At this moment, the battlefield of Qiankun was completely silent. There were only a few more people in the center of the original four or five people, but there were only nine people, and they never broke through the two big barriers.high-speed update

At this time, Tianlingzi and the others also gave up. They knew very well that it was very difficult for people to participate for the first time. After all, there are too many unknowns in this wormhole, and no one wants to be the first to eat. Crab people.

"Since no one is willing to join, we can't force it. Let me explain to everyone here. After we go in, if we don't come out within a month, it means that we are in danger, and the next thing is up to you. "Although Yuan Fang didn't want to die, he had to explain some things clearly, otherwise, if they really sacrificed, it would be in vain.

"..." The people present did not answer, but their eyes had already told them the answer, which made Yuan Fang and the others feel that they had paid for it.

"Please accept our worship." It wasn't just someone who said that, and then tens of thousands of people stood up and bowed in unison. This scene was really shocking.

Although Zhang Cheng also knew that this was their reverence from the heart, but he didn't catch a cold, what's the matter, he cursed us not to come back before we left, right?

Of course, he didn't say it out, but just buried this thought in his heart, and at the same time, he also felt that his efforts were worthwhile for this spectacular scene.

"Let's go!" Tian Lingzi said, and the group flew up, disappearing from everyone's eyes in a blink of an eye.

After they left, the group of supreme beings did not stay behind, and all flew up to the wormhole. They wanted to send Zhang Cheng and them for the last time.

But he was stopped by Zhang Cheng on the way, and said: "Whatever you do, go back, don't make it look like you are seeing us off, we will come back."

"Zhang Daoyou is right. Everyone should go back. It is best to return to their own planes and closely monitor the situation in your planes to avoid the reappearance of wormholes." Tianlingzi agreed.

"Okay, you guys...take care." The Supremes who followed bowed their hands at them, and then the organism returned, watching Hu Yanzan burst into flames and said: "What is this, I wish we would die!"

"Okay, these are trivial matters. It's up to us whether we will die or not. Let's go." Zhang Cheng patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, and then a group of people came to the side of the wormhole.

"Good guy, it's so big!" Zhang Cheng saw this wormhole in Yuanshi Plane for the first time. Originally, in his imagination, the diameter of this wormhole was at most one or two meters to support the sky.

But now it seems that he still underestimated this wormhole.

Observing from a close distance, the diameter of this wormhole is nearly ten meters, and it can be seen from a distance, just like the Ferris wheel seen on TV.

Moreover, it is extremely black, because a large number of killers are placed in it to absorb the dark green gas, so there is no overflow. If it was before, it would be like a chimney for heavy industry exhaust, constantly sending out exhaust gas.

"Here is the wormhole I mentioned before. Since it was discovered before and did not pay much attention to it, this wormhole has formed the scale it is today. I regret it when I think about it. If I sealed it directly, Maybe there won't be as many things as today." Having said that, Tian Lingzi showed a trace of regret on his face,

But he only revealed it a little bit, and then recovered.Because he knew that when things got to this point today, regret was the most useless thing.

"Before entering, we have to plan carefully. After all, it is full of unknowns. If we can't do our best, it is very likely to cause a tragedy for the saint. Therefore, I suggest that we select a person before entering." Come captain, all actions will be determined by the captain." Yuan Fang said seriously.

"I agree with this point. The most taboo thing about this kind of thing is that there is no leader in the group. Everyone can't be united. In my opinion, fellow Taoist Tianlingzi will be the team leader, because he is the most powerful and experienced person among us. .” Xia Lingyun agreed.

"When it comes to the strongest strength, I deserve it, but when it comes to the most experienced, it's not me, but Daoist Yuanfang, because he has passed through nine epochs, so I think there is still Yuanfang. Let him be the captain, and I have a bottom line in my heart."

Tian Lingzi understands his situation very well. Although he has been the leader of the Yuanshi plane for a long time, he has always only held a false title, and usually has nothing to do, but Yuanfang is a real deal in the Liangyi plane. A person in power, and has been in power for five epochs. This person handles things vigorously and vigorously, not too much better than himself.

