Seeing that they were so fearless of life and death, Zhang Cheng admired them in his heart. To be honest, he also wanted to join them, but he still had a lot of concerns, so he didn't stand up immediately.Fastest novel update

However, Xia Lingyun on the side couldn't help but stood up, and said, "Count me in as well."

"Brother, you..." When everyone saw Xia Lingyun saying this, they wanted to stop them. After all, entering it is to die. They have lived together for so many years, shared life and death, shared adversity, and their relationship is closer than brothers How could they watch Xia Lingyun die.

However, Xia Lingyun seemed to have made up his mind, and said to them: "Brothers, don't stop me, I've made up my mind."


"Okay, I'm already very satisfied to be brothers with you for so many years. Anyway, this step will have to go through sooner or later, so let me, a brother, do something for you." Xia Lingyun knew that this matter was imminent. It must be done, if they don't understand the secret of this wormhole, then they will never be safe.

As their big brother, he naturally has to look like a big brother, but he is a little worried that he can't find the reason for the wormhole, so he has to let them take risks.

"I'll go too." Zhao Shan didn't try to persuade Xia Lingyun any more, but stood up and planned to go with Xia Lingyun.

He saw what Xia Lingyun meant, and as the second child, he should also set an example for them, and he couldn't let Xia Lingyun go into danger together.

"No, second brother, you can't go, I'm fine in our plane!" Xia Lingyun shook his head, he naturally couldn't agree with this.

He did this to protect them. If Zhao Shan went with him, then others would definitely follow, and that meant nothing.

"Brother, just let me go with you, I can't let you take risks alone." Zhao Shan seemed to have made up his mind that he must go with Xia Lingyun.

"And me, big brother, I'll go too. The second brother is right, you can't let one person take risks. Anyway, the three of us have lived for several epochs, and it's already enough. You call it the second brother." Hong Lie also stood up, and he also wanted to go in to find out.

"No, if you still think of me as the eldest brother, then listen to me. If something happens to me, the plane needs you to maintain it." Xia Lingyun said seriously, no matter what, he couldn't let them go.


"Okay, don't say any more. If you don't listen to me, then our brotherhood will come to an end. From today onwards, you are no longer my brothers." Seeing that they still wanted to talk, Xia Lingyun said it immediately Such a sentence.

Hearing Xia Lingyun's words and his attitude, Zhao Shan and Hong Lie opened their mouths, but they didn't say a word.

"Brother, do you have to go?" Wang Yue was also a little bit reluctant.

"Yes." Xia Lingyun nodded seriously, without saying anything more, flew up from the seat and landed in the middle, standing with Yuan Fang and Tian Lingzi.

"Is there anyone else willing to go with us?" Tian Lingzi's voice echoed in the Qiankun battlefield, but no one came out for a long time.

Because they don't know what's in the wormhole, and they know that going in is to die, who would want to, or who would do it.

"I didn't expect that only the three of us dared to sacrifice in my three thousand planes. It's really sad and deplorable. Well, if this is the case, then the three of us will be the first to enter. However, I hope you understand that this step will sooner or later If we fail, none of you will be able to escape." Yuan Fang was a little disappointed, he thought that there must be dozens of courageous people among the three thousand planes, but he was greatly disappointed in the result.

"Count me in." Another rough voice came from Zhang Cheng's side, and when he turned his head, it was the big guy Hu Yanzan.

At this time, Hu Yanzan seemed to have sensed Zhang Cheng's gaze, and then smiled at Zhang Cheng and said, "Brother, I admire you, this ax has been with me for a long time, please save it for me first, if I come out Give it back to me, if I can't get out... Treat it as a gift from me."

As he spoke, he threw the giant ax in his hand to Zhang Cheng, then jumped off the stands and came to the middle of the field.

And Zhang Cheng was stunned by this huge axe, what is this?

At this moment, he felt that his face was a little hot, and he found that he had become timid. Just before, he had a feeling called fear in his heart, and he didn't even dare to take a step forward.

This kind of feeling really made him blush, why he could have such a state in such a short period of time, what is flattering is the heart that goes forward bravely.

At this moment, he was actually scared.

However, Hu Yanzan's actions seemed to slap him in the middle, making him completely wake up, he should not be afraid, and should continue to move forward bravely.

If he chooses to retreat, even if he survives by luck, he will stay in this state forever in the future. Although he can temporarily stay with Gongyang Xinyue and the others, sooner or later they will leave him.

He doesn't want such a life, because then he will look down on himself.

So he took a step forward.

"Eighth brother, why are you going?" Seeing that Zhang Cheng was going out too, Tianxuan hurriedly stopped him and asked.

"Seventh brother, help me take care of your younger siblings. In addition, tell them to wait for me, and I will definitely come back alive." After finishing speaking, Zhang Cheng's figure disappeared in front of Tian Xuan's eyes, and directly appeared in front of Tian Xuan. Among the venues.

"Brother, you still hold the ax yourself." After Zhang Cheng came down, he threw the ax to Hu Yanzan, by the way.

"Haha, brother, I didn't misread you. You are a man. I, Hu Yanzan, have decided. If I can survive this time, I will be a real brother with you." There was a glimmer of light.

What he did before was actually not entrusting him with the ax in a simple sense, but to "beat" him awake. A real man must take responsibility. If Zhang Cheng didn't come out, then he would admit that he was wrong. , if I can come back alive, I will never have any intersection with him.

As a result, Zhang Cheng did not disappoint him, which made him very happy.

"Compared to you, I am far behind." Zhang Cheng said sincerely.

"Eighth brother, you..." Xia Lingyun also came over and looked at him puzzled. Just as he was about to speak, Zhang Cheng interrupted him and said, "Brother, I know your kindness, but this I have to participate in this event, as for the reason, I don’t want to say more, I just hope that you can understand me, big brother.”

"But what about the younger brothers and sisters? If something happens to you, what do you ask them to do?" Seeing that Zhang Cheng was so serious, Xia Lingyun didn't know what to say, so she moved them out, hoping that Zhang Cheng would back down.

"Brother, you don't know them well. I believe that even if they know about this matter, they will fully support me!" Zhang Cheng is very confident about this.

"This..." Zhang Cheng said so, Xia Lingyun didn't know what to say.


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