The situation was in crisis. Although the guard's cultivation base was not high, he was quite dangerous to Zhang Cheng and the others who had no energy as a foundation. It could even be said that they had no power to fight back.

In just one face-to-face meeting, four of the nine people in one star were killed. Fortunately, Zhang Cheng and the others reacted quickly and were not caught.

"#%#¥@!..." Another excited and somewhat cruel voice came from the guard's mouth, and then he transformed into an afterimage and went straight to Zhang Cheng.

"Damn it, everyone is going to die if this goes on." Hu Yanzan had never experienced such sulking, the giant ax in his hand twitched and directly formed a panel to block this person's attack.

Although their cultivation has decreased, the level of magic weapons still exists.

The moment the spear and the ax were released, there was a loud noise, and then the spear shattered, but Hu Yanzan flew upside down.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Cheng ran over to help Hu Yanzan up and asked.

"Damn, you fell to my death." Hu Yanzan gritted his teeth, secretly surprised at the opponent's strength. Although he smashed the opponent's spear, the force he received made his whole body hurt.

"Let's go." Yuan Fang saw the timing and shouted, and then a group of people quickly rushed towards the Yuanshi plane. As long as they left this world, they would be fine.

"Huh..." At this moment, the guard snorted coldly, as if he was also annoyed by Hu Yanzan's blow, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, standing directly at the exit to block them the way to go.

"This is bad." Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, Zhang Cheng immediately realized his situation and felt a little depressed.

"A few of us deal with him, you two look for a chance to escape." Yuan Fang saw that it was impossible for them all to escape, and planned to sacrifice herself to save Zhang Cheng and the others.

If they all died here, then their trip would be meaningless.

"Kill!" Tian Lingzi and Xia Lingyun used all their strength to attack the guard. Zhang Chengneng could clearly feel a strong energy fluctuation.

But this kind of energy fluctuation is not emanating from Tian Lingzi and the others, but produced around their bodies. That is to say, they are trying their best to mobilize the source of the body at this moment, but they are suppressed by the laws of this world.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, you go, I'll deal with him too." Hu Yanzan felt that the three of them might not be opponents of this guard, so he patted Zhang Cheng on the shoulder and said.

"..." Just as Zhang Cheng wanted to speak, he heard three crashes. Afterwards, Tian Lingzi and the others flew back upside down, spitting blood, obviously seriously injured.

"This..." At this moment, both Zhang Cheng and Hu Yanzan were stunned. They knew very well that they could not escape this time.

"Hmph, you lowly monks dare to destroy my magic weapon. I will make you feel miserable." Suddenly, a voice rang in Zhang Cheng's mind. Without thinking, Zhang Cheng also knew that the person who spoke was the person in front of him. name guard.

Afterwards, they saw this person walking towards them step by step, with murderous intent on his face.

"Instead of waiting to die, it's better to fight, Hu Yanzan, pick up your axe, let's fight him." Zhang Cheng knew that he couldn't escape, since he was going to die, he should be the dead man.

"Okay." Hu Yanzan roared, and then stood up from the ground together with Zhang Cheng. He raised the giant ax in his hand and pointed it at this person.

Zhang Cheng flicked his right hand, and the killer weapon appeared. However, at this moment, a powerful energy was transmitted into his body through the killer weapon, replacing the original original power.

Although this power is not a lot, it can be used by him to improve his strength.

This discovery made him overjoyed immediately, because the cultivation of this guard was not high, and it was only equivalent to the strength of Jindan or Nascent Soul stage in their world.

He was able to defeat himself by virtue of his home court advantage and the energy he could mobilize in his body.

However, his realm is limited, and he can't compare with himself. Although there is only a trace of power in his body, he has engraved a piece of this trace of power to maximize it. As long as he is given a little more time and accumulates more, he can completely hit Kill the person in front of you.

"Kill!" Zhang Cheng didn't use this power directly, intending to show the enemy his weakness, and then killed him by surprise.

"Huh, it's interesting to dare to fight back." This person's voice appeared in their minds again, but they didn't care, because Zhang Cheng and the others were just bigger ants in his eyes, and he could kill them at any time. trampled to death.

Then, he appeared directly behind Huyanzan in a flash, slapped him flying with a palm, and then came behind Zhang Cheng in an instant, and stretched out a finger to stab Zhang Cheng's back.

Zhang Cheng felt the sharpness behind him, and at the same time felt the powerful murderous intent emanating from him, his heart shivered, and then the ray of energy that had just been transformed in his body exploded completely.

"Not dead yet." The man's voice sounded again, and then his right hand directly pierced Zhang Cheng's back, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"Huh?" However, this person's smile did not last too long, because the Zhang Cheng in front of him slowly dissipated, and soon lost his figure, which was obviously an afterimage.

Then he felt a murderous intent coming from behind him, and just as he was about to turn around to resist, he felt his neck go cold, and then the scenery in front of him was shrouded in darkness...

"Huh..." Zhang Cheng was afraid for a while after killing this person, and if he was a step later, he would be the one who died.

After calming down his mood a bit, he carried Xia Lingyun and the others out of the passageway, and returned to the Yuanshi plane. The suppression in his body was lifted in an instant, and the feeling of control reappeared, which made people feel very relaxed.

"No, I still have to investigate." After passing through the previous scene, Zhang Cheng already guessed that the world over there must be planning to open this passage. If he doesn't investigate clearly, he will be restless.

Therefore, he plans to sneak into that world again, and he can walk in it with the help of the killer weapon, without worrying about not being able to protect himself.

Glancing at the unconscious Xia Lingyun and the others, his heart moved, and he recorded what happened to him and the words he asked them to bring to Gongyang Xinyue and the others in a jade slip, and then put the jade slip on the In Xia Lingyun's hands, it was thrown into the wormhole again.

Zhang Cheng, who came back again, saw the corpse lying on the ground, rummaged through it, and found a storage ring, and the others were gone.

Zhang Cheng knew that he couldn't stay here for long and had to leave as soon as possible, so he picked up the storage ring and flew out, leaving here.

Not long after he left, a man dressed the same as the previous guard appeared at the entrance. Seeing the corpse lying on the ground, this man showed a hint of shock on his face.

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