The distance between Zhang Cheng and the source crystal of creation is not very far, but he has not reached it after walking for a long time, and at this moment his mood is getting more and more nervous.update the fastest

After finally walking to the source crystal of good fortune, it was a long time since he reached out to accept the verification of the source crystal of good fortune.

The feeling at this moment is as if he went to the Internet to check the scores when the results of the college entrance examination came out. He entered the student number and name but dared not open it for a long time.

"Don't be nervous. This is a stage that every emperor-level monk must go through. Sooner or later, go through it." Looking at Zhang Cheng's worry about gain and loss, Tian Xuan couldn't help thinking of the feeling he had when he accepted the source crystal of good fortune, and couldn't help but A voice of comfort.

"I see!" Zhang Cheng nodded, then swallowed his saliva, then gritted his teeth, and pressed his hands on the Creation Origin Crystal.

The moment his hands touched the source crystal of good fortune, Zhang Chengcheng felt a force coming from the source crystal of good fortune, walked around in his body and then returned to it again.

Then, the Genesis Origin Crystal, which was originally radiant with golden light, suddenly lit up, as if something had been triggered.

"This..." When everyone saw this scene, their eyes lit up, because they had all seen this situation, and it was exactly the same as when they were verified before.

For a moment, they were a little excited. If Zhang Cheng could really break through to the Supreme, then in the next Qiankun Battlefield, they would not only get a few of the most worthless holy fruits.

"Huh?" However, the next scene made their excited hearts full of confusion and puzzlement, because the source crystal that was still shining with gold suddenly dimmed and returned to its previous appearance.

This time, they were also surprised. They couldn't figure out whether Zhang Cheng was approved by the good fortune or not.

Because, according to their memory, once they are recognized, they will be directly drawn into it by the source crystal of good fortune, and then undergo a one-month baptism. level.

However, the situation just now can be said to be a sign of being recognized, but why Zhang Cheng didn't enter the Creation Origin Crystal, and finally the Creation Origin Crystal returned to the previous state, which seems to be a sign of not being recognized.

In this way, they couldn't figure out whether Zhang Cheng was recognized or not, and they didn't know whether they should be happy or disappointed for a while.

"What's going on?" Zhang Cheng also felt very strange, obviously he felt a suction pulling himself, but suddenly he found that this suction disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared before.

Full of confusion, he turned his head to look at Xia Lingyun and the others and asked, "My lord, have I been recognized or not?"

"This..." No matter how they answered this, they didn't know if it was considered an approval.

"Try again." Tianxuan also didn't want to give up, after all, he also hoped that Zhang Cheng could become the supreme like him, after all, Zhang Cheng and him could be regarded as master and apprentice.

"Oh!" Zhang Cheng responded, and retracted his hands. After a while, he calmed down his complicated mood, and put his hands on the source crystal again. The result was the same as before. The source crystal lit up first, and then The original situation was restored.

"What's going on here?" Zhang Cheng also seemed to sense something was wrong. According to what Xia Lingyun said before, if he had been recognized by nature, he should have entered it to be baptized long ago, but he was still standing Outside, doesn't this mean that he is not recognized.

However, if he was not recognized, what happened to the suction just now?Or do you mean that you have been recognized, but only so-so?But this possibility seems unlikely.

"Zhang Cheng, did you feel any special feeling just now?" Ming Ye asked out of curiosity.

"A special feeling?" Zhang Cheng thought about it for a while, and said, "I don't have any special feeling, I just feel that there is a suction force coming from the Creation Origin Crystal, but then it disappears."

"This?" Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, everyone was even more surprised, because this situation was beyond their imagination, and it was the first time they had encountered such a situation after living for so long.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Xia Lingyun seemed to have thought of something, and said, "You just said that you just felt the suction of the Creation Origin Crystal?"

"Yes, it appeared at the beginning, but then disappeared inexplicably." Zhang Cheng nodded and replied.

"Brother, did you think of something?" Wang Yue understood Xia Lingyun, so he must have thought of something when he asked this question at the moment.

"Wait a minute, let me think about it first." Xia Lingyun said this, and then fell into deep thought. The others didn't stop after seeing this, maybe this mystery will be revealed soon.

"Well, am I recognized or not?" Zhang Cheng is more concerned about this point, which is an essential difference.

"This is also a question we are eager to know now, but you don't have to worry, you should have an answer soon." Tian Xuan replied Zhang Cheng's somewhat depressed answer.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng could only stand quietly aside, waiting for Xia Lingyun.

After Mo Yue passed a cup of tea, Xia Lingyun raised his head, his eyes glistened, as if he wanted to understand this strange question, he looked at Zhang Cheng and asked: "Zhang Cheng, I can answer you with certainty, You have been recognized by nature."

"Approved?" Zhang Cheng was a little puzzled, and asked, "Since I was approved, why didn't I enter the Creation Origin Crystal?"

"Yes, boss, doesn't it make sense?" It seemed that not only Zhang Cheng, but even Tian Xuan and the others were puzzled and wanted to get Xia Lingyun's explanation.

"It's very simple!" Xia Lingyun paused, and said: "You and I both know that the source crystal of good fortune will only react to people who are recognized by the good fortune, and Zhang Cheng has felt the power of attraction from the source crystal of good fortune before. strength, it shows that he has been recognized by the creation. As for why he did not enter the source crystal of creation to accept the baptism, I think it should be that something happened during this process that we do not know, which blocked this A force of attraction."

"Something we don't know?" Everyone, including Zhang Cheng, was puzzled and asked, "What is that?"

"I can't say for the time being, but it should be related to the situation in your body. Come here and let me check your body, so that I can determine the reason for this situation." Xia Lingyun said .

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng also wanted to find out this point, so he walked to Xia Lingyun's side and asked him to check.

Xia Lingyun stretched out his right hand and pressed on the top of Zhang Cheng's head, suddenly a force injected into Zhang Cheng's body, at this moment Zhang Cheng felt that he had lost control of his body.

Moreover, it didn't take long before this force began to envelop his soul, as if he wanted to check his memory.

Subconsciously, Zhang Chengcheng wanted to resist Xia Lingyun's power. At this time, Xia Lingyun's voice came from his ear, "Don't resist." Zhang Cheng didn't feel Xia Lingyun's malice, so he followed his instructions. It means stop resisting.

Time passed by every minute and every second, after a few minutes, Xia Lingyun withdrew his palm, but the strange look on his face was even stronger...


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