Alien Madness

Chapter 76

With ASRock's concentration, his attacks became more powerful, and the direction of his attacks became more tricky.So for a while, Zhang Cheng fell into a passive state of being beaten. Facing ASRock's powerful offensive, he could only passively resist now, and had no strength left to fight back.

However, fortunately, his true energy is supported by the "Xuan Yuan Jing", and almost all the true energy consumed by fighting for so long has been replenished, so he still has great strength.

Also, as the battle progressed, his "Earth Shaking Fist" became more and more mature.

After all, this boxing method has only been established not long ago, and there are still many places that are not mature enough. With the help of ASRock as a catalyst, it has gradually matured.

At the same time, ASRock's advantages and previous Rongrong also slowly disappeared, and even began to feel the pressure from Zhang Cheng, and the pressure was getting bigger and bigger.

This situation shocked him very much, because he could clearly feel that Zhang Cheng's strength was constantly increasing, and even faintly surpassed him.

"No, we can't go on like this." ASRock has now been opened, and Zhang Cheng will use his offensive to enhance his combat experience and hone his boxing skills.

Therefore, he immediately changed his moves, and the golden light on the sword body slowly disappeared, in exchange for a light blue light. At the same time, the focus of the sword move also changed greatly, and the attack power was not as good as before. So powerful, but the offensive continued wave after wave, and it seemed like a drop of water piercing through a rock.

"Two attributes of gold and water?" Zhang Cheng was taken aback when he saw this change, but he didn't expect that ASRock's qualifications were so good.

In today's comprehension world, there are not many monks with the two attributes, and there are even fewer two attributes that grow together. There are only five kinds of metal that generate water, water that generates wood, wood that generates fire, fire that generates earth, and earth that generates metal.

Among these five dual-attribute people, the three most dominant attributes are wood fire, gold water, and earth metal.

The reason is very simple. Fire represents fiery heat, fanaticism and destruction. Therefore, once the fire attribute exercises are used, they are extremely powerful and destructive. With the enhancement of the wood attribute, the fire will be even fiercer.

Gold represents sharpness, which is a very powerful attribute in itself, but it is afraid of encountering fire-attribute exercises. However, once it is with water, it can increase the water potential, thereby achieving the effect of suppressing fire. Therefore, Jin is no longer afraid of fire.

As for earth and metal, they have extremely strong penetrating power. As long as they don't meet people who have both wood and fire attributes, basically no one can stop his power.

Zhang Cheng is one of them, and so is ASRock.

It's just that Zhang Cheng has another kind, that is, soil, soil overcomes water, and it happens to completely defeat ASRock.

However, ASRock's moves became very sudden, before Zhang Cheng had time to react, ASRock's offensive had already started, and his moves were overwhelmed all of a sudden.

In the end, Zhang Cheng turned fire into soil, and it was only then that the deadlock was reversed.

And when ASRock saw that Zhang Cheng also had the earth attribute, his whole body was about to collapse.

Zhang Cheng's fire beats his gold, and the earth beats his water. How can this fight be fought.

In desperation, he could only choose a playful style of play, changing water for a while, and changing gold for a while, so that Zhang Cheng could only keep switching with him.

Although he was able to gain an advantage by doing this, he felt a little ashamed to use such a style of play against a person whose cultivation level was not as good as his.

"This guy is really cunning!" Zhang Cheng was a little depressed. His attack method was to let others follow his rhythm, but now he was led by the nose instead, which made him very uncomfortable.

If ASRock's swordsmanship is exquisite, then he feels better.However, at this moment, he suppressed himself in such a way that was almost shameless, which made him a little annoyed.

But he can't help it. If it were him, I'm afraid he would do the same.

However, what he is most depressed about now is that his cultivation base is too low. If his cultivation base is higher, relying on the advantage of the grade of "Fen Tian Jue", he can still use it even when facing water-attribute exercises. its beat.

Because the higher the skill is, the more condensed the true essence will be, and the stronger the power will be.

It's just that Zhang Cheng's cultivation base is too low. If he can reach the level of Jindan or even Nascent Soul, then the advantages of "Fen Tian Jue" will be fully revealed. Disappeared.

Therefore, this also strengthened his idea of ​​improving his cultivation as soon as possible.

But in the current situation, he can only fight against the rogue in a rogue way, that is, to compete with the true essence.He believed that he who possessed the "Xuan Yuan Jing" must be the final victor.

