Zhang Cheng, who came out of the wormhole, immediately felt that the feeling of being suppressed was gone that night, the power in his body became active, and the damage he suffered before was also recovering quickly, and he recovered in the blink of an eye.

It's just that he was a little shocked that the Yuanli he cultivated in that world was not suppressed by the power of this world, and a large amount of Yuanli still remained in the cells.

"It's really strange!" Zhang Cheng was very puzzled by this. After all, the two worlds have different laws. It stands to reason that after returning from that world, Yuanli should also be suppressed.

However, before he could figure it out, there was a burst of piercing sound in the sky. Needless to say, Zhang Cheng also knew that the Supreme Beings from the Yuanshi Plane had sensed his appearance, so they flew over.

"Eighth brother, you've come out, tell me what's going on here?" Xia Lingyun was also with this group of people, or he hasn't left since Zhang Cheng entered the wormhole.

On the one hand, he was worried about Zhang Cheng's safety, and on the other hand, he was a little curious about the things in the wormhole.

"There is another realm here, with a complete cultivation system. The situation is similar to that of the realm of cultivation. However, our power will be suppressed if we enter that realm. You have experienced this, brother, so you know better." Zhang Cheng replied. .

However, he took advantage of the time to answer and began to scan the crowd present to feel the familiar feeling.But after watching it again, I didn't feel that feeling again.

But at this moment he found that Tian Lingzi was not here, so he asked, "Hey, where is Senior Tian Lingzi, why isn't he here?"

"He was seriously injured in the wormhole, so he has been in seclusion for a few days." Yuan Fang replied.

"Oh!" Hearing this, Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing whether the emperor might be this Tian Lingzi, but he was not familiar with him, and he had only met a few times before, so if he wanted to confirm, he had to meet again He can do it.

"Zhang Daoyou, I don't understand something, and I ask Zhang Daoyou to clarify." Yuan Fang couldn't help but say something.

"Senior, please tell me!" Zhang Cheng nodded and said.

"Before Zhang Daoyou said that there is another world inside this wormhole, and it also has a perfect cultivation system. Why did they open up a channel to communicate with our world? Is there any conspiracy in it?" Yuan Fang asked the point, this It was also something that Zhang Cheng wanted to confirm when he came back this time.

But he can't tell anyone about this now, because he doesn't know how many of these people belong to the emperor.At the same time, he did not determine who the emperor was.

Therefore, he planned to hide the truth for the time being, and after confirming the identity of this person, he would decide what to do.

"I haven't found out about this, but I really can't get along in it anymore. My cultivation is too low, and I was almost beaten to death several times. So, I plan to come back and think about the countermeasures, and then re-investigate again." Zhang Chengdao.

"Can you take me this time, I also want to see what the world is like over there?" Yuan Fang said curiously.

However, his proposal aroused Zhang Cheng's vigilance, because his identity in that world is still a mystery, and no one knows that he is pretending to be Baili Qiongying's husband.

At this moment, Yuan Fang made such a proposal, which meant that she wanted to find out her identity.

Although this Yuan Fang could not be the previous emperor, it was very likely that he was the emperor's accomplice. After all, controlling the whole world is not something that one person can do.

However, if this is the case, then the situation will become more complicated. After all, these two planes are related, and they are also the two most powerful planes.

"I'm afraid it won't work, because the other side of the cave is guarded by a large number of masters. With my strength, I can only pass through it by myself, and I can't bring another person in." Zhang Cheng thought of an excuse and said.

"That's fine!" Yuan Fang said with a look of regret.

"Brother, are Xuanling and the others alright?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"They are pretty good, but you'd better go back quickly, you also know that women just like to think wildly." Xia Lingyun replied.

"I'll go back now." Zhang Cheng also missed them a little bit. Although he had only been away for a few days, he had experienced life and death several times, which was more dangerous than what he had experienced in the past few years.

Thinking about it, I feel a little scared, what should they do if they die.

But even though he thought so, he still didn't plan to let go of the matter. On the one hand, it was because there was a woman of his own over there, and on the other hand, he didn't want that guy's conspiracy to succeed, and let his descendants live there. In a life of darkness.

