Alien Madness

Chapter 85

{The collection is still short of more than 20 points to one thousand, bobbins, work harder. }

A thin shield was placed on the flying sword to protect Zhang Cheng and the three girls. Regardless of the thinness of this shield, it seemed as if it could be pierced with a light poke.

But in fact, this layer of protective cover is extremely tough, and the few of them sitting on it and driving fast can't feel any wind at all, because they are all blocked out by this layer of film.

You must know that the power of the air is very strong for fast flight, and at this moment they can't even hear the sound of the wind, so you can imagine the power of this membrane.

Moreover, it's not like they haven't ridden a flying sword before. For example, Ouyang Qianyun, when she followed Master Bishui to the Bixia School, she took a flying sword with Master Bishui once.

At that time, although Feijian's speed was fast, it was like suffering, because there would be a lot of wind blowing into the eyes, ears, mouth and nose, which was very uncomfortable.

But at this moment, it's all about enjoyment, even when you close your eyes, you can't feel yourself moving, you can tell which one is better at a glance.

"Junior Sister Qianyun, your fiancé is dishonest. This morning he was pretending to be an ordinary commoner at the foot of the mountain to deceive us." Ma Qiu was unwilling to be calm, and said with a glance at Zhang Cheng.

When Zhang Chengyi heard this, he sighed inwardly: "The sage said it right. It really is difficult to raise a villain and a woman. I haven't forgotten the little things!"

"What's going on here?" Ouyang Qianyun glanced at Zhang Cheng and asked curiously.

"It's like this. We just came back with a few junior brothers and we met him at the foot of the mountain. He was having a barbecue at that time. Those junior brothers wanted to drive him away. Who knew he said that he was from a nearby village, and he was lost because he was lost. After entering the realm of the Bixia faction, your junior sister Shen Ying believed it, and then we asked him to roast meat for us, but the person who was roasting and roasting disappeared."

"It's nothing. When we returned to the sect, we saw him holding your hand, and then he showed his might on the stage and even defeated ASRock. This made us so angry!" Ma Qiu All the previous things were shaken out.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you and my brother Zhang Cheng to know each other like this. No wonder you turned your noses and eyes when you mentioned him before!" Ouyang Qianyun thought it was funny, and then she couldn't help but look at Zhang Cheng. With a glance, there was a teasing smile in his eyes, as if he was holding back his smile because of Zhang Cheng's face.

"Um, you can laugh if you want." Zhang Cheng shrugged and said, "However, I really didn't want to conflict with you so I said that, otherwise, your juniors will have to be carried by you." Up the mountain."

"Then why don't you go straight up the mountain, instead you eat barbecue at the foot of the mountain?" Shen Ying asked puzzled.

"I just wanted to give Qianyun a surprise, and then I was a little hungry all the way, so I grabbed a wild game and just wanted to light a fire, you came. Moreover, your juniors came aggressively, as if It’s like how much money I owe them, after all, I’m here to see people, not to fight, one more thing is worse than one less thing, that’s why I said that.” Zhang Cheng explained.

"Then why did you leave all of a sudden?" Ma Qiu asked.

"I heard you say that this kid from ASRock dares to plot against Qianyun, so I can wait!" Zhang Cheng said.

"It turned out to be like this!" At this time, Shen Ying and Ma Qiu understood why Zhang Cheng left suddenly, and Ouyang Qianyun blushed when she heard Zhang Cheng's words, but her heart was sweet.

"By the way, when it comes to this, let me ask, has that kid from ASRock left the Bixia faction?" Zhang Cheng suddenly remembered that there was still a kid from ASRock that hadn't been dealt with, so he asked this question.

"He left a long time ago, and the head of the sect gave him two days to leave. He seemed to be very afraid that you were dealing with him, so he packed up his things and left that day." Shen Ying replied.

"Oh, by the way, what about Zhang Yang?" Zhang Chengyou asked. He also had a very bad impression of Zhang Yang. He even suspected that ASRock would suddenly find him, and he might be passing on the news.

After all, I just arrived, even if ASRock has many eyes and ears, it is impossible to know so quickly, and Zhang Yang is the only person who knows that he is looking for Ouyang Qianyun, so he is the most suspicious.

"He, he seems to have disappeared during this time, and we haven't seen him again!" Ma Qiu also said a little strangely.

From what she knew, Zhang Yang was a person whose name was very similar to his. In the past, ASRock dominated him, so he didn't dare to make too much publicity.

But now that ASRock has been abolished, he is the No.1 of the Bixia faction. According to his temper, he must stand up and make a high profile for a few days to show his status.

But now, not only did he not come out to make a show, but he acted so quietly, which made them feel that it was not in line with his showy personality.

"Disappeared?" Zhang Cheng raised his brows, always feeling bad in his heart, as if something was about to happen.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, look quickly, there is a person below!" At this moment, Ouyang Qianyun's voice came over and interrupted his thoughts.

"Where is it?" Zhang Cheng quickly stopped the flying sword, and then asked.

"In the back, just flew past, I just saw that person seems a bit like Zhang Yang." Although the flying sword flew very fast, Ouyang Qianyun was enjoying the surrounding scenery just now, so when she saw that person, she faintly Saw his appearance.

"Zhang Yang?" Zhang Cheng was taken aback, not understanding why he appeared here, but Zhang Cheng was sure that he must have come here out of uneasiness and good intentions, so he controlled Feijian and returned.

In the blink of an eye, they came to the place where Ouyang Qianyun saw Zhang Yang just now, and they found that there was really a person below. As the flying sword landed slowly, a familiar face appeared in their eyes, whether it was Zhang Yang or someone else.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yang was lying on the ground with bloodstains all over his body, as if he had experienced some kind of war before.Moreover, he was lying on the ground at this moment, his eyes were closed tightly, and his face was pale, making it difficult for people to tell whether he was dead or alive.

So Zhang Cheng stopped the flying sword beside him, then jumped down and walked to Zhang Yang's side, then kicked him and asked, "Hey, are you dead? If you are not dead, say something."

But the latter didn't respond at all. Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows, and then put his finger on his nose to feel it: "He's still breathing!"

As he said that, Zhang Cheng took out a Rejuvenation Pill and took it for him. Although his Rejuvenation Pill was expensive, this was the only medicine he had at the moment.

As for Zhang Cheng saving him, it was not because of Zhang Cheng's kindness, but because he wanted to find out what happened, and why Zhang Yang appeared in this place.

Rejuvenation Pill is a mortal fifth-grade elixir, and it also contains vitality, and its medicinal effect is extraordinary.

After putting down a elixir, I saw that the wound on his body healed quickly, and his complexion gradually improved. Although he was still a little pale, his complexion was much better than before.

"Ahem..." There was a rapid coughing sound from Zhang Yang's throat, and then he woke up, but when he saw Zhang Cheng's face after waking up, he was startled first, Then he asked, "Why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you, why are you here? What happened!" Zhang Cheng stood aside and asked angrily.

"I, cough cough..." Zhang Yang was about to say something, but there was another burst of rapid coughing, and then "wow", he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then his condition completely improved.

"You guys saved me?" Zhang Yang didn't answer Zhang Cheng's question, but asked in reverse.

"Nonsense, isn't there someone else here?" Zhang Cheng said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, tell us what happened and why you are here!"

"Okay, I'll tell you about this for the sake of saving my life..." At that moment, Zhang Yang recounted what happened before.

It turned out that he knew about ASRock after he woke up, thinking that he was making things difficult for him all the time, which made him harbor a grudge.

Now that ASRock had lost all his cultivation, he followed him, wanting to kill him on the way to vent his hatred, and at the same time put the blame on Zhang Cheng.

But who would have thought that there would be a master of the golden core stage beside him, and he could have let the master of the golden core stage kill Zhang Yang at that time.

But he didn't. Instead, he left him a breath and asked him to say a word to Zhang Cheng.

"What did he bring me?" Zhang Cheng asked with a changed expression.

"He said that he will repay you ten times what you have done to him in the future!" Zhang Yang replied.

"Then do you know who is the master of the Jindan stage next to him? What are the characteristics, which sect?" Zhang Cheng asked in shock.

"I don't know, I only know that he is wearing a black robe, his eyes are very scary, and his methods are very vicious. He tortured me for a long time before letting me go. Destroy, my life... hey!" The destruction of Dantian means that this life can only be spent in an ordinary life.

Now he regrets it very much. Why did he follow ASRock back then? Otherwise, wouldn’t there be so many things? Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world. Otherwise, he swore that he would definitely sell such dozens of catties On the body.

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