The result was not much different from what he had calculated. As the battle progressed, ASRock used less and less true energy, and its attacks became weaker and weaker. However, Zhang Cheng's true energy was very sufficient, so he became more and more courageous as he fought.

In the end, Zhang Cheng, taking advantage of ASRock's lack of a mouthful of true energy, immediately launched the "Fen Tian Jue" to pour the true essence into his fist, and punched ASRock's left eye.

Immediately, ASRock flew upside down like a kite with a broken string. Since then, a battle that lasted for nearly an hour came to an end.

After this battle, Zhang Cheng was also very tired. Although he fought more and more real energy, his energy consumption was also very serious. Therefore, after the battle was over, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, after Huaqing was hit by Zhang Cheng with all his strength and flew out, he still hasn't got up until now. He feels his head is very heavy at this moment, and he can't lift it up.

And his left eye was so painful that he couldn't open it, and the true essence in his body was almost exhausted, so he could only endure it with his own perseverance and try not to let himself scream, but even so, it was still painful. Make him hum.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng defeated ASRock, all the people present were shocked. After all, ASRock can be said to be the most powerful person among their younger generation. Even if he is defeated, who is still Zhang Cheng's opponent.

But Ouyang Qianyun breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, she was always worried about Zhang Cheng's safety, and she was not relieved until now.

As for Zhang Yang, there was not much change. Although this result and him exceeded his expectations, it was within his acceptable range.

However, when he saw Zhang Cheng continue to walk towards the place where ASRock was, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Cheng walked up to Huaqing, looking at Huaqing who was lying on the ground struggling to get up, there was no pity in his eyes.

Then he lifted his foot slowly, and stepped down with his right hand held by ASRock back then.

"Boy, how dare you!" At this moment, there was a shout from a distance, and then Zhang Chengcheng felt a huge force coming towards him from afar.

When Zhang Cheng reacted, the attack had already reached his body, and his whole body was also blown away.

With a "bang", Zhang Cheng fell to the ground in various ways, and then spat out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".

"Brother Zhang Cheng, how are you doing?" Ouyang Qianyun felt pain in her heart when she saw that Zhang Cheng was vomiting blood from the beating, so she ran to Zhang Cheng's side to help him up, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Zhang Cheng propped himself up with his hands, wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, looked in the direction of the person coming, and saw a woman appearing beside ASRock, and then took out a Feed him the pill, then raised his head and looked coldly at Zhang Chengdao: "Who are you, you dare to hurt my Bixia sect's disciples in my Bixia sect, don't you want to live?"

This person is none other than the real Bishui who didn't give Zhang Cheng a good face before.

"Hmph, you are a master of the golden core stage, don't you feel ashamed to attack me who is only in the foundation stage?" Zhang Cheng ignored Bishui's question, but said this with disdain.

"How dare you talk to me like this, do you want to die?" Upon hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Master Bishui widened his eyes, and a murderous intent emerged from his heart.

"Master, he is my fiancé, you can't kill him!" Ouyang Qianyun was furious when she saw Bisuo Zhenren, she panicked and hurriedly protected Zhang Cheng behind her.

"Your fiancé? Is that the sick man?" At this point, Master Bi Shui remembered that she had met Zhang Cheng before, but then her brows frowned again.

Because she remembered that when she met Zhang Cheng back then, he was in poor health and hadn't even started to practice. How could he have reached such a state in just two years.

Out of curiosity, she immediately asked, "Boy, who is your master?"

"Hmph, does it matter to you who my master is?" Zhang Cheng was annoyed that she attacked him sneakily, so he said angrily, "Don't keep looking at me with that superior look, do you think you are noble? "


"What about me? Am I wrong?" Zhang Cheng saw that Master Bishui still wanted to say something, and quickly interrupted: "You are a majestic Jindan stage master, and when I don't pay attention to sneak attack and me who is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, it is difficult to attack me." If not, do you still have a reason?"

"That's because you injured my apprentice first, and you have already defeated him, and you want to kill him. I shot you in a hurry. Don't spit blood on me, you boy." Bishui Zhenren argued.

For people of their cultivation, they cherish being faithful to their own image, so she can't just watch Zhang Cheng slander her.

"Hmph, that sounds really nice. Let me ask you, do you dare to say that you didn't attack me?" Zhang Cheng said disdainfully.


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