"How could this happen, what about our husband? Why didn't he come out to stop these monsters?" Gongyang Xinyue couldn't help but feel aroused when he heard what this person said about the current situation in the fairy world. www welcome to read

After all, their husband, Zhang Cheng, is supreme, and has always been at the forefront of the war. If they were here, it would be impossible for such a thing to happen.

Thinking of this, they began to worry, for fear that Zhang Cheng would be in danger.

"I don't know, the Supremes didn't show up at the beginning, and we don't know what happened. However, these poisonous people can't break into Jianzong for the time being, so it's better for the ladies to stay here." Gongyang Xinyue and the others His status is extremely noble, and no mistakes are allowed, so Li Benqing specially invited an emperor-level master to guard him.

However, the development of things has exceeded his imagination. If this situation continues, the fairyland will become a dead zone, and normal people like them may no longer have a foothold.

"Sisters, don't worry, our husband is the supreme being, the supreme existence in the fairy world, and he will be fine. We will wait for him here and not go anywhere." The girls shouted.

She knew that once they went out with their strength, they were likely to be in danger. No matter which one made a mistake, she would not be able to explain to Zhang in the future.

Therefore, staying here is the best way for now.

"Okay, I'll listen to my sister." Lan Yue nodded, although she wanted to go out and have a look, she still held back.

"Well, we all stay..."



Zhang Cheng and Ming Ye came to the Artifact Sect, and came to the refining room that Ming Ye specially used to refine magic weapons. Since killing weapons did not require very high refining materials and the process was very simple, they easily pointed out several pieces.

Afterwards, each of them took a few, and started looking for wormholes separately, and then sealed them with killer weapons.

But even for them, it is very difficult to find a wormhole in such a large fairyland, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

However, no matter what, we must find this source and block it. Only in this way can we further clean up the many poisonous people in the fairy world.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the fairyland had been blocked and destroyed to an extremely serious point. The major, medium and small forces were disintegrated almost instantly, and the large forces, even the four sects, were severely damaged.

Finally, after searching for a long time, Zhang Cheng found a wormhole. It didn't look very big, only the size of a palm, but its displacement was extremely terrifying, just like a steam engine, constantly bursting into the air. Get out the billowing smoke.

However, after this kind of thick smoke comes out, it floats about one meter away and disappears invisible, or it can be said to merge with the surrounding air.

If it reaches a certain concentration, the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhang Cheng was afraid for a while when he saw this place. He didn't know if the fairyland would be shrouded in this dark green energy if they came later. At that time, even if they came back, they might not be able to recover.

Afterwards, he used his own killer weapon to clear the way ahead, and then placed the killer weapon he had just made in front. This killer weapon immediately started to work, constantly absorbing this dark green energy.

However, the grade of this killer weapon is limited, and the speed of absorption cannot be compared with the speed of elimination.

So, he took out two more weapons and placed them at the entrance of the wormhole. With the absorption speed of the three weapons, he could completely seal the place.

However, Zhang Cheng knew that doing so would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. If the reason for this wormhole's appearance could not be found, it is very likely that other places will appear in the future.

In this case, sooner or later the fairy world will be "bitten" by this kind of wormhole, and at that time, there will be no way for people to live in this fairy world.

But this is not the time to think about these things. After temporarily sealing the wormhole, he turned around and flew away in other directions. He was worried that there was more than one wormhole in the fairyland.

On the other side, Xia Lingyun and the others also started a decisive clean-up work. After catching the poisonous person, they immediately used the restraining seal. Fortunately, the cultivation base of the people recruited here is not very high, and there are not many emperor-level ones, so After being "poisoned", although their strength has improved a lot, they are only around the emperor level, so it is not very difficult to deal with them.

It took them a whole day to catch all these poisonous people without stopping, and then they were cleaned up by Zhang Cheng with killer weapons, killing tens of thousands of people in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Zhang Chengcai understood why Tianlingzi had that expression when he was dealing with those poisonous people in the Yuanshi plane, and he really felt distressed.

