{Tomorrow, I will have a wedding reception and ask for a day off.Fastest novel update}

Zhang Cheng suddenly felt a little scared. If he really felt that the feeling of déjà vu came from Tian Lingzi as Xia Lingyun said, then he would have made a huge mistake.

Thinking about it now, what he thought before was a little simple. He originally thought that the emperor was from this plane, but now it seems that it is not necessarily so.

"It's better to wait until the second child and the others come back, and after everyone discusses together, come up with a feasible method and then you go back." Xia Lingyun felt that there must be aspects that they hadn't thought of. If they act rashly, they may startle the snake, so we still wait for other things. Everyone come back, let's talk about it.

"Alright!" Zhang Cheng thought it made sense, after all, three cobblers were better than Zhuge Liang, let alone eight supreme beings.

"By the way, big brother, what did the second brother and the others do?" Only then did Zhang Cheng realize that he had been here for so long and hadn't picked up Tianxuan and the others.

"They went to inspect. In the past few days when you left, the situation in each plane was very tense, because a second wormhole appeared in one plane, causing a lot of casualties, so for the sake of safety, they visited the plane every day. We need to inspect it to make sure there is no problem." Xia Lingyun explained.

"It's really strange, how did they get through those passages?" Zhang Cheng couldn't figure it out, because the two worlds were not connected in any way, and they were completely separate worlds, each with its own rules and systems.

Even if they don't know each other's existence, how can such a channel be opened.

Moreover, he is also aware of the situation in that world, the strongest is only the emperor realm, and there is no mention of ascension even above the emperor realm.

They can't even break through the space, let alone open the passage between the two worlds.

You know, the strength of saints is much stronger than their emperor-level masters.But none of them can get through such a channel, and that's why.

"It's very likely that this wasn't done artificially, but formed naturally." Xia Lingyun wasn't waiting for Zhang Cheng's return these days, he also did some homework.

He and some other Supremes speculated that this wormhole is likely to be the result of the two worlds slowly approaching, and the final result is to completely merge the two worlds into one.

However, this process takes a long time, and even several epochs cannot be completed.

"Naturally formed?" The answer was beyond Zhang Cheng's expectations.

"Yes, it was formed naturally." Xia Lingyun explained: "I don't know how much you know about space. As far as I know, there are countless worlds in the entire universe, which are at different levels, like individual bubbles. Distributed in the universe, there is a certain distance between each other, and this distance is called a foreign space."

"Under normal circumstances, the two worlds will maintain a certain distance and do not interfere with each other, but under certain conditions, the two worlds will attract each other and touch each other. When the mutual gravitational force of the two worlds reaches After reaching a certain level, there will be a passage like the previous wormhole between the two planes."

"And, as far as I know, our current world has also been fused with a certain world before, and once the two worlds are fused, the laws of the two worlds will also be fused, thus giving birth to a brand new law. This one law will replace good fortune and control the entire world."

"Moreover, according to legend, before the fusion with this world, the highest level of the fairy world was only the supreme level, but after that fusion, a higher level appeared above the supreme level, that is, the saint level, reaching the saint level, You will be able to live the same life as the heaven and the earth, and you will never grow old or die."

"Does that mean that after this fusion, there will be a higher realm above the saint?" Zhang Cheng heard about this for the first time, and he couldn't help feeling a little yearning in his heart.

"I don't know about this, because this matter is too far away from now, and what I know is also heard from the mouths of other Supreme Beings. Although there is a certain degree of truth, no one can say for sure the final result. "Xia Lingyun said.

"What kind of level will the realm above the saint be?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help repeating this sentence, full of curiosity in his heart.

"Don't think about it for the time being, because the fusion of the two planes will last for quite a long time, and it may not be able to completely merge in dozens of epochs. Unless you have the realm of a saint, you won't be able to wait until that time. "Xia Lingyun couldn't see Zhang Cheng's thoughts, not to mention him, even he himself was yearning for that realm.

"Then strive to break through to the realm of saints before the end of life, and maybe we can witness the birth of a new realm in the future." Zhang Chengcheng set his goal life as the realm of saints, because only when he reaches that realm can his women and partners live forever. stay by your side.

Hearing this now, his goal became even more determined.

"It's so easy for you to break through the realm of a saint?" Although Xia Lingyun didn't want to hit him, he still had the obligation to make Zhang Cheng realize the reality.

