On the way back to the Baili family, Zhang Cheng felt the seriousness of the matter more and more, because if the emperor was really from his original plane, then the deaths of the saints were probably carefully planned by him a plot. :Reading novels

But why did he kill the saint?What good does it do him?

Suddenly, a guess that he couldn't believe appeared in his mind.

He felt that this person probably wanted to rule the whole world under his feet, just like this world, and let him become the emperor of the whole world and rule the heavens.

But the existence of the saint made his plan impossible to implement, so he wanted to use this method to trick the saint into this place to kill, and then introduce the supreme into this plane one by one, and kill them one by one.

After killing all the people whose cultivation level is higher than his own, then there will be no existence in that world that can compete with him, and his goal will be achieved.

To be honest, Zhang Cheng really couldn't believe his guess, because once this plan was implemented, blood would flow like a river.And killing so many people just to satisfy his own selfish desire is really scary.

Especially once his plan is implemented, that world will never have peace, and everyone will live in dire straits just like the people in this world.

"No, we must stop him." Zhang Cheng made up his mind, not because he was responsible for that world, but because he didn't want his descendants to live in such a dark world.

But how would he stop this person's plan?

Zhang Cheng thought hard, but after thinking for a long time, he found a problem, that is, if he wanted to stop this person's plan, he had to figure out who this person who gave him a sense of déjà vu was. What kind of role do you play.

"It seems necessary to go back first." Zhang Chengxin said.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Baili Qiongying saw Zhang Cheng frowning all the way, and asked a little strangely.

"I'm fine!" Zhang Cheng shook his head. He didn't want to tell her about it for the time being, because she couldn't help her at all. Telling her would only make her worry.

"Oh!" Baili Qiongying is a smart woman. Although she saw that Zhang Cheng was lying to herself, she didn't point it out, because she could feel Zhang Cheng's heart, and he was protecting herself.

"After I go back, I will be in seclusion for a period of time. During this time, no one can disturb me." Zhang Cheng said this lightly, and Baili Qiongying just nodded without asking any further questions.

After returning to the Baili family, Zhang Cheng couldn't wait to enter the practice room. When the people outside were almost gone, he formed the sixth seal, disappeared, opened an exit from the back of the house, and got out.

However, when he went around the practice room and walked to the front, he saw Baili Qiongying sitting in front of the door, as if he wanted to guard the door himself to prevent anyone from entering.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng suddenly felt very moved. After all, he just simply confessed that she did this for herself.

However, he can't stop to talk to her now, after all, what he has to do is to protect her, so he gritted his teeth and left the Baili family, and flew directly towards the passage he came from. .

After a long time, Zhang Cheng finally came to the entrance of the cave that he left before, but at this moment, there were many more guards in front of the cave than before, and there were also some extremely high-level masters sitting there.

"It seems that guy doesn't want me to go back." Zhang Cheng immediately understood the emperor's thoughts when he saw this formation, but it was a pity that he miscalculated that he possessed such a magical secret method, which could completely suppress his figure and breath.

So Zhang Cheng stopped staying and flew directly towards it.

However, just as he passed through the hole, he suddenly felt as if his body had touched something, and then a bell rang next to him.

"Not good!" Zhang Cheng knew that he had been cheated by that club.

Although his sixth seal can completely suppress his body shape and aura, it still exists real, that is to say, it is only invisible or felt, but it can still be touched.

But at this moment, he sealed the entrance here with a very thin rope, and as long as he passed by, he could pull the bell next to him.

Although those monks couldn't see themselves, they could hear the ringing of the bell. They also became nervous for a while, and the shadow of fists all over the sky enveloped the entire entrance.

They couldn't see Zhang Cheng's figure, so they could only use this kind of range attack in order to hit him with a punch. As long as the punch hit, the matter would be over.

Zhang Cheng didn't dare to confront him head-on. Although he didn't know how high this person's cultivation level was, the power contained in this punch was no less than that of Baili Baiqing and Gongshang Yuanshan.

In other words, this person's strength has reached the emperor level.

"Damn it, this guy thinks too highly of himself." Zhang Cheng didn't expect that the emperor would send an emperor-level master here to intercept him.

Therefore, he could only rely on the sun wheel to block his attack, and then he stepped on the sun wheel suddenly, rushing into the passage with the help of this person's huge blow force.

But what Zhang Cheng didn't expect was that an emperor-level master appeared in front of him, and when he met him, he performed the same moves as the previous emperor-level master, and the shadow of fists all over the sky sealed the entire passage.

Zhang Cheng was startled, and then took a step back, but soon there was a strong sense of oppression coming from behind him, and he didn't need to look at Zhang Cheng to know that the emperor-level powerhouse outside had also chased him in. .

"Boy, you can't run away, show your body and go back with us." The emperor-level powerhouse in front didn't know where Zhang Cheng was, so he was still looking around while talking, and at the same time, his injured fist strength also did not stop.

"Fuck, isn't this forcing me to jump over the wall?" Zhang Cheng was a little depressed, because the situation at this moment seemed to be that the two walls were constantly pressing against him, although he could escape their observation with the sixth seal, But when they get away from him, he has to finish the game.

After thinking about it, it was all like this anyway, and finally Zhang Cheng decided to give it a go.

The sixth seal in his hand was retracted, and his figure was slowly revealed. After seeing Zhang Cheng, the two had a target, and immediately stopped the previous ranged attack and rushed towards him.

Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he clasped his hands in front of his chest, and the wisdom fist seal formed instantly, and then Zhang Cheng felt his hands shake violently, and the surrounding space was also shaken.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chengcheng felt a strong repulsive force entangled in the center of his palms, and he bounced his hands away in an instant.

However, a shocking scene appeared. The moment Zhang Cheng's hands were flicked away, the space in front of him seemed to be divided into two with his palm at this moment.

Before the emperor-level powerhouse could react, he was forcibly torn apart by the separated space, split into left and right halves and fell into the passage.

At the same time, a large part of the strength in Zhang Cheng's body was also emptied, and he felt the pressure that existed behind him.Zhang Cheng's aptitude was irresistible, and he used his whole body's strength to form the sun wheel mark, and a huge sun wheel appeared behind him.

But at this time, the opponent's attack also came, and only heard a "boom", Zhang Chengcheng was knocked out by a distance, and just got out of the passage.

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