{I feel better today, and it should be fine tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.Fastest update }

This battle, Zhang Cheng can be said to have won completely. To be honest, even he himself did not expect that he could win so thoroughly and simply before he won, it was like a dream.

After all, Tian Lingzi's influence in this world is too great, coupled with his own strength, it can be said that Zhang Cheng can escape, but it is almost impossible to win.

However, under such an impossible situation, Zhang Cheng actually created a miracle, not only won the victory, but also killed Tian Lingzi and fled.

It can be said that all this was beyond his previous expectations.

Compared to Zhang Cheng, Tian Lingzi couldn't have imagined such a result in the end. After all, his plan could be said to be seamless. Surrounded by the forces, thus wiped out.

But he was still careless, or he underestimated Zhang Cheng, so that Zhang Cheng took advantage of the loopholes again and again, making the result of the original victory become like this, which really made him regret it .

But the result has already been decided, no matter how unwilling he is, there is nothing he can do. At least in a short period of time, this Dark Moon Kingdom will no longer belong to his sphere of influence.

"You are lucky this time, and I will definitely kill you next time." Tian Lingzi, who was sitting in the dragon chariot and fled here quickly, said to himself unwillingly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

As for Zhang Cheng, he did not pursue Tian Lingzi at this moment, because he knew that he would never be able to catch up with him. Instead of doing that useless work, it is better to control the situation present. In this way, the Dark Moon Kingdom became his territory in a short time , This is undoubtedly tantamount to cutting off one of Tian Lingzi's arms.

Because those emperor-level masters were afraid of Zhang Cheng's strength, and the death of the emperor left them leaderless, Zhang Cheng easily recruited these people.

Then, following what Tian Lingzi did before, he asked these people to continue to stop the passage from the big plane to the Dark Moon Kingdom, but what was different from before was that this time they were no longer guarding the Boundless plane, It is the hundreds of planes controlled by Tian Lingzi.

After doing all this, Xia Lingyun still didn't wake up. Zhang Cheng checked and found that he was seriously injured, and he couldn't recover by himself in this world.

So, he took him back to the vast plane.

As soon as he returned to the boundless plane, the original power in Xia Lingyun's body was awakened, and the damage in his body was fully recovered in an instant.

At this time, Xia Lingyun also woke up leisurely. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Zhang Cheng's face. He couldn't believe it. Then he looked around and found that he was not the one who imprisoned him before. Cage, my heart is full of doubts.

After breathing for a while, he asked, "Eighth brother, what's going on?"

Obviously, Xia Lingyun's memory was still at the time when he was imprisoned, and he didn't have the slightest memory of what happened in the Dark Moon Kingdom.

"It's like this..." At that moment, Zhang Cheng knew what Xia Lingyun was asking, so he explained in detail what happened before.

"This day, Lingzi is actually from the Dark Moon Kingdom. How is this possible?" Xia Lingyun was also surprised. What he thought was the same as what Zhang Cheng thought before.

How could it be possible for people from other worlds to cultivate to such a high level and be recognized by nature.

"It's true, this is what he said himself. Moreover, I saw that he is very powerful in the Dark Moon Kingdom. The general emperor-level masters are not his opponents. I was lucky enough to defeat him." Although Zhang Cheng Not too convinced, but facts are facts.

"However, if this is true, then it makes sense for him to attack the Saints and the others." Xia Lingyun said.

"By the way, big brother, how are three or four of them doing now?" Zhang Cheng asked worriedly.

"They're fine, but I think Tianlingzi will definitely use them as bargaining chips to lure you to the Yuanshi plane and deal with you. How do you plan to deal with it?" Xia Lingyun asked.

"I don't know, but I think it is more likely that I will save them in the past." Zhang Chengdao.

"No, if you think that way, you are very wrong." Xia Lingyun stopped him, saying: "Tianlingzi's ultimate goal is you, and you are the only existence that can compete with him in the future, so , no matter what he does in the future, even if he threatens you with the third brother and the others, you cannot go to the Yuanshi plane to take risks."

"But I can't just watch the third brother die and ignore them!" Zhang Cheng was a little embarrassed. If he could do this, he wouldn't have broken into the Dark Moon Kingdom again.

"Our lives are not important. If the world is controlled by Tian Lingzi, living under his power will be better than being happy after death. Do you understand what I mean?" Xia Lingyun asked.

"I..." Zhang Cheng was at a loss for words for a while, indeed, living under Tian Lingzi's despotic power is more painful than dying, so he said, "I know, big brother."

