Gongyang Xinyue and the others were practicing all night, and Zhang Cheng didn't bother them. After all, it was the first time they practiced and there was always curiosity.

Moreover, he also wants to determine one thing through them, that is, what is the decisive factor for the improvement of each seal.

After all, this has been with me for the longest time, and it has been obtained by me before reincarnation, and I have started to practice.

However, his understanding of it is very limited. So far, he only knows that it can increase the strength of the primordial spirit, and at the same time, each seal has a special ability.

However, he doesn't know what the breakthrough depends on, and why he has such a magical ability.

Moreover, he used to practice by himself. At that time, the authorities were fascinated, and he just felt the spirit of the promotion, and didn't think about other things. Now he watched these girls practice and made some new discoveries.

After a night of observation, Zhang Cheng also had some clues, that is, his cultivation, and his desire to improve his level has the most direct relationship with the strength of his soul.

Because it was the first time for them to contact each other, there was no difference in this point.

Among them, Xuanling mastered the fastest. She has already mastered the first four seals, and now she is starting to practice the fifth seal. Lanyue is next, she has mastered the first three seals, and she is currently practicing the fourth seal. On the second seal, the gap is self-evident.

Just looking at these, Zhang Cheng felt that the level of cultivation should be related to the speed of his cultivation.

However, he is not sure, because it may have something to do with the level of the primordial spirit, but the level of primordial spirit between them is not much different, so it is difficult to determine this.

"Forget it, let's save this for later." Zhang Cheng shook his head, and he also knew that the research on the subject could only come to an end.

They got up from bed and went down to cook a hearty breakfast. This time it may be the last breakfast they eat on earth.

After they were done, Zhang Cheng called them down for dinner, and told them about going to the Immortal World this morning. They were already mentally prepared for this, so they didn't say anything.

After eating, Zhang Cheng let them enter the magic weapon of space, while he waited in the villa, waiting for Yao Yuan's arrival.

At ten o'clock sharp, Yao Yuan came outside the villa, opened the door and walked in.

"Master, the apprentice is here." Yao Yuan walked to Zhang Cheng's side, saluted respectfully, and said.

"I called you here today and I want you to do something, sit down and talk." Pointing to the sofa next to him, he said to Yao Yuan.

"Yes!" Yao Yuan nodded, a little curious in his heart, wondering what Zhang Cheng would ask him to do.But looking at Zhang Cheng's cautious appearance, it seems that this matter is a bit serious.

"Here is a picture. I will give you 10 minutes to memorize this picture." After speaking, Zhang Cheng took out the Buddha statue and handed it to Yao Yuandao.

"Just look at this picture?" Yao Yuan took the picture, feeling a little strange in his heart, why did Zhang Cheng let him see this picture.

However, he knew Zhang Cheng's strength, and calling him here today should not be aimless, that is to say, there are secrets hidden in this picture.

So, he looked at it carefully, not letting go of every detail.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Cheng asked aloud, "Do you remember?"

"Remember." Yao Yuan nodded and said.

"Think back and see if you can hear the Buddha statue in this image in your mind." Zhang Cheng reminded.

"Okay." As he spoke, he asked Proposal to close his eyes. After a while, he opened them and said, "I can feel this image, but, Master, is there anything special about this image?"

"Of course." Zhang Cheng nodded, but did not explain anything, and then directly handed the nine handprints drawn last night to Yao Yuan, and then told him the precautions of this secret technique.

"Any more questions?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"No more." Yao Yuan shook his head, Zhang Cheng had already explained it very clearly before, and he didn't have any doubts.

"Okay, we've been mentoring for a few days. You and I don't even know each other's names. It's ridiculous. My name is Zhang Cheng. What's your name?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Return to Master, my name is Yao Yuan." Yao Yuan got up quickly and replied respectfully.

"Yao Yuan, um, a good name." Zhang Cheng nodded, then stood up and looked at him and said, "I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

"Master, are you leaving?" Yao Yuan heard the meaning of Zhang Cheng's words, and couldn't help but feel sad for a while.

It wasn't that he was reluctant to part with Zhang Cheng. After all, they didn't have a deep relationship. He just felt that if Zhang Cheng left, he would have no idea of ​​cultivating alone.

"Not bad." After speaking, Zhang Cheng walked outside, followed by Yao Yuan.

Walking out of the gate, Zhang Cheng took out the jade talisman that Wang Hai left for him before he left, and gently pinched the jade talisman to crush it. Just when Yao Yuan didn't understand why, suddenly the sky and the earth began to change color, and then appeared in the sky A huge crack was opened, and a coercion that was as strong as several points radiated from the crack, shocking people's hearts.

"Boy, it's time to send a letter. If I don't send it again, I will be in a hurry." Wang Hai appeared on the other side of the crack. After seeing Zhang Cheng, he felt relieved.

"My God, what did I see..." Yao Yuan was extremely shocked at the moment, he had never dreamed of this scene.

"Master, Master, I told you to wait." Zhang Cheng replied, and then threw the key and the keys of the villa to Yao Yuandao: "Help me give this villa to Zhang Xiaowei, the director of Boai Orphanage, and let them Move here to live, and you have to practice hard, I hope we can meet in the fairy world in the future."

He patted Yao Yuan's shoulder, and then Zhang Cheng jumped into the air, and he got into the crack in the blink of an eye, and then the huge crack in the sky closed slowly, and the sky returned to its original appearance in a blink of an eye.

"This..." Yao Yuan opened his mouth, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

At the same time, he also realized what kind of existence his master is, but it is a god from the fairy world. When Zhang Cheng talked about the fairy world before, he thought it was a transcendence and ascension, but now it seems that it is not the case at all.

"I actually got a fairy to be my master. This is too... too enjoyable." Yao Yuan's eyes burst into excitement, and suddenly he felt that his backer was a little scary. Compared with those bull-nosed people on Wudang Mountain, he was considered strong. Too much.

"Well, when I am strong, I must establish the Qingcheng Sword Sect, and let the Qingcheng Sword Sect flourish on Earth, so as to comfort Master's spirit in heaven." Yao Yuan nodded, then closed the door of the villa, turned and left.

Luckily, Zhang Cheng is gone at this moment. If he is still here, when he hears this guy say the words "Zaitianzhiling", he will definitely not be able to resist slapping him. He is not dead, so where is the Zaitianzhiling...

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