Since Xia Lingyun and the others hadn't told them the truth of the matter before, Zhang Cheng didn't take too much effort to soothe their lonely hearts.high-speed update

But after seeing their gentle and happy smiles, he suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of responsibility, and now he felt obliged to create a peaceful and stable living environment for them.

Involuntarily, he became more determined to break that conspiracy.

He only stayed in Jianzong for one day, and then he came to the Qiankun battlefield alone, his head began to run quickly, looking for countermeasures.

But at this moment, Xia Lingyun teleported over from the Yuanshi plane, saw Zhang Cheng in it, and said, "Eighth brother, Tian Lingzi has left the gate."

"Oh, let's go and have a look." Zhang Cheng regained his energy, sat up from the ground, and was about to teleport.

"Eighth brother, wait a moment." Xia Lingyun stopped Zhang Cheng, and asked: "Eighth brother, tell the truth to elder brother, do you have something to hide from me?"

"Brother, why do you ask like that?" Zhang Cheng didn't understand why Xia Lingyun thought this way, did he discover something?

"It's very simple. Before you came out of the wormhole, you sent me a voice transmission, and asked me to notify you when Tianlingzi left the customs. We have been brothers for several years. I don't know who you are, so , I'm sure you must have something to hide from me." Xia Lingyun said.

"Brother, you are right, I have something to hide from you, but now is not the time to talk about it, let's go and see Tianlingzi first, and when I come back, I will tell you everything, what do you think? "Zhang Cheng also knew that it was impossible for him alone to break this conspiracy. He needed help.

The only ones who could convince him were Xia Lingyun and the others, so he planned to tell them about it.

"Okay, I'll wait for your answer." With that said, the two of them traveled to the Yuanshi plane.

At this moment, Tian Lingzi was in the Qiankun Battlefield, and when he saw Zhang Cheng coming, he immediately walked over and said, "Friend Zhang Daoist, I really didn't expect you to come out alive."

"Huh?" Zhang Cheng frowned when he heard this. On the one hand, it was because what this person said made him wonder what to say, and on the other hand, it was because he found that Tian Lingzi was not the one. emperor.

"How could this be? If it wasn't him, who would it be?" Zhang Cheng was a little confused at this moment, because the most suspected person was Tian Lingzi, but he was directly ruled out when they met.

Now he also has no goals, and he was a little confused for a while.

"Uh, hehe, fellow Daoist Zhang, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, and you know that saints have been murdered... Hey, forget it, let's not talk about it." Tian Lingzi found that the more he said, the more inappropriate , just stopped talking, and changed the subject: "Zhang Daoyou, tell me about the situation over there, so we can formulate a countermeasure."

"Why, didn't Senior Yuan Fang tell Senior what happened there?" Zhang Cheng asked strangely.

"That's not true. I just left the customs, and I haven't had time to find him yet." Tian Lingzi said.

"Okay, let me tell you again." Zhang Chengcheng began to tell, and at the same time began to observe his expression, hoping to find some clues.

However, the result made him a little disappointed, because from the beginning to the end, there was no expression of value on his face.

However, this made him completely confused, not knowing where to start.

"Then what is the purpose of opening up such a channel?" Tian Lingzi asked in puzzlement.

"I'm not sure about this yet, but I believe there will be an answer soon." Zhang Cheng said this on purpose, wanting to test him again.

"Oh, what do you think?" Tian Lingzi asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel that I'm getting closer and closer to my goal." Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Tian Lingzi, Zhang Cheng excluded him from his mind.

Because he felt that if he was really the emperor, it was impossible for him to be indifferent to what he said just now.However, it does not mean that he has nothing to do with the emperor, it only means that he is not the emperor himself.

"But who would it be if he wasn't?" Zhang Cheng was a little confused. If he couldn't be sure who the emperor was, then it would be impossible for him to change everything.

"What should I do?" Zhang Cheng lost his mind for a while.

There was nothing to say at the moment, and then Zhang Cheng and Xia Lingyun returned to the fairyland, and as soon as they returned to the fairyland, Xia Lingyun couldn't help being curious, and asked: "Eighth brother, now can you tell me what you didn't tell me before? "

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng nodded. He didn't have a clue now, so he just told Xia Lingyun about this, and then listened to his thoughts. At that moment, he told Xia Lingyun about his discovery and doubts.

"I see. No wonder you want me to notify you immediately after Tianlingzi leaves the customs. Then is he the emperor you mentioned?" Xia Lingyun finally understood the reason, and was also surprised for a while.

After all, he never thought that someone would be so courageous that even a saint would be tricked.

"It's not him." Zhang Cheng shook his head and said.

"It's not him?" Xia Lingyun frowned and asked, "Who could it be?"

"I don't know now. If I can't find out the real identity of that person, even if I want to change something, I can't do anything." Zhang Cheng said with a sigh.

"Yeah, if we don't know the real identity of that person, we will always be in a passive state, with no goals and nowhere to use our energy. It's a bit depressing." Xia Lingyun sighed.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Cheng responded, and this was exactly what he was worried about.

"Don't be too anxious. This matter is not yours alone. After the second brother and the others come back from patrolling, let's think together and there will always be a solution." Xia Lingyun couldn't think of any special solution, and at the same time Don't dare to make a decision rashly, after all, this involves the supreme beings of other planes.

Once it is not handled properly, it may cause a war between the planes, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"I hope!" Zhang Cheng was at his wit's end, if Tian Lingzi was really the emperor, then all this wouldn't be so complicated, and there wouldn't be so many problems if he was restrained directly.

But it seems strange that this guy is not, which makes people depressed.

"However, is there any possibility that the emperor is not from our plane, but deliberately used the aura of our plane to confuse you?" Xia Lingyun asked curiously. asked.

"I haven't thought about it, but probably not. After all, he didn't know that I was the person I pretended to be." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Don't think it won't, this point must be confirmed, because this is a key part, otherwise our thinking direction will be wrong at the beginning, and the result will naturally be wrong." Xia Lingyun said seriously.

"Then what should I do, I'll go back and find out his details?" Zhang Cheng also felt that what Xia Lingyun said was reasonable, once their starting point was wrong, the result would be doomed.

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