The Qiankun battlefield is currently closed, and there are only eight people among them, seven supreme beings, and one emperor. The seven supreme beings are naturally Xia Lingyun and others. As for the emperor, it is Zhang Cheng who has just left Qingcheng Sword Sect.

Just now, Zhang Chengcheng came here after receiving the Supreme Being's call. Until now, he didn't know what the Supreme Being called him for, and at the same time, he also had some expectations.

After all, Supreme is a busy person, if there is nothing particularly important, they will not call themselves.

"That's right, breaking through to the emperor level in such a short period of time is much faster than Tianxuan, the Supreme Master of your Sword Sect." Xia Lingyun glanced at Tianxuan, then turned to look at Zhang Chengdao: "You Do you know why I called you here today?"

"Your sister, you asked me here, and you asked me without saying anything. I'm not a roundworm in your stomach." Of course, he dared not say this, after all, these people are standing together. The existence at the top of the pyramid, even though they have reached the emperor level, but to them, they are still like ants.

So he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Before I answer your question, you first answer me a question, what is Supreme?" Xia Lingyun asked.

"This..." Zhang Cheng was a little confused about what these old guys wanted to do, but since they had already asked, he had to answer, and said: "As far as I know, the Supreme is the existence that communicated with good fortune, but Whether that’s the case or not, I don’t know.”

"It's not bad for you to think so, but most people in the fairy world think so." Xia Lingyun smiled and said: "However, this understanding is wrong."

"Huh? Wrong?" Zhang Cheng was stunned. How could the wrong one have spread in the fairy world for so long? Also, if it was really wrong, why didn't they correct it and let this wrong understanding continue to spread in the fairy world? , Isn't this misleading the younger generation?

"That's right, it's wrong. Are you surprised? Since we know that you are wrong in thinking this way, why didn't you correct it?" Xia Lingyun asked as if he had read Zhang Cheng's mind.

"I dare not." Zhang Cheng shook his head and said so, but he had already pricked up his ears, ready to listen to his answer.

"You don't dare... Forget it, I won't go around with you anymore. The reason why we don't talk about this kind of understanding and correction is our reason. After I tell you what is supreme, you will understand why we do this. Done." Saying that, Xia Lingyun took a look at Tianxuan and said: "Tianxuan, he is a member of your Sword Sect, so it is up to you to explain to him."

"Okay!" Tianxuan nodded, took a step forward and said: "Your understanding just now cannot be completely wrong, the main reason is that good fortune is not communicated by people on their own initiative, but by being communicated. In other words, when communicating with good fortune Before communicating, one must obtain the approval of the Creation, in order to be able to communicate with it and achieve the Supreme Realm."

"Recognized by nature?" Zhang Cheng frowned and asked, "What kind of state can one achieve to be recognized by nature?"

"We can't answer your question. We are only communicating with Creation. We only borrow the power of Creation. We can't understand the standard of Creation, or we can't control Creation. However, one thing is certain, that is, there is People who are born have already been recognized by nature, all they need is to reach the emperor level." Tian Xuan shook his head and replied.

"You are not joking!" Zhang Cheng was shocked. If it is true what Tianxuan said, it means that some people are destined to be unable to break through to the Supreme no matter how they practice.

At this moment, he finally understood why they didn't make this matter public. If they really made it public, it would inevitably cause some people's lack of confidence, which would lead to full cultivation. At that time, who would practice.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Tian Xuan looked at Zhang Cheng seriously, without any intention of joking.

Zhang Cheng also felt that even if they wanted to joke with him, it was impossible for them to joke about this matter, because this matter was not funny at all.

"Now do you understand why we didn't correct this matter?" Xia Lingyun asked.

"Understood." Zhang Cheng nodded, but his heart was still full of doubts, and he asked, "You just said that some people were recognized by nature when they were born. Does that mean that such people will be able to break through the supreme state in the future?" , and, is there any other possibility, isn't it said that man will conquer nature?"

"Man will conquer heaven?" Everyone laughed, and they were all laughing, not at Zhang Cheng, but at what Zhang Cheng said.

Because, in their eyes, heaven is impossible to conquer, and even a sage cannot escape the constraints of heaven and earth, so they think this sentence is absurd and groundless, at best it is used by some people to deceive the world theory only.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Cheng didn't understand their thoughts, because he hadn't reached that point, and he had always had such a belief in his heart, so he couldn't accept their ridicule.

However, Zhang Cheng is very clear about who they are and what their vision is, so he understands that they must have their own opinions.

"I don't want to explain this matter to you. You are still too weak now, so it's okay to have such thoughts. You will know when you reach our level." Xia Lingyun said: "As for you, I can answer that question for you. There are many people recognized by good luck, but not everyone can reach the emperor level. If they can't reach the emperor level, then all this is empty talk and meaningless. You understand Is it?"

"Then why did the Supreme ask me to come here?" Zhang Cheng understood what they meant. If it is said that being recognized by nature, one can become a Supreme, then there may be more than these seven Supremes in the fairy world.

However, having said so much, he also vaguely guessed the purpose of their calling him here, but it was only a guess, so he wanted to ask if it was the same as his guess.

"There is only one purpose for calling you here, and that is to verify that you are a person recognized by the good fortune. If not, then you don't need to practice, and you can live the life you want." Although Xia Lingyun said so , but I still hope that Zhang Cheng is a person recognized by nature. After all, with Zhang Cheng joining, their plane will be much stronger.

"Then what if I am?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"If you are, then in the near future, you will become one of us, but in that case, your life will no longer belong to you alone." Xia Lingyun replied.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"You don't need to know this. If you have been approved by nature, then we will tell you at that time. If you are not approved by nature, there are some things you don't need to know." Xia Lingyun said.

"Oh, then how do we test it? What am I going to do?" Zhang Cheng understood Xia Lingyun's meaning, and stopped asking questions that didn't have much to do with him for the time being.

"You don't have to do anything, just follow us." Saying that, Xia Lingyun glanced at the other people, who nodded, and then, the group disappeared from the Qiankun battlefield.

Zhang Chengcheng felt that his eyes were blurred, and he came to a strange world. This world has no boundaries, and it seems empty, but there is a huge golden crystal in front of him, at least two times taller. Personally tall, the golden light shone everywhere, illuminating the entire space like the sun.

"This is……"

"This is the source crystal of good fortune, which is the core of good fortune. Through this, you can determine whether you have been approved by good fortune." Xia Lingyun replied.

"How to test this?" Zhang Cheng looked at this huge fortune crystal, feeling a little excited.

To be honest, he still wants to be recognized by the good fortune. After all, becoming the supreme is everyone's dream, including Zhang Cheng. Now is the moment that determines whether he can break through. If he is not excited, it is completely deceiving.

"Go over, touch it with both hands, feel it, if you get the approval of nature, then you will enter it, accept the baptism of nature, and be promoted to the supreme, otherwise, you just don't get the approval of nature, well, try in the past Try." Xia Lingyun replied.

"Okay." Zhang Cheng took a few deep breaths, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and walked slowly towards the source crystal.

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