"From now on, use the Boundless Plane as your base camp. No matter what happens in the future, you don't need to worry about it. We will handle everything. You are responsible for comprehending good fortune and breaking through the realm of saints as soon as possible." Xia Lingyun urged.

"I see." Zhang Cheng gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Brother!" At this moment, Zhao Shan flew over from a distance. After seeing Xia Lingyun beside Zhang Cheng, he was overjoyed and rushed over, then looked at Zhang Cheng and asked, "Eighth brother, what's going on?" What's going on?"

"Tian Lingzi wanted to use elder brother to set a trap to lure me into it, but I turned around and rescued elder brother." Zhang Cheng said simply.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that I could see my eldest brother again. It's really great, eighth brother, thank you." Zhao Shan looked excited. Originally, he thought that he would never see Xia Lingyun again in this life, so he now I am very happy and thank Zhang Cheng very much.

"Second brother, what are you talking about, don't forget that he is also my elder brother." Zhang Cheng waved his hand, naturally he didn't dare to accept Zhao Shan's thanks, otherwise he would be nothing.

"Okay, uh, let's not waste time here, time is running out now, second brother, you should make a plan quickly and try to regain the lost plane as soon as possible." Xia Lingyun said.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Zhao Shan was puzzled.

"Now the Dark Moon Kingdom has been controlled by the eighth brother, but it won't be too long. We must seize this opportunity and take back the lost plane as soon as possible, otherwise our situation will not be better." Although Xia Lingyun One was trapped in the Yuanshi plane before, but he still heard about the situation outside, so after Zhang Cheng said that he had controlled the Dark Moon Kingdom, he thought of this.

"It's under control, so fast..."

"Okay, second brother, don't be emotional, get in and do it." Although Xia Lingyun doesn't have Zhao Shan's meticulous thinking, he can still grasp the overall situation, otherwise, his past few eras will be in vain.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Zhao Shan's face was full of surprises, and he could finally fight back. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

After talking about playing, he turned and left. Not long after, a large number of people entered the Dark Moon Kingdom and attacked other planes.

Due to Zhao Shan's careful plan and their extremely fast attack speed, Tian Lingzi was caught off guard, and the plane that was taken away from Zhang Cheng before a while was broken in an instant, and they returned to Zhang Cheng and the others. under control.

In order to prevent them from using the Dark Moon Kingdom to deal with him again, Zhang Cheng proposed to send a large number of supreme masters to garrison, and at the same time bring all the masters above the emperor level in the Dark Moon Kingdom to the fantasy moon plane.

As long as these people are in their hands, even if the Dark Moon Kingdom returns to Tian Lingzi's hands in the future, as long as Zhang Cheng and the others are willing, they can easily control it.

After doing this, Zhang Cheng completely calmed down and took back his avatar.

After more than a month of comprehension, the law of good fortune has expanded by one-tenth, and the speed of improvement is very fast, but there is still a big gap compared with the real law of good fortune.

In the following time, Zhang Cheng stopped everything and completely retreated to practice.

However, the good times didn't last long. What he had been worried about before happened. According to the news from the Yuanshi plane, Tian Lingzi planned to publicly deal with Hong Lie and others ten days later.

Needless to say, Zhang Cheng also knew that he was drinking out of drunkenness, in order to lure himself out.

To be honest, when he first heard the news, he really had the urge to save people, but in the end he thought of what Xia Lingyun and the others told him, and gave up this idea.

Time passed day by day, and finally came the day to execute Hong Lie and the others.

On this day, Xia Lingyun, Zhao Shan and Tian Xuan were all a little restless, because they knew that after today passed, only four of their eight brothers remained.

Tian Lingzi was also fidgeting, because he found that there was no movement in the Yuanshi plane, because his main purpose was not to kill them, but to lure Zhang Cheng.

This time, he planned for a long time to kill Zhang Cheng completely, and it can be said that he took all possibilities into account.

If Zhang Cheng didn't come, then all this would be meaningless.

"Yuan Fang, have you noticed that someone has entered the Yuan Shi plane?" Tian Lingzi asked with a depressed face.

"Not yet!" Yuan Fang replied.

He is also a little strange, according to Zhang Cheng's past performance, it can be seen that Zhang Cheng is a person who values ​​affection, but why is he indifferent to the next thing now.

"Not yet!" Hearing this, Tian Lingzi's face drooped.

