Zhang Cheng left the imperial capital with Baili Qiongying, Baili Rongguang and Baili Baiqing, and went directly to a mountainous area. This place was not the exit to the Yuanshi plane last time, but the entrance to the fairy world. a channel.update the fastest

When he came this time, he passed through this place. In this way, the avatar left in the fairy world can serve as a cover for himself.

This is Zhao Shan's strategy. Using this method, it can confuse Tian Lingzi and the others, and at the same time preserve Judd's identity, so that Judd can work in another world without any worries.

Facts have proved that the effect of this strategy is not bad. It let Zhang Cheng know everything he wanted to know before coming here, and he also got the seed of good fortune, which can be described as a win-win situation.

This exit is different from the exit leading to Yuanshi Plane. The level of guards here is very low. Maybe Tian Lingzi didn't expect Zhang Cheng to leave from their plane, so he didn't set up a mechanism in front of this hole, so he was very careful before. It is easy to pass this exit.

This is also the saying that a wise man will make a mistake if he thinks about it.

At this moment, after he came here, he saw a few guards standing in front of the door, which were not much different from before. Zhang Cheng knocked them unconscious without saying a word, and then a group of people entered the passage.

But what they didn't know was that just after they left, several emperor-level masters rushed towards this passage. It seemed that Tian Lingzi had guessed that Zhang Cheng was sneaking into Chen Cang through this passage.

It's just a pity that they came one step too late, because Zhang Cheng had already returned to the fairyland at this moment.

The law that suppressed the original power in one's body suddenly disappeared, and this power rose instantly and became a little frantic. This feeling was like a person who had been imprisoned for a long time and suddenly gained freedom.

However, this force was only slightly excited, and did not hurt Zhang Cheng. It just returned to calm after walking around Zhang Cheng's body a few times quickly.

At the same time, a powerful force was released from his Immortal Mansion, and it filled his entire body in an instant.

After this power was generated, a very strange feeling emerged spontaneously. At this moment, Zhang Cheng felt that the world in front of him was not as big as before, but rather smaller.

Afterwards, he drilled his consciousness into his Immortal Mansion, where nine palm-sized fragments of creation were floating in it, flickering, as if they were breathing.

"Is this the power of the seeds of good fortune?" Zhang Cheng felt that his strength had improved a lot compared to before, and a feeling of being above all things appeared in his heart, which made him exude a sense of aloofness and superiority over all living beings. feeling.

This mighty one became the center, rippling like a wave, and all creatures within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to disobey in the slightest.

And Baili Qiongying, Baili Rongguang and Baili Baiqing standing beside Zhang Cheng were all shocked by the powerful power emanating from Zhang Cheng. Baili Baiqing felt like an ant in front of Zhang Cheng.

What Baili Baiqing didn't know was that this was the power generated by Zhang Chengte's restraint. If he exerted all his strength on the entire plane, he would feel his power.

At this moment, Baili Qiongying also opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Because she is so shocked now, although I heard Zhang Cheng say that he has a very high level of cultivation in this world, but Supreme is just a noun to him.

Although she was a little surprised at the time, she didn't have any reference, so her surprise was very limited.

But at this moment, she really felt Zhang Cheng's strength, and only then did she know what it means to be supreme, to look down on the world, and to be the only one, this is the supreme.

Not to mention Baili Rongguang's mood at the moment. Although he was shocked to see Zhang Cheng so strong, he was more happy because he could learn more from Zhang Cheng.



At the same time, in the Qiankun battlefield, Zhang Cheng's avatar closed his eyes and practiced together with Xia Lingyun and Zhao Shan. Suddenly, Zhang Cheng's avatar opened his eyes, and then stood up and said: "Big brother, second brother, my true deity is back .”

"Oh? So soon?" Xia Lingyun and Zhao Shan slowly opened their eyes, a little surprised by this situation, because there are still several months before the agreed number of years.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng's clone nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go and have a look." Saying that, the group of three flew towards the entrance, and in the blink of an eye, they came to Zhang Cheng's side.

"Big Brother, Second Brother!" Zhang Cheng yelled, and then nodded to his avatar, who also followed Zhang Cheng's nod, and then transformed into the dead power and injected it into Zhang Cheng's body.

"Eighth brother, who are these?" Xia Lingyun looked at the three people beside Zhang Cheng and asked in confusion.

"Let me introduce to you, she is my woman, Baili Qiongying, my father-in-law Baili Baiqing, and this kid is my brother-in-law, Baili Rongguang." Saying that, he looked at Baili again. Bai Qing and the others said: "These two are my eldest brother and second brother, and they are also supreme like me."

"I've met the eldest brother, the second brother." Baili Qiongying calmed down and called out twice respectfully.

"Okay!" The two smiled at Baili Qiongying, then nodded at Baili Baiqing and Baili Rongguang, and left them alone.

After all, the status of the two of them is too low, and they have no special relationship with Zhang Cheng. Normally, they wouldn't even look at them.

"Brother, you go to the Qiankun battlefield and wait for me first. After I arrange them, I will go to you. There is something I need to tell you." Zhang Chengdao.

"Alright, you go." The two of them disappeared before their eyes, but Zhang Cheng didn't say anything, and with a big move, he directly brought the three of them up, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the place of the Qingcheng Sword Sect. middle.

They found a house for them to settle down first, and then introduced Baili Qiongying to Gongyang Xinyue and the others. When they saw Zhang Cheng bringing the woman back, they were not at all dissatisfied, but very happy, because they felt that Zhang Cheng had brought the woman back again. Some sisters shared the "stress" with them.

It's just that what they don't know is that Zhang Cheng can be satisfied by one person. If they knew, they might not think so.

Zhang Cheng didn't stay here any longer, and after a brief explanation, he went to the Qiankun battlefield.

He knew that after the fall of the nine saints, the three thousand planes were about to change, and if they didn't take measures early, they might end up with no bones left.

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