Alien Madness

Chapter 75

The martial art stage of each sect is used to provide a place for the disciples of their sect to compete with each other. Because the destructive power of the practitioners is extremely strong, even the masters in the early stage of Qi training, the destructive power displayed is far beyond what can be resisted.

Therefore, after the Yanwutai of each sect is successfully built, various powerful restrictions will be placed to prevent the Yanwutai from being substantially damaged.

Although there are quite a few disciples in the Bixia Sect, most of them are Qi training disciples. There are only a few dozen disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and the rest are some elders in the Golden Core Stage.

And most of the disciples in the Qi training period are sent out to look for resources, so it is usually very quiet here, and almost no one comes here.

Because they feel that if they have the skills to learn from each other, it is better to practice more and improve their cultivation base to be more practical.

But today's Martial Arts Arena was extremely lively, who spread the news that ASRock was going to compete with Zhang Cheng, so nearly half of the disciples of the Bixia Sect gathered here, and the crowd wrapped the entire Martial Arts Arena tightly.

In the innermost corner of the Yanwu stage, Zhang Yang looked at ASRock and Zhang Cheng who were standing face to face in the arena, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, because he directed this scene himself.

Now he really hoped that one of the two in the field would die. In this case, no matter which one died, the other would not be better off. In this way, no one would argue with him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Ouyang Qianyun again, and when he saw her almost perfect face, he couldn't help but get excited.

At this moment, all of Ouyang Qianyun's attention was focused on Zhang Cheng in the arena, worried about Zhang Cheng's safety, so she didn't feel Zhang Yang's gaze.

In the Martial Art Stage, ASRock and Zhang Cheng looked at each other, locked on to each other, looked at each other, as if they wanted to find a flaw in each other, and then deal a fatal blow.

Therefore, they were not in a hurry to make a move.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng felt a little nervous. After all, this was his first time fighting a cultivator.Moreover, the attack method he researched was improved based on secular martial arts, and he has not tried it himself, so he is still a little worried.

In this way, the two stalemate for about 5 minutes, and finally ASRock couldn't bear it, and then attacked Zhang Cheng.

ASRock used a sword technique. As soon as the long sword was drawn out, a pale golden light burst out from it. From this, Zhang Cheng could see that ASRock's talent was metallic.

Gold represents sharpness. With the blessing of metallic essence, ASRock's sword, even the most common iron sword, will become unparalleled sharp, cutting iron like mud.

However, he is not afraid, because he has fire-attributed primordial energy, the so-called fire can overcome metal, as long as he uses the fire-attributed skills, he will not be afraid of his attack at all.

However, you cannot use earth-type zhenyuan here, because earth-generated gold, if used, will not only not have the desired effect, but will instead boost the power of the metal-type.

As for the native wood mentioned earlier, it is not the real mutual growth, but the real sense is the native metal, not the native wood, but the aquatic wood.

But after continuous deduction by the predecessors, they found that not only water can grow wood, but also soil. After all, wood grows in soil, but the ability of soil to grow wood is much worse than that of water.

Therefore, wood and soil are not only mutually restraining, but also mutually producing. Therefore, this pair is the most special group of all attributes.

Thinking of the countermeasures, Zhang Cheng calmly faced ASRock's attack, and hurriedly focused on three uses, while running the "Xuanyuan Jing" to absorb spiritual energy to produce non-attribute true yuan, and at the same time use "Fen Tian Jue" to burn the non-attribute real yuan It was converted into fire-attributed true energy, and the other was to replace the fire-attributed true energy with true energy into the "Earth Shaking Fist" that he had repeatedly improved.

However, the current "Earth Shaking Fist" has been changed beyond recognition by Zhang Cheng. I am afraid that even the founder of "Earth Shaking Fist" will not be able to recognize it after seeing it.

As soon as Zhang Cheng's ground-shaking punch came out, a layer of red light sprouted on the fist. Although Huo Dejin, he didn't dare to take ASRock's attack head-on. After all, he doesn't know how powerful ASRock's sword is now. Geometrically, if one's physical body can't bear it, then the joke will be big.

So he deliberately avoided ASRock's blade, and hit the blade instead.

After Zhang Cheng's improvement, the Earth Shaking Fist can be hard or soft. When it is hard, it is like a tiger descending a mountain, unstoppable. When it is soft, it is like a trickle of grass, endless.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng was using his fierce side, coupled with the blessing of fire-attributed true energy, he was like a tiger with wings added, and he punched directly on ASRock's long sword.


After this blow, the long sword in Huaqing's hand immediately let out a mournful cry. At the same time, Huaqing also felt a huge force coming from the sword, and this power was so strong that he almost couldn't hold it. His long sword was thrown out.

Although he accepted Zhang Cheng's move, his tiger's mouth was numb from Zhang Cheng's blow at the moment, and it took him a while to recover.

Seeing this, ASRock had no choice but to face Zhang Cheng squarely.

Because he felt that his cultivation base was a whole level higher than his, and he felt that Zhang Cheng's cultivation base was improved so quickly, it was all thanks to the pills. After all, the alchemy sect is famous for alchemy .

Therefore, he felt that there was not much suspense in defeating him with his own strength.

As for the reason why he didn't rush to attack Zhang Cheng at the beginning, it wasn't that he didn't find Zhang Cheng's shortcomings, because in his eyes, Zhang Cheng had shortcomings all over his body.

And he didn't do it all the time, it's all because he hasn't decided in his heart whether to take this opportunity to kill him or not.

After all, Zhang Cheng has the big backer of Dan Dao Sect behind him, and he only has the Bixia Sect. The gap between them is too big, so he is very afraid.

But if he doesn't take the opportunity to kill Zhang Cheng, then he himself will be overwhelmed by Zhang Cheng in the future, or even killed by Zhang Cheng. This is not what he wants to see, so he is in a dilemma for a while situation.

But now he realized how ridiculous his previous thoughts were. With Zhang Cheng's attack just now, it was a question of whether he could defeat Zhang Cheng, let alone kill him.

Therefore, he quickly calmed down, put other distracting thoughts behind him temporarily, and then launched an attack on Zhang Cheng with all his strength. After all, only by defeating Zhang Cheng first can he be qualified to decide whether to kill or not.

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