{Chapter 2 will be updated at [-]:[-], tomorrow will be two more as usual, one at [-]:[-] noon, one at [-]:[-] pm, and on the [-]st of next month, there will be four chapters per day until the end, and there will be no changes in between. :Reading novels}

With the help of tens of thousands of Supreme Beings, the situation in the Yuanshi Plane was brought under control in an instant. Most of the so-called poisonous people have been caught and gathered together, ready to be burned with real fire to completely eradicate them.

However, this move was stopped by Zhang Cheng, because although the dark green gas is extremely harmful, it is a great supplement to the killer and can completely replace other energy.

And Tianlingzi and the others also learned about the function of the killing weapon from Zhang Cheng, so they agreed. After a few breaths, Zhang Cheng used the killing weapon to remove all the "toxins" from these poisonous people.

But these people also died on the spot after all the "toxins" were removed.

Seeing the mummified corpses all over the ground, Tian Lingzi felt a pang of regret. After all, these are the future of their Yuanshi plane, so it is really sad to die so easily.

"Friend Zhang Cheng, may I ask if this kind of killer can be mass-produced? I am worried that this kind of poisonous person will appear again. If we can make such a killer and put it at the entrance of the wormhole, it may be able to isolate The effect of this toxin." Tian Lingzi asked.

"This kind of killer can be mass-produced, but I want to correct your mistake. This gas is not a toxin, but an unknown energy." Zhang Cheng intends to tell his discovery. After all, toxins and energy are completely different concept.

"Unknown energy, how is this possible?" After hearing Zhang Cheng's words, everyone couldn't believe it, because the same energy flows in the three thousand planes, the original power, and all cultivation must be done by absorbing the original power. strength to lift.

If this is really a kind of energy, then the problem is a bit serious.

You must know that as long as there is energy, there will be life, because life itself is also a form of energy. Thinking of this, they couldn't help but hear the existence of killing the saint, and their hearts shuddered.

"I don't need to lie to you, because my killer weapon has the function of absorbing energy. If the gas is really just toxin, then it will not be absorbed by my killer weapon, so I can be sure it is a kind of energy , that is to say, there is a possibility, that is to say, our world is not the only one in the universe, there are other worlds and other civilizations." Zhang Cheng guessed.

"If it's what you said, why would they do this, and what good would it do them?" someone asked.

"I don't know what the benefits are, but I think that if it's really what I guessed just now, the purpose of opening this channel at this moment is probably to attack our world." Having said that, Zhang Cheng looked at Liao Tianlingzi asked angrily, "Daoist Tianlingzi, did the saint have any special instructions before he died?"

"Special explanation?" Tian Lingzi frowned, thought for a while, and said: "There is no special explanation, he just said that I should try my best to prevent the spread of the wormhole, the best way is to seal it, But we have tried it before, and we couldn't seal the hole at all."

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Others..." Tian Lingzi thought for a while, and said: "It is true, he also asked us to pay close attention to other planes. If this kind of wormhole also appears, we must seal it before it is completely opened, otherwise , there will be big trouble."

"What, this kind of wormhole may appear in other planes?" Hearing this, Zhang Cheng was startled. If this is true, then their planes are also in danger.

"This..." At this moment, Tian Lingzi realized the seriousness of the matter. If this is really the case, then the situation will be bad.

Of course, it wasn't that he deliberately concealed it. It was mainly the sudden change of the wormhole, the fall of the saint, and the infection of a large number of masters, which made him, the leader of the fairy alliance, a little unprepared.

If Zhang Cheng didn't ask him, I'm afraid he really couldn't remember it.

"Friend Tianlingzi, you are really confused. No, we can't stay here any longer. Goodbye." Zhang Cheng cupped his hands at Tianlingzi, handed over the method of refining the killing weapon to them, and then told them Xia Lingyun and the others teleported back.

If something like this happened to them, it would be dangerous.

When the other people heard this, they also realized the seriousness of the situation, and all of them teleported back for a while. Nuoda was a battlefield of heaven and earth, and only a few supreme beings from the Yuanshi plane were left.

And Tian Lingzi also blamed himself a little. If it was really because of his own mistakes that the whole world fell into disaster, then he would be to blame for his death.



The plane of Yuntian, that is, the plane where Zhang Cheng and the others are located, is already in dire straits at the moment. The kind of poisonous people before are full of eyes here at an extremely fast speed. They all stay in the space opened by Supreme, and Supreme is not here, which will help the number of such poisonous people to increase exponentially.

At this moment, the disasters on their plane are much more noticeable than those on the Yuanshi plane.

"Sixth Brother and Eighth Brother, the two of you go to refine the weapon first, and then find the entrance of the wormhole and temporarily seal it. The others and I will go to control the situation first, and we will split up." Xia Lingyun just returned here He felt that the atmosphere in the fairy world had obviously changed. After seeing that dark green light, his face also changed, and he immediately made a plan.

"Okay, eighth brother, let's go." Ming Ye didn't shirk. Although Zhang Cheng was a little worried about the safety of Gongyang Xinyue and the others, he thought that with the strength of Jianzong, it shouldn't be so hot and easy to be broken, so he didn't worry anymore. Together with Ming Ye, they came to Qizong's residence.

After they left, Xia Lingyun continued: "Now everyone returns to their respective sects, don't worry about anything else, the four sects must not be lost, they must be protected, only then can the poisonous people be eradicated."

"Okay." Everyone nodded, and then left from Qiankun Battlefield.



Jianzong, on Mount Qingcheng.

"Sister Xuanling, what's going on outside here? Why can I always hear strange screams and fighting?" Ouyang Qianyun has not been able to sleep well during this time, because she clearly feels that there are many people in the sword sect. There was a tense atmosphere.

Moreover, harsh roars and screams came from outside from time to time, which made people feel frightened.

"Let's go and have a look." Xuanling also wanted to know what was going on outside. It was fine before, but why did it suddenly become like this.

"Okay, let's go..." As they said, the group walked outside, but just as they walked out of the door, they thought that a middle-aged man had appeared in front of them, and respectfully said: "Ladies, it's not safe outside, you still Stay here."

"What do you mean? What's the matter, are you going to put us under house arrest?" Lan Yue quit and asked.

"Don't dare. I did this mainly for the safety of the ladies. Please don't embarrass me." This person exudes a strong energy fluctuation. Although he intends to restrain himself, it still makes them feel pressure .

Looking at him again, it seemed that something big had really happened, and he was even more worried, and wanted to go out and have a look.

"Sir, I know your intentions are good. We just want to know what happened outside. If you can tell us, we won't go out." Xuanling can be sure that this person has the least cultivation It also has to be in the Xuanxian realm, because the pressure is too strong.

"This...that's good..." At that moment, he told the few of them what happened outside.


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