"Whoosh—" At this time, Ming Ye also flew over from Yifang.

"Sixth brother, how are you? Did you find any other wormholes?" Zhang Cheng searched for a long time but couldn't find the second one, and was worried about the safety of Gongyang Xinyue and the others, so he went around and came back without finding any.

"No, I went around and didn't find one, how many did you find?" Ming Ye asked.

"I only found one. It seems that there is only one wormhole in our plane, but we still can't relax our vigilance. Brothers, let's go together and seal that wormhole." Zhang Cheng was worried that the wormhole would expand, That would be even more dangerous.

"Okay, let's go!" A group of people returned to the wormhole that Zhang Cheng had just temporarily sealed with a killer weapon, but when they came here, they found that the wormhole was rounder than before. This time his face changed, and he said : "I can't wait any longer, it must be sealed immediately, otherwise there will be big trouble."

"Fourth brother and fifth brother, what do you think is better to seal this wormhole?" They are all amateurs in sealing, and only Wang Yue and Yue Yang are good at it.

"According to my observation, this wormhole only uses the energy of space to penetrate our plane, so we can only use the method of space repair to seal this wormhole, but this method is not very good, because it can penetrate If you penetrate once, you can penetrate the second time." Wang Yue said after taking a closer look.

"Don't do anything?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"It's okay to do nothing. This wormhole is constantly expanding. If it expands to the same size as the Yuanshi Plane, there may be more trouble. Therefore, we can only control it to prevent it from expanding. As for the seal, I think these weapons should be enough." Yue Yang said.

"You just talk about how to stop the wormhole from expanding. When is the time, it's still a secret!" Xia Lingyun said angrily.

"You don't need to worry about it, Yue Yang and I can handle it, you go to other planes to take a look, the situation there should not be optimistic." Wang Yue said.

"Are you sure you don't need our help?" Xia Lingyun asked.

"Of course, go." After speaking, the two got busy, and Xia Lingyun didn't force himself. After talking to a few others, he returned to the Qiankun Battlefield, and the few people were teleported to other planes.



After a period of hard work, with the mutual help of all planes, this disaster was temporarily brought under control, but all the Supremes were not at ease, because it can appear once, and it can appear a second time.

On this day, Tian Lingzi called everyone together to discuss the next step.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanfang, what do you think about this matter?" Tian Lingzi asked a thin and fair Supreme.

"I think this matter is different. I think the most urgent thing is to find out why the wormhole appeared, what is the other side of the wormhole, and what caused the death of the saint. If you don't know These, I'm afraid none of you here can sleep peacefully." Yuan Fang said.

"Brother, who is this Yuan Fang? It's quite true." When Zhang Cheng heard the word "Yuan Fang", he couldn't help but think of "Di Renjie".

"This Yuanfang is the leader of the second-ranked Liangyi plane. He is very powerful. Although he has not reached the quasi-sage level, it is not far away." Xia Lingyun replied.

"Oh." Zhang Cheng nodded and stopped asking.

"I also agree with Fellow Daoist Yuanfang's thoughts, but how to figure out these problems?" Someone raised his own doubts.

Indeed, what Yuan Fang said is the key, but every question is difficult to explain, and if you want to know, you have to go into the wormhole to find out.

But the situation in the wormhole is full of unknowns, and even the saint can't escape after entering it. How can we investigate it? Who dares to go in and investigate?These are all problems.

"There is no other way but to go deep into it. I know that this matter is extremely dangerous, so I will not force you. If no one dares to enter, I am willing to go in and find out by myself." Yuan Fang said seriously.

"This guy looks weak, but he is a real man with a sense of style." Zhang Cheng's attitude towards this person has changed. People who are not afraid of death are not uncommon, but at such a cultivation base, they are not afraid of death. That's really rare.

After all, each of them has cultivated for at least tens of thousands of years to achieve the right result. Who is willing to take risks easily? You must know that once you make a mistake, there is no room for turning around.


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