing wrong with her, he was slightly relieved.

Although he really hoped that this girl would go with him, if she chose to stay, he couldn't say anything.

"Wife, how are you doing today?" Zhang Cheng came out and stood at the door to welcome them.

"It's good, but you didn't go with us, otherwise we wouldn't have to carry the big and small bags." Lan Yue didn't care about Zhang Cheng's feelings at all, and directly expressed her thoughts.

"You just put the things you bought in the storage ring, and you have to let me go there!" Zhang Cheng heard this, and secretly rejoiced, if he really went with them, he would have to be tortured this morning You must die.

"That's different. I read it on the Internet. People say that men are women's wallets and free labor. Wouldn't it be a waste to put you aside?" Shangguan Hongyan also interjected.

"Hey, if I knew it would turn out like this if you came here, I wouldn't bring you here. Now I regret it a bit." Seeing that they have become modern people one by one, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel the old They are simple and cute.

However, this matter has become an established fact, and regret seems to be unable to solve anything.

"You still regret it, it's us who should regret it." Xia Hou Wan'er raised her eyebrows and said.

"What do you regret?" Zhang Cheng was stunned, how could he expect them to say such a sentence.

Moreover, seeing how confident they are, Zhang Cheng felt a little depressed, and didn't understand what they were relying on.

"Hmph, don't tell me that you don't know that monogamy is stipulated on the earth, but you have nine of us at the same time. Shouldn't we regret it?" Ouyang Qianyun also said this in cooperation, although her face She looked like I was very angry, but the smile in her eyes betrayed her, which let Zhang Cheng know that they were not serious.

"It's true, but I didn't take the initiative to chase you. You all posted it yourself. If I didn't want you, wouldn't it be a disaster for more male compatriots if I let you be single. So, for myself For the sake of world peace, I still have to bear this suffering!" Zhang Cheng said with a righteous look.

But the result that Zhang Cheng imagined did not appear, only a few girls whispered to each other and looked at him with disdain.

"Sister Xinyue, have you ever met someone who is more narcissistic than him?" Shangguan Hongyan looked at Gongyang Xinyue and asked.

"No." Gongyang Xinyue shook her head and replied very seriously.

"Er..." Zhang Cheng almost fell down, these girls have changed too fast, if it was before, they would definitely jump up and pinch themselves.

Now their reaction is more and more like the people of the earth, but he also thinks there is nothing wrong, they are more cheerful and healthier.

"By the way, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Good (bad)..." The nine girls all said so, but most of them had to listen first.

"The minority obeys the majority, so let's start with the good news. The good news I want to say is that we are going to ascend to the fairy world." Zhang Cheng replied.

"What about the bad one?" Xuan Ling asked.

"The bad thing is that you can't continue to be crazy on the earth." Zhang Cheng laughed.

"Tch, I thought it was something." All the girls rolled their eyes at Zhang Cheng, as if saying that you are an idiot, and then walked into the villa on their own. [ ]

However, compared to them, Gongyang Xinyue's expression changed obviously, but she quickly returned to her usual appearance.

Zhang Cheng knew that she still couldn't let go, and didn't know how to persuade her, so he shook his head and walked in.

As the sky gradually darkened, Zhang Cheng came to the bedroom, took out the illustrated book of "Tantric Mahamudra", walked to them and said, "There is one more thing that I want to pass on to you today."

"The Tantric Mahamudra?" Xuan Ling, Lan Yue, Xia Kexin, and Zhang Xin all looked at Zhang Cheng without knowing what it was.

"This is his biggest secret. It was intended to be passed on to us before, but since it cannot be copied, we let it go." Zhang Chengmei spoke, and Gongyang Xinyue explained it for him.

However, after she finished speaking, her brows also twitched, and she asked, "Zhang Cheng, didn't you say before that you can't teach it until you have mastered it all? Why, you have mastered it all now?"

"Not yet, but I found the original copy of this exercise. With this, you can practice directly without me teaching it." After speaking, Zhang Cheng took out the illustration book from behind and handed it to them .

"This picture is the visualized Buddha statue I mentioned earlier. There are nine mudras corresponding to the arms. Each mudra has a different power. Now I will do the mudra again. You can watch it." , Zhang Cheng did the nine handprints from beginning to end.