"Brother, we seem to have strayed a little bit?" Zhang Cheng suddenly realized that what they were discussing before was about this conspiracy, so he ran to it while talking.

"What's off topic?" Hong Lie's voice came from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, there were six more people beside Zhang Cheng.

"Eighth brother, you came out, by the way, what's the situation over there?" Wang Yue asked curiously.

"Don't worry about this, I'll tell you slowly, but don't talk or ask any questions before that, okay?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Okay, you say." Everyone nodded and said.

"It's like this..." At that moment, Zhang Cheng told them again what he had told Xia Lingyun before, and they were also shocked when they heard it.

"Eighth brother, is what you said true?" Tian Xuan was a little surprised, he really didn't expect that someone would dare to take the supreme sword.

"This matter is just my guess. Later, my eldest brother also mentioned a possibility, that is, it may be that the emperor deliberately did it to confuse my vision. Therefore, we are not waiting for you to come back, discuss and discuss together, and determine a Come in a practical way." Zhang Chengdao.

"Brother is also right. Some things should not only be seen on the surface. You must grasp the context of the whole thing before it will come to fruition. Otherwise, if you act rashly and don't say anything, it may cause very serious consequences." Zhao Shan published his opinion.

"Second brother, tell me what you think?" Zhang Cheng knew that although Zhao Shan didn't talk much at ordinary times, he was the most thoughtful person among the eight. If he was to make plans, the success rate would be guaranteed to reach 70.00% .

"Hmm..." Zhao Shan thought for a while, and said, "I think we should first confirm whether this emperor is from our world, and then we can talk about the future."

"I think so too, but how can we determine whether he is from our world?" Xia Lingyun asked.

"Give me half a day. After half a day, I will give my results, and then everyone will discuss and polish together, okay?" Zhao Shan asked.

"fair enough……"



A few days later, in the imperial palace of another world, the jade talisman in the hand of a guard lit up, as if he had received some order, he immediately dispatched troops and horses to the Baili family in a hurry.

Baili Baiqing was taken aback by the sudden visit of a large number of emperors and king-level masters, and he also had an ominous premonition in his heart and asked: "I don't know why you all came to my house?"

"I will come to visit Zhang Cheng by the order of the emperor, and I will ask Patriarch Baili to invite him out." The leader said.

"Unfortunately, since the last competition, my son-in-law seemed to have some insights, so he entered the practice room for retreat, and has not come out yet..."

"I don't care about these, I just came to visit at the order of the emperor, if Patriarch Baili doesn't want to ask him to come out, then we have to force our way in." The guard interrupted without waiting for Baili Baiqing to finish speaking, with a bad expression on his face. Yue Road.

"This..." Baili Baiqing didn't understand why the emperor acted like this, it was a visit here and there, it was simply a threat.

"Does Patriarch Baili want to disobey?" Before the guard finished speaking, his right hand attached the sword at his waist. Obviously, as long as he disagreed, they would use force.

Although he didn't want them to disturb his son-in-law's retreat, but in the face of the royal power, he had more than enough energy, and said: "In that case, please come with me."

"Hmm!" Hearing what Baili Baiqing said, the guard's complexion improved a little, and then, a group of people drove into the inner courtyard and rushed towards Zhang Cheng's retreat.

In front of the practice room, Baili Qiongying was already sitting cross-legged with her eyes slightly closed, as if she was practicing.

But there was a sudden sound of footsteps, which caused Baili Qiongying to slowly open her eyes, and saw that it was her younger brother Baili Rongguang who was not someone else.

"Rongguang, what are you doing here?" Seeing Baili Rongguang's anxious expression, Baili Qiongying asked involuntarily.

"It's not good, sister, the emperor sent someone to visit my brother-in-law, and it seems that the person who came was not kind." Baili Rongguang said nervously.

"So what, as long as I'm here, I won't let them disturb my husband's retreat." Baili Qiongying suddenly stood up, with a look of death on her face.

"Sister, I'll accompany you." Saying that, Baili Rongguang walked to Baili Qiongying's side, also with a look of swearing to die.

"The one who doesn't have you here, you just stay aside." Baili Qiongying shouted at him.

"Why is it none of my business? He is my brother-in-law and also my master. Naturally, I have to protect him so that no one can disturb him." Baili Rongguang didn't want to leave like this, that would be too unreasonable.



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