Alien Madness

Chapter 74

{I'm busy planting rice at home, so I'm a little late, sorry, try to be on time tomorrow. }

"It's you..." After Huaqing saw Zhang Cheng's appearance clearly, he was startled for a while, and then said in surprise: "How is it possible, you have already been..."

At the end, ASRock suddenly realized that Ouyang Qianyun was still here, and stopped quickly, but looked at Zhang Cheng in disbelief, as if he didn't believe it was true.

"Do you want to say, I have been thrown off the cliff by you, why am I still alive?" Zhang Cheng looked at ASRock playfully, and his expression at the moment made him very satisfied.

"What, brother Zhang Cheng, are you telling the truth?" Hearing this, Ouyang Qianyun also realized what happened, and asked Zhang Cheng in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Just after you left Shaoyang City, this kid turned back and wanted to force me to terminate the contract with you. I disagreed. This kid wanted to kill me, but he was also afraid of my sect. , so I thought of a so-called best-of-both-worlds way to throw me off the cliff and let me fend for myself.”

"Unfortunately, I was lucky. Not only did I not die, but I also had an adventure at the foot of the mountain. From this point of view, I would like to thank you, Brother ASRock." Zhang Cheng looked at ASRock and called "Brother" heavily. But his mood at the moment was fully revealed because of this.

"Huaxing, what's going on here?" Ouyang Qianyun also remembered that when she left with Bishui, halfway, Huaqing suddenly said that something happened at home and separated from them.

It's just that she was in the pain of being separated from Zhang Cheng at that time, so she didn't pay much attention to it. Now that she thinks about it, she feels that there is a problem.Because, at that time, ASRock had just come out of home, so how could something happen.

In this way, he didn't go home, but went to deal with Zhang Cheng.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Qianyun blamed herself a little. If it wasn't for her, Zhang Chengcheng would not have been missed by ASRock, and almost died.

"Hmph, so what if I did it, this well-known sick man in China is not worthy of you at all, so I asked him to break off the engagement with you, I don't think I did anything wrong, who knows that this kid doesn't know good and bad , so I was just short of breath, so I threw him off the cliff." Huaqing said with a face full of disdain.

But he didn't pay attention, at this moment, the well-known sick man in Huaxia, his cultivation level will soon surpass that of a healthy person like him.

"You..." Hearing what Huaqing said, Ouyang Qian was speechless for a long time.

"Hehe, you are all straightforward, but it's a pity that your plot didn't succeed. Not only did I not die, but I got an adventure. You have been practicing for so long and you are only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but it took me just over two years to reach In the initial stage of construction, in such a comparison, you are not as good as me, a sick child, so what right do you have to stand here and say that I am not worthy of Qianyun?" Zhang Cheng asked with a sneer.

"What!" Huaqing and Ouyang Qianyun were shocked when they heard Zhang Cheng's words.

ASRock didn't see Zhang Cheng's cultivation because he saw that Zhang Cheng was still alive and couldn't accept this fact, so he didn't observe his cultivation immediately.

As for Ouyang Qianyun, because she was happy to see Zhang Cheng, all her attention was focused on other things, so she didn't look carefully.

Of course, she has just reached the cultivation base of a ninth-rank warrior, and there is still a short distance before the Qi training period, so she can't see how high Zhang Cheng's cultivation base is.

"How is this possible? It's only been more than two years, how is it possible!" Huaqing was far more surprised than Ouyang Qianyun, after all, he had reached this level step by step.

Back then, it took him more than ten years to upgrade from a martial artist to the Foundation Establishment stage, even with the Foundation Establishment Pill, so he knew the difficulty.

However, it took Zhang Cheng more than two years to achieve it, which is simply impossible.

However, Zhang Cheng was right in front of his eyes at this moment, and his cultivation level could directly tell that it was indeed the early stage of foundation establishment, which made him have to believe it.

Now he regrets it, not because he regretted throwing Zhang Cheng off the cliff, but because he didn't kill him with his own hands, so that he came to him now.

