Alien Madness

Chapter 84

About two weeks later, Zhang Chengcai walked out of the room. In fact, Zhang Cheng had already refined all the medicinal materials inside into elixirs three days ago. There were more than 1000 pieces, which almost didn't tire him out. die.

Fortunately, he has "Tantric Mahamudra" and "Xuan Yuan Jing" to use interchangeably, otherwise, this time would have to be doubled.

However, after practicing these more than 1000 pills, his most intuitive feeling is that he has become more and more proficient in using the "Qianyuan Fire Control Curse".

Although there is still a long way to go before the second level, the control of the earth core fire has reached an extremely high level. It cannot be said that it is like using one's arms and fingers. enough.

At the same time, his soul strength has also been greatly improved under the nourishment of these more than 1000 pills. Zhang Cheng also tried it. Although he can't divide his divine sense into four at the moment, he believes that It won't be long, and this can be regarded as a big surprise for alchemy this time.

But he was worried that his refining speed was too fast, so after practicing alchemy, he practiced in the alchemy room for a while.

Moreover, in order to prevent them from seeing his alchemy rate, he also collected most of the pills in his storage ring, leaving less than a hundred Returning God Pills and more than 100 Bigu Pills.

In this way, his alchemy rate hovers between [-]% and [-]%, but this is already considered very high, after all, the alchemy rate of Daoist Danqing is only [-]%.

As for whether the less than [-] pills are enough to distribute to those who have been stunned by him, then he doesn't care about his own affairs, and he feels that Bixia is just trying herself, and doesn't care about the pills at all. .

Originally, he wanted to stay for a few more days. After all, nearly 1000 pills were refined in [-] days. Although they were all the lowest level, they were fast enough.

However, he really can't wait any longer, because there are still many things waiting for him to do, such as his plan to make a fortune, and now time is money to him, so he doesn't want to waste money in this place.

The moment he opened the door, he saw seven or eight people standing at the door. Apart from the six people from before Bixia, there were a few more people, one of them was naturally Ouyang Qianyun, and the other two were acquaintances, and they were An acquaintance that Zhang Cheng doesn't want to see for the time being.

One of these two acquaintances was Shen Ying, and the other was Ma Qiu who was with Shen Ying.

"Why are they here?" Zhang Cheng muttered in his heart a little depressed, and then said to Bixia as if he hadn't seen them for a long time: "Okay, I have made all the pills in it, please check them. "

"So fast?" The former Elder Wang was a little surprised when he heard Zhang Cheng say this.

Those medicinal materials were all put in by him personally, more than 1000 pieces. If it was him, even if they were all destroyed, it would take more than a month.

The practice was finished in fourteen days, which was beyond his imagination.

"Hurry up, in our place, I'm relatively slow!" Zhang Cheng pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Eh..." Hearing this, Elder Wang remembered that the man in front of him was a disciple of Daoist Alchemy, so it was not surprising.

After all, the Alchemy Dao Sect can be said to be the holy land of the Alchemy Dao in the cultivation world, and it is not surprising that they have some unique alchemy techniques.

"Elder Wang, go in and take a look." Bixia said.

"Yes, head!" Elder Wang nodded, and then walked straight into the alchemy room.

"Master Bixia, now I have finished refining the elixir you want according to your requirements, can the previous grievances between me and your Bixia sect be written off?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Of course!" Bixia didn't intend to do anything to Zhang Cheng in the first place, and she just wanted to try him by asking him to make alchemy. Now that she has tried it, she will naturally not talk about what happened before.

"Well, that's good." Zhang Cheng continued: "By the way, Master Bi, Qianyun and I have something to do and need to leave Bixia to go home for a while. Please make it easier for you."

"Qianyun has already told me about this matter, and I have already agreed, but this place should be a long way from your home, and it just so happens that these two girls will go to Huaxia Kingdom with you, so that I can Send someone to take you there." Bixia replied.

"That's unnecessary, I have my own way, and I can get there soon, so I don't need to bother you!" Zhang Cheng has the flying sword that Dan Chenzi gave him, and sitting on it is faster than anyone else.

"Oh, you have a flying magic weapon?" Daoist Bixia said a little strangely.

"Well, it belongs to my master. He gave it to me for transportation before I arrived!" Zhang Cheng replied.

"So that's how it is, how about this? You take them there as well. I think the magic weapon your master gave you should be much faster than ours!" Bixia guessed when she heard what Zhang Cheng said. Master Zhang Cheng's general cultivation base.

Because the flying magic weapon can only be used by people above the golden core stage, and Zhang Cheng can use it, it means that his master has entrusted a part of his spiritual sense to the magic weapon, otherwise, he would not be able to control it at all.

But if one can separate one's body and age, one's cultivation must be at least at the stage of distraction, and if one wants to inhabit the magic weapon with the divine sense, then one must at least be at the stage of integration.

There are only a few masters in the fusion period of Dan Daozong. For a while, she also guessed about Zhang Cheng's master.

At the same time, she also heard that Dan Chenzi was the only one who accepted disciples in Dan Dao Sect recently. With such an association, it became clear who Zhang Cheng's master was.

Therefore, she guessed that the magic weapon that Dan Chenzi gave him must be delivered faster than them. Even if she sent them there herself, it would not be as fast as that magic weapon, after all, the gap in cultivation was too great.

Zhang Cheng never expected that Bixia would have guessed his master's identity just by saying a word recently.

"This..." Zhang Cheng was taken aback, and he didn't expect Bixia to say that when she came back. To be honest, he really didn't want to go with these two women.

Although they look okay, but with the previous things, it is not so pleasant.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, they are all my good sisters, so you can take them with you, anyway, we will be separated when we arrive in China." Seeing that Zhang Cheng was a little embarrassed, Ouyang Qianyun said hastily.

"Uh, I didn't say I disagreed!" Zhang Cheng was a little helpless, he had no choice but to soften his heart.

"Since this is the case, then we can thank you very much, the little people in the nearby village." Ma Qiu sarcastically said.

"..." Zhang Cheng was speechless for a while.

"Okay, you guys go, come back early!" Bixia waved her hand and said.

"Okay!" As he said that, Zhang Cheng's heart moved, and he took out the flying sword from the storage ring, and it rose in the wind. In a blink of an eye, it rose to nearly ten meters long, and then fell from the air and floated in front of him.

"Please!" Zhang Cheng stepped aside in a gentlemanly manner, and said to the ladies.

"Wow, brother Zhang Cheng, your flying sword is so beautiful!" Ouyang Qianyun looked at the flying sword with colorful lights, her beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

Shen Ying and Ma Qiu couldn't help showing surprise. They had seen other people's flying swords before, but this was the first time that they were so beautiful.

"It doesn't know how good-looking it is, and its speed is fast. Okay, go up, didn't you hear that your master said that you should go early and return early?" Zhang Cheng was defeated by them. Why do girls always like to show their appearance? What's inside is more important.

"Okay!" After saying that, the three of them got on the flying swords, Zhang Cheng followed closely behind, then nodded at Bixia, and then disappeared into the sky with a "whoosh".

"What a fast speed!" Bixia couldn't help being surprised, even if he controlled the flying sword, he couldn't reach such a speed.

"Master, there are a total of 95 God-returning pills and 110 Bigu pills. Based on a comprehensive calculation, his success rate of pills is about [-]%, but I don't know if he left all the pills he refined Here, so, I'm not quite sure what his alchemy rate is." Elder Wang said in shock.

"Twenty percent?" Daoist Bixia looked at the sky where Zhang Cheng and the others disappeared, and said after a while: "I guess, his alchemy rate can't be only [-]%, it must be above [-]%. "

"I think so too, although it's a bit unbelievable!" Elder Wang still couldn't believe it. After all, no matter how talented a beginner in alchemy is, it is impossible for him to have such a high alchemy rate. The more familiar elixir has only just broken through half of it.

Twenty percent, he didn't dare to think about it.

But a beginner has achieved it, what a talent this must be, and this is just the beginning, after that... Elder Wang dare not think about it anymore.

However, in this way, he admired Bixia's vision even more.

If such a valuable person can make friends with him, the benefits he will bring to the sect in the future will be immeasurable.

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