"Go, I'll look for you if I need anything." Xia Lingyun said.

"Okay!" After saying that, Zhang Cheng flew towards the Qiankun battlefield, but before leaving, he sent Xia Lingyun a voice transmission, that is, to inform him after Tian Lingzi left the seclusion.



Passing through the Qiankun battlefield, Zhang Cheng returned to the fairy world, and then teleported to Mount Qingcheng non-stop. The Yuanshen swept away and found that Gongyang Xinyue and the others were practicing in the room.

Zhang Cheng is a little strange, don't they worry about something happening to them?

Shaking their heads, they moved into the room. However, they were all immersed in deep cultivation, so they didn't notice Zhang Cheng's arrival.

After a while, he seemed to understand something, smiled, and didn't bother them, just sat on the chair and sorted out what happened these days.

He now feels that the emperor is very likely to be Tian Lingzi, because when he was there, only Tian Lingzi retreated alone, that is to say, Mo Rien had seen him, and only he had the opportunity to sneak into the wormhole to investigate his own identity. where.

And what Yuan Fang did made Zhang Cheng suspect him too.

However, listening to Baili Qiongying's talk about the imperial court battle, I feel that this matter should not be done by one person, at least several people are needed.

"Could this conspiracy be planned by the entire Yuanshi and the Supreme of the Liangyi plane?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing.

But then he shook his head and denied this idea, because it is impossible for the saints not to notice such a big movement. If the saints were aware of it, then they would not be able to enter it and die.

"This matter seems to be much more complicated than imagined, and we must treat it with caution, otherwise we may get involved if we fail to meet the desired goal." Zhang Cheng felt a sense of tension in his heart.

However, at this moment, he felt his eyes darken, and then a pair of cold hands blocked his eyes.

"Guess who I am?" This was Ouyang Qianyun's voice.

"You are Hongyan?" Zhang Cheng deliberately didn't say Ouyang Qianyun's name, trying to tease this beautiful girl who teased him.

"Guess again." Ouyang Qianyun smiled, she heard that Zhang Cheng was playing a joke with her, and she cooperated very well without pointing it out, and continued to play.

"That's Linglong?"

"Guess again!"

"If it's not Hongyan or Linglong, then it must be Lanyue, and this girl is the only one who would be so boring."

"Still wrong, guess again."

"Not right, how is it possible, you must be Lan Yue."

"Oh, I'm Qianyun." Ouyang Qianyun felt a little boring when he saw that he hadn't said his name for a long time, and let go of Zhang Cheng's eyes.

"I know you are Qianyun, and no one is so boring except you." Zhang Cheng laughed, and pulled her little hand, and after a cry of surprise, her delicate body had already entered his embrace.

Smelling the familiar scent, Zhang Cheng felt satisfied for a while.

"Who's bored, this is me, this is me..." Suddenly Ouyang Qianyun really didn't know what words to use to describe herself.

"What are you?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"I'll tell you what to do!" Ouyang Qianyun blushed and said angrily.

"It's up to you." Zhang Chengdao.

"Honey, why did you leave for so long this time? What happened?" Ouyang Qianyun asked strangely.

"Why, don't you guys know?" Zhang Cheng was a little surprised, he had asked Xia Lingyun and the others to tell them before.

"Know what?" Ouyang Qianyun asked puzzled.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just that there are some strange phenomena in the Yuanshi plane, so we went to take a look." Zhang Cheng thought that there was no need for them to worry, so he found a reason.

"Do you still want to go there after that?" Ouyang Qianyun asked.

"It's natural. I'm mainly afraid that you are worried, so I came back to see you. I will go there in a few days, and the time may be longer." Zhang Chengdao.

"Then go, it's important." Ouyang Qianyun nodded and said.

However, her eyes were somewhat disappointed. She thought that they would be together forever after Zhang Cheng was promoted to Supreme, but now she found that he was busier than before and disappeared every three days.

"Yeah!" Zhang Cheng nodded. At this time, Gongyang Xinyue and the others also stopped their practice and came out one after another.


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