Thinking of his terrifying background, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"ASRock, I still remember everything you did to me back then, should you give me an explanation now, huh?" Zhang Cheng's face became colder, and his heart was full of murderous intent.

Although he is only at the early stage of foundation building, with his own attack methods, he should be able to win against ASRock. Even if he can't win, he can still win in a tie.

What's more, he still has a secret weapon, but using this secret weapon to deal with this kid is a little overkill, so he won't use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Hmph, explain, what can I tell you, the world of cultivation is like this, the weak eat the strong, I am stronger than you, so I can bully you. Do you think you can challenge me when you reach the early stage of foundation establishment? Let me tell you, you think too much It's simple, I could kill you before, and I can still do it now!" ASRock also knew that this beam was settled.

Moreover, this is an irreconcilable hatred. Even if he compromises, Zhang Cheng will probably not let him go. Therefore, if he does not interrupt the compromise, even if he dies, he will have to drag him as a backup.

"Really?" Zhang Cheng smiled, and then said, "Are you so confident?"

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you want, just draw the road, and I will accompany you!" ASRock replied.

"Okay then, do you dare to fight me and let me see if you have the strength to kill me now!" Zhang Cheng said.

"Why don't you dare!" ASRock's temper was also aroused, anyway, things have developed to this point, no matter how bad it is, it can't be too bad, so he agreed with the attitude of breaking the jar.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, don't fight him anymore, you can't beat him!" Ouyang Qianyun said worriedly, pulling Zhang Cheng's arm.

"You can only know if you can fight or not. Girl, have some confidence in your brother Zhang Cheng. If I really lose, it will be because you have no confidence in me." Zhang Cheng saw Ouyang Qianyun With a worried face and warm heart, he scratched Ouyang Qianyun's little nose and said.


"It's nothing to worry about. You have to have confidence in your husband-in-law, you know?" Zhang Cheng pulled Ouyang Qianyun in front of him, looked her in the eyes, and said uncompromisingly.

"Oh!" Seeing what Zhang Cheng said, he knew that no matter what he said, he would never change his mind, so he responded, and at the same time prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that Zhang Cheng would be safe.

"That's right!" Zhang Cheng stroked Ouyang Qianyun's hair, then turned around and said to ASRock, "Go out, I don't want to ruin this place."

"Go, go to the martial arts stage!" Huaqing responded, turned and walked out of the room. Zhang Cheng was not to be outdone, and followed closely behind Huaqing, holding Ouyang Qianyun's little hand.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of some passing disciples. After all, Ouyang Qianyun had never been so intimate with a man before, and it didn't seem disgusting to be pulled by a man at this moment.

The most important thing was that this man was not from their Bixia school, which made them curious about Zhang Cheng.

In addition, ASRock led the two of them towards the direction of the martial arts stage, and seemed to acquiesce in the fact that Ouyang Qianyun was holding hands with other men, which made them even more confused.

You know, in the past, Ouyang Qianyun was ASRock's private property, and no man was allowed to get close to her, let alone holding hands with her.

But at this moment, he actually acquiesced to other men walking with Ouyang Qianyun, what does this mean.

Some discerning people quickly saw the trickiness, and they also keenly smelled the gunpowder between ASRock and Zhang Cheng.As a result, these people followed like cats smelling fish, wanting to see what happened.

At this time, a group of three men and two women came over. However, as soon as they returned to the sect, they saw the man who was giving them barbecue outside.

However, what puzzled them was why this man held Ouyang Qianyun's hand.

"Junior Sister Shen Ying, what's going on? Could he be Junior Sister Qianyun's fiancé?" Ma Qiu asked in disbelief. She felt that what happened today was really unbelievable.

"Well, I don't know either." Shen Yingyao shook her head, she couldn't say anything about this, after all, Ouyang Qianyun never told her about Zhang Cheng.

"Then let's go and have a look." Ma Qiu said.

"Go!" After finishing speaking, the two followed.

The remaining three men looked at each other and followed.

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