"Zhang Cheng, you're not mistaken, why don't I feel anything when I practice these nine handprints?" Lan Yue learned to do it once, and then asked puzzled.

"Of course it won't work if you do this. You need to visualize the Buddha statue, and at the same time visualize the corresponding handprints in the middle of its nine arms from bottom to top. This is considered cultivation. When the handprints are completely integrated with the Buddha statue and are unique, they are no longer disappearing. Then even if you have practiced this mudra, you can continue to practice the next mudra at the same time, the method is the same as before." Zhang Cheng reminded.

"Then I'll try." Lanyue nodded to make it clear, and then followed what Zhang Cheng said, forming handprints while visualizing, but the strange thing is, the first, second, and third seals were easily mastered by her , I didn't feel any difficulty until I started refining the fourth seal, and my brain was exhausted for a while.

"How do you feel?" Seeing that she had mastered the first three seals so easily, Zhang Cheng couldn't help being startled. You must know that it took him a long time to master the first three seals back then, but she was lucky and started to practice the fourth one directly. printed.

"The first three seals have been practiced, but the fourth seal is very difficult... No, no, I'm dizzy..." Lan Yue waved her hand and lay down directly, her brows were also furrowed tightly, with a very uncomfortable expression. Look comfortable.

"Don't stop, practice the first three seals, that can help you recover the loss of primordial spirit and energy." Zhang Cheng quickly reminded.

"I'm uncomfortable……"

"You won't feel uncomfortable after practicing for a while, otherwise, you don't have to do anything at night." Zhang Cheng has experienced it himself, so he can understand Lan Yue's feeling at the moment. It is better to be sad for a while than to be sad for a night.

So, he went up to help her up and said, "Quick, practice the first three seals."

"Oh!" Lan Yue responded, gritted her teeth and began to practice. After about half an hour, her complexion returned to rosy.

"What a miraculous technique!" Lan Yue was surprised at the moment, and her spirit was much better than before, and her primordial spirit had also improved. You must know that her primordial spirit had grown extremely slowly before, unless she encountered a breakthrough state. Or experience a life-and-death crisis before you can make a big breakthrough.

Although this speed is much slower than that of direct improvement, the key is to be able to practice, and the accumulation over the years is not a small amount.

"Try it too, but don't force yourself. You can master as many mudras as you can. If you feel tired, practice the previous mudras as I said, and you can recover quickly." Zhang Cheng reminded road.

"Okay." Seeing Lanyue trying the method by herself, the few of them also had some emotions in their hearts. Hearing Zhang Cheng's reminder, they also began to practice.

Zhang Chengcheng stood aside, waiting quietly. At the same time, he was thinking about whether to pass this secret method to Yao Yuan. After all, that guy was also his first apprentice, so it would be unreasonable not to teach it.

So he took a notebook and drew nine sets of handprints on it. As for this Buddha statue, he didn't dare to copy it directly. After all, this thing can't be copied, and if there is a slight mistake, it will kill people.

At that moment, he released his primordial spirit, found Yao Yuan, and found that he was practicing behind closed doors in a villa, looking very serious, and felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

So, he directly inserted the primordial spirit into his mind.

"Boy, do you really work hard?" Zhang Cheng's voice rang directly in Yao Yuan's mind, making him jump, but he recognized Zhang Cheng's voice, and asked in surprise: "Master, how do you coming?"

"Why, can't I come?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"No, no, Master, you misunderstood me, I mean why did you come here suddenly, why didn't you say hello, and also, why did your voice appear directly in my mind." Yao Yuan said to the moment I was a little surprised by the situation, so I couldn't help asking.

"I came here using Yuanshen. If there are no exceptions, I will leave tomorrow. Before I leave, I have something to tell you. Come to my villa at ten o'clock in the morning." Zhang Cheng said.

"It's Master." Yao Yuan nodded and said.

"Okay, I still have something to do as a teacher, so I'm leaving now. You have to practice hard and don't embarrass me." Zhang Cheng reminded.

"Don't worry, Master, the apprentice will definitely not embarrass you." Yao Yuan said confidently.

"Well, let's go." After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, he withdrew his soul, leaving behind Yao Yuan who was secretly surprised, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

ps: The second, third and fourth updates will be updated around 10:30 p.m.

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