Zhang Cheng was also taken aback by this sudden change. You must know what the competition is about, which is fairness. Before the competition is over, outsiders are not allowed to interfere.update the fastest

Moreover, Zhang Cheng did not actually provoke Gongshang's family by doing this. On the one hand, he did this to make Gongshang Langyue admit defeat, and on the other hand, he did it to deter others.

However, who would have thought that this gentleman, Shang Langyue, would be determined to eat the weights, but he refused to admit defeat, so he could only continue to persecute him.

But he never thought that Gongshang Yuanshan would be so unreasonable, directly attacking him, and even sneak attacking himself without knowing it.

What is the cultivation level of Gongshang Yuanshan? That is an emperor-level master, the same level as Baili Baiqing. If he wants to escape from his hands, he must use the eighth seal of the Supreme King to resist.

However, in the process of turning around, he saw the emperor who was indifferent to this, which made him immediately understand some of the reasons.

You must know that the emperor personally asked for this competition to be held, and at this moment, Gong Shangyuanshan dared to attack him directly in front of him. Doesn't this mean that it was ordered by the emperor.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng knew that he was still testing himself, and was annoyed in his heart. After all, without the help of the Supreme King Seal, he could only be beaten passively, and he might even be beaten to death.

But Gongshang Yuanshan didn't care about these things, and the attack remained the same. Although he only used [-]% of his strength in this palm, it was not something that Zhang Cheng, a monk who was only a general in the early stage, could resist.

Zhang Cheng could only choose to back away now. If he was hit by his palm, it would be no joke.

But will Gongshang Yuanshan let Zhang Cheng go easily? The answer is no. This kid not only beat his own son into a cripple, but also made their Gongshang family lose face twice. How could he let Zhang Cheng go? become.

Why is it twice, counting Zhang Cheng's slashing to win the love, it was one time to let the Baili family withdraw the marriage, and it was another time to defeat his son today and be so humiliated.

Therefore, he didn't stop attacking because of Zhang Cheng's retreat. Instead, he sped up his speed and increased the strength of his hands by [-]%, intending to slap Zhang Cheng to death with one palm.

Anyway, the emperor has acquiesced to his behavior now, and he doesn't need to admit any master if he kills him.

Even if the Baili family complained, he didn't dare to make trouble for him. After all, the three major families had long wanted to swallow the Baili family.Besides, I still have the emperor to back me up, so who is afraid of anyone?

"I can't run now." Seeing his attack speed increase suddenly, Zhang Cheng knew that unless he used the "Supreme King Seal", he would not be able to escape.

And the emperor was still waiting for him, making him afraid to use it for a while.

"Would you like to fight?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help asking himself, but there was no other sound except for the wind of palms coming from his ears.

Slowly, Gongshang Langyue's attack was exhausted, and Zhang Cheng even felt a strong sense of oppression, lamenting that while the emperor-level monk attacked and robbed him, he also had a rough estimate of his fate after being hit by this palm.

Looking at the palm that was getting closer and was about to be imprinted on his forehead, Zhang Cheng gritted his teeth and said in his heart: "Damn it, I will fight with you..."

"Stop." Just before Zhang Cheng had finished saying the word "Le", an extremely calm voice came from his ear.

However, it was this sound that made Gong Shang Yuanshan's palm stop. At this moment, his palm was only a few centimeters away from Zhang Cheng's eyebrows, but he still stopped, but the huge palm wind still blew Zhang Cheng out.

"Gongshang Yuanshan, do you know the consequences of sabotaging the competition without authorization?" The emperor slowly opened his eyes, looked at Gongshang Yuanshan with those eyes without any emotional fluctuations, and asked.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Cheng couldn't figure out the situation for a while, because he could see that the reason why Gongshang Yuanshan dared to deal with him was because of the emperor's order.

But at this moment, not only did he prevent Gong Shang Yuanshan from killing himself, but it seemed that he wanted to punish Gong Shang Yuanshan for his crime, which made him not sure what they were acting on.

"Your majesty, I..." Gong Shang Yuanshan was also full of doubts, not understanding what the emperor meant.

"Needless to say, the crime of interrupting a fight without permission is punishable by death, but I think you are the first offender, and because your son was injured and unable to control yourself, you will be spared the death penalty, come on, pull it down, and have your right arm amputated. "After the emperor finished speaking, he saw several guards behind the dragon chariot land on the battle platform, and took Gong Shang Yuanshan down.

"The emperor is kind, the emperor is kind..." Gongshang Yuanshan's unwilling voice gradually faded away, leaving Zhang Cheng and several other family patriarchs in a daze.

They knew very well before that the reason why Gongshang Yuanshan dared to do this was because of the emperor's order, otherwise Baili Baiqing would not have watched Zhang Cheng be killed by Gongshang Yuanshan.

It's just that they didn't expect that at this critical moment, the emperor suddenly stopped the prince from going to Yuanshan and punished him. If his right arm was really abolished, then his strength would be compromised, and he might not even be able to keep his position as Patriarch. .

Therefore, they didn't know why the emperor did this, but Baili Baiqing was relieved to see that Zhang Cheng was fine.

After all, once something happened to Zhang Cheng, all the efforts he had made before would be completely in vain.

"Okay, let's continue the competition." The emperor waved his hand and said.

But after going through what happened before, who would dare to challenge Zhang Cheng on stage? You must know that the cultivation base of those participating in the competition is similar to that of Gong Shanglangyue. Isn't it just looking for abuse when going on stage?

Although a few people came up under the repeated winks of several patriarchs, they were all dismissed by Zhang Cheng without exception. In the end, Zhang Cheng won the victory and received a generous reward.

But compared to this reward, he was more happy to finally prove from the eyes of the emperor that he was not grown up.

Because after this period of hard thinking, he finally figured out the strange behavior of the emperor.

The man Shang Yuanshan did act against him after receiving the emperor's order, but he didn't really want to kill himself, but wanted to determine whether he was Zhang Cheng or not.

However, at the last moment, he did not use the exercises mastered by "Zhang Cheng" to save himself, which made him sure that he was not Zhang Cheng.

However, in this way, Zhang Cheng was sure that this person was the person at that time, otherwise, he would not have wanted to use exercises to determine his identity.

It's just that he can't think of who this person is, because he can be sure that he has never seen this face.

"Could it be that he, like himself, has used exercises to change his appearance and breath?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

At the same time, he also thanked Gongshang Yuanshan a little bit. If it wasn't for his action, he would have to spend a lot of effort to prove that he is not Zhang Cheng.

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