"Master, will Zhang Cheng stop coming?" Yuan Fang couldn't help asking.

"You continue to send people to spy on them. If Zhang Cheng hasn't appeared when you execute them, kill them all, chop off their heads and send them to Zhang Cheng. I'd like to have a look. Can he hold it back?" Tian Lingzi had no idea whether Zhang Cheng would come or not.

However, judging by the current situation, it is very likely that he will not come.

Therefore, he had to think about the follow-up matters. He believed that after sending the heads of those people to Zhang Cheng, some people would not be able to sit still.

Even if Zhang Cheng could bear it, it would definitely have a great impact on his cultivation.Among other things, as long as Zhang Cheng can be affected, it means that his efforts were not in vain.

"Yes!" Yuan Fang nodded and said.



In a barren place in the fairy world, a man stood in front of a huge stone gate.

This stone gate is very large, more than ten meters high, without any carvings on it, smooth as a mirror, and even reflects the figure of the person standing in front of it.

However, looking at the rocks next to it, it is dilapidated and overgrown with weeds. It can be imagined that this place has existed for a long time.

And this man stood right in front of the gate, holding a map in his hand. He looked at the stone gate, then looked down at the map in his hand, and looked around. By comparison, he It was finally determined that this was the place he was looking for.

If Zhang Cheng was here at this moment, he would definitely recognize who this person was, it was Zhang Cheng's senior brother, Qiu Xiaotian.

What Qiu Xiaotian did here, how did he get the map in his hand, and what kind of scene is in this stone gate, no one knows except Qiu Xiaotian.

"Finally I found it, I finally found it, haha... Zhang Cheng, so what if you are the Supreme, when I get to the things in the ruins, I will kill you as easily as butchering a dog, wait, what did you do to me before?" Everything I do, I will get back the principal and the interest." Qiu Xiaotian's expression was a bit ferocious, as if all the humiliation he had suffered in these years had turned into hatred and vented out, the little one was so rampant and unscrupulous.

Then, he took out a palm-sized seal in the shape of a six-pointed star, and there happened to be a groove in the middle of the entire stone gate, which was also a six-pointed star.

There is also a small six-pointed star in the groove, which just echoes the seal in his hand.

Afterwards, Qiu Xiaotian put the seal on it, and suddenly heard the sound of a mechanical slot, and then a ray of colorful light shot out from around the hexagram seal.

Afterwards, the entire hexagram seal was also dyed with a layer of colorful light, so beautiful.

Next, the seal gradually became larger, and finally became the same size as the outermost huge hexagram, and then there was another sound of a mechanical card slot.


With a loud bang, the huge stone gate was opened. However, the moment the stone gate opened, a colorful glow shot out from the stone gate and shot straight into the sky. At the same time, a terrifying aura was released from it, instantly Sweeping the whole world, but it was fleeting, and the world returned to calm.



On the Yuanshi plane, Tian Lingzi, who was about to execute Hong Lie and the others, was suddenly overwhelmed by this powerful momentum, and the whole person stayed where he was, a little in disbelief.

"Master, this coercion is..."

"How is it possible? Why do saints still exist in this world?" Tian Lingzi interrupted Yuan Fang, because he felt that the coercion was possessed by saints, and because he had met saints before, he could be sure.

However, as far as he knew, there were only nine saints in the whole world, and when there was one more, and why did he hide until now.

Moreover, since he appeared, why did he just release his coercion, and then didn't make any moves? What did he mean?Warn yourself, or...

"What the hell is going on here!" Tian Lingzi was a little confused, if the saint was trying to warn him, why didn't he just kill him...

At the same time, on the plane of the phantom moon, Zhang Cheng also woke up from the retreat, because he also felt this amazing coercion. If he felt good, then the coercion just now belonged to a saint.

But aren't all the saints dead? Why is there still one?

"Could there be a tenth Supreme in this world?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing.

However, his mood is different from Tianlingzi's. If there is really a tenth supreme being, as long as he makes a move, then Tianlingzi won't be able to make much trouble at all.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel happy, and immediately walked out of the retreat, wanting to find this saint and ask him to help me deal with Tianlingzi.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The moment he stepped out of the retreat, he heard a burst of sound, Xia Lingyun and others came to Zhang Cheng's side, Xia Lingyun asked: "Eighth brother, did you feel it just now? "

"Yes, the coercion of the saint." Zhang Cheng nodded, but seeing Xia Lingyun was puzzled, