In Yuan Shi Plane's Boundless Palace, Tian Lingzi sat on the throne with a gloomy face, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes. www access download txt novel Yuan Fang stood in front of him without saying a word, but there was a hint of fear on his face, which showed that he was very afraid of Tian Lingzi.

In fact, from the very beginning, it was the two of them who designed the play, from deceiving the saints and the others into the wormhole, catching them, and then summoning the supreme beings from all planes to the Yuanshi plane to discuss this matter, and asking them to enter the wormhole together. The wormhole treasure hunt was all planned before.

According to the previous plan, it should be to lure most of the Supremes into the wormhole, and then take them down one by one. If they can't be used by themselves, then kill them all.

At the same time, wait for the sage to speak and learn the true meaning of good fortune from them. Only in this way can he break through the realm as quickly as possible.

This can be regarded as Tian Lingzi's two-handed preparation. No matter which of these two paths is implemented, his plan will be successfully completed.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhang Cheng appeared.

The appearance of Zhang Cheng not only made it impossible for him to lure the Supreme into the wormhole, but also made the saints give up their lives and fall completely, which made all his preparations come to naught.

At this moment, in Tian Lingzi's heart, Zhang Chengcheng was like a stinky mouse dropping, ruining his overall plan.

"Yuan Fang, go out now and lead the Supremes of the two planes of Yuanshi and Liangyi, and control the other two planes ranked in the top ten as quickly as possible. Since the saint is dead, there is no need to wait any longer " Tian Lingzi suddenly raised his head and ordered.

According to Tian Lingzi's previous plan, once he breaks through the saint, or kills all the supreme beings, then he will have no worries and can unify the three thousand planes.

But now, both roads are blocked by Zhang Cheng, and he has to think of a new way.

Although Tian Lingzi got the Seed of Creation, there is still a long time before he can break through. Therefore, his current strength is also very limited, and he cannot compete with nearly ten thousand Supreme Beings from three thousand planes.

"Yes, Master." Yuan Fang replied, then turned and left.

Yuan Fang really didn't want to call this master, after all, no matter what she said, she thought that there was a supreme level existence, and their pride simply didn't allow them to do so.

However, Tian Lingzi's cultivation level is higher than his own. They had a fight before, and they lost to Yuan Fang that time. In order to survive, they signed a master-servant contract with Tian Lingzi.

Thinking about it now, if he had known that Tian Lingzi was so insane that even a saint would plot against him, he would rather die than be with this insane person.

However, it was too late to say anything, and he could only obey Tian Lingzi's order and act as a minion for the tiger.

"Zhang Cheng, Zhang Cheng, I hope you live well for me, I will kill you with my own hands." Tian Lingzi said angrily if he was far away.



In the Immortal Realm, in the Qiankun Battlefield, Zhang Cheng, Xia Lingyun and others have all gathered here, and the Qiankun Battlefield will be closed later.This Qiankun battlefield has two functions for Supreme.

One is to participate in the entrance to the real universe battlefield, and the other is to teleport to various planes, which is equivalent to a teleportation array.

However, once the Qiankun Battlefield is closed, it will be completely separated from the world, and both functions will be blocked. That is to say, the closed Qiankun Battlefield cannot open the real Qiankun Battlefield, nor can it be teleported or sent to people.

In this way, the entire Qiankun battlefield became a confined space, just to discuss matters with the Supreme, without worrying about being overheard or disturbed.

"Eighth brother, don't you have something to tell us, now we are all here, let's talk." Xia Lingyun said.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng nodded and said, "First of all, what I want to say is that we have all been deceived by Tian Lingzi. In fact, the saints did not die when they entered the wormhole, but lived well. alive."

"What did you say, the saint is not dead? Then where are they now?" Tian Xuan asked.

"Listen to me first. After I returned to that world this time, I sneaked into the palace over there after practicing for a while..." At that moment, Zhang Chengcheng saw himself the saint, and finally the saint's fall, as well as himself The sage told them all the things he heard in the air, and they were shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Eighth brother, are all of what you said true?" Xia Lingyun really couldn't believe this, because the saint in their hearts can be said to be a high and insurmountable existence, just like a true god, making people Don't dare to have blasphemous thoughts.

However, Tian Lingzi not only dared to think, but also made it, and most importantly, he made it, which made them really hard to accept.

"Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth." Zhang Cheng can understand their thoughts, but understanding is understanding, and facts are facts.

"That is to say, the saints are really sacrificed now, and before they died, they handed over the seed of good fortune to you?" Xia Lingyun asked.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng nodded.

"Since this is the case, we can't do nothing. We must tell people from other planes about this matter, and then unite to deal with Tian Lingzi." Hong Lie said.

"No, that won't work." Zhao Shan shook his head and said, "First of all, this matter is too bizarre. Without any evidence, others will not believe our words at all, and instead make them doubt our motives."

"Second brother, what do you think should be done?" Hong Lie also felt that it made sense, and asked.

"The best way at present is to do nothing. I think that Tian Lingzi will definitely be unable to hold back when he hears the news of the saint's fall. After a while, the three thousand planes will know their ambitions. Then Only then can we unite with them." Zhao Shan said.

"However, if it takes a long time, will it be too late? Moreover, Tian Lingzi and the eighth brother are both likely to break through the realm of saints. What if he breaks through the realm of saints first?" Wang Yue asked. This is a bit worrying.

"No, if the saint can break through so easily, he doesn't have to waste so much time and thought. As for the other issue you mentioned, we need to pay attention... so, let's take a look at the movement over there first. If they start If we make a move, let's make a move too." As soon as Zhao Shan talked about this kind of thing, he started to talk too much, and Zhang Chengcheng couldn't get in.

At this time, Zhang Cheng felt very relaxed, and he didn't need to worry about many things. This made him feel the benefits of having a companion, especially after experiencing the helplessness that was so ineffective in the Dark Moon Kingdom. After living together, I feel the importance of partners even more.

He believed that with their efforts, they would be able to crush Tian Lingzi's ambition and restore the world to peace.

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