"Since Fellow Daoist Tianlingzi said so, then we're fine. Then Daoist Yuanfang will be the team leader. What do you think?" Hu Yan praised.

"I'm fine." Zhang Cheng and the others all expressed their opinions, because they knew that, based on experience, they could not compete with Yuan Fang, an old monster who had ruled a plane for nine epochs.

"Since everyone is fine, then Yuan Fang will accept the captain's post sooner or later, but the weather is unpredictable, and the wormhole is full of dangers, even saints can't get out, and we may not be able to guarantee that none of us will survive if we go in. So, before I go in again, I want to say that if I die, then the whole team cannot be without a leader, and Daoist Tianlingzi will take my place. If Fellow Daoist Tianlingzi is in danger, then Daoist Xia will take over. In short, You have to work hard in one place to get out alive." Yuan Fang said.

"Okay!" Everyone nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go." After saying that, Yuan Fang walked into the wormhole immediately, Zhang Cheng and Xia Lingyun looked at each other, and then walked in.

And after they entered this black hole, there were no figures, as if they were swallowed by darkness.



After entering the wormhole, Zhang Cheng immediately felt that the original power in his body was greatly suppressed and became extremely heavy. Not to mention it was very difficult to mobilize, and its power was greatly reduced.

Moreover, the harder you try to mobilize, the greater the resistance you will encounter.

He felt as if everything around him was out of place, and he no longer had the feeling of being in control, as if he had been abandoned by the world.

"Everyone, don't panic. According to my observation, this should be another world. The laws in it are different from the laws we are familiar with. The original power in our body is regarded as external energy, so it is oppressed. Everyone just needs to stop mobilizing the original power. , there will be no heavy pressure." Yuan Fang reminded this sentence in a timely manner.

After Zhang Cheng heard what he said, he immediately stopped the operation. In this way, it really wasn't as heavy as before.

However, they soon faced an extremely serious problem, that is, if the original power was not applied, then they were no different from ordinary people.

Without a powerful final shield, how can we investigate the situation here clearly.

At the same time, they also understood one thing, that is why eight saints died and one was injured when they entered it. This is simply incomparable.

As long as they meet ordinary monks in this world, they may also be exterminated.

"What should I do? Do you want to continue exploring?" Two of them have already retreated. They are not afraid of danger, but they don't even have the strength to deal with it.

If things go on like this, any monk will be able to kill them.No matter how they used to be the overlords of a plane, it would be too embarrassing to die like this.

"They've already come in. There's no reason to leave without investigating clearly. Let's go." Yuan Fang shook his head, said this, and then led the crowd forward.

When they first entered the wormhole, there was a huge passage surrounded by rocks, as if they were in a mountain peak, and the surrounding energy was not as dark green as they had seen before.

Zhang Cheng estimated that the dark green energy was probably a change caused by the contact of two kinds of energy.

Looking at the traces of artificial excavation in this passage, it is obvious that someone did it on purpose.

But he couldn't understand why they just dug out this passage without further intrusion.

"Could it be that they are afraid of our laws?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help but think of the situation where the original power in their bodies was suppressed after they entered here.

So I felt that they didn't invade directly because they were afraid of such things. In this way, as many as they went in, they would be killed.


"@#%@¥¥@%..." Suddenly, a rough voice came from outside, and then a guard who looked not much different from them came in, holding a long gun.

When he saw Zhang Cheng and the others, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he was about to kill them at random.

"No, go back quickly." Although Yuan Fang didn't understand the other party's meaning, she could see that he wanted to attack and kill herself, so she shouted at everyone.

However, they are at their best at the moment, and they want to run past this existence who is obviously a monk, is it possible?

Several of them were pierced by the spear in his hand as soon as they met, and then he waved the spear and swept towards the other survivors with excitement.

"Chili Gulu..." This person said another sentence that they didn't understand. Although they didn't understand what he meant, they could hear the murderous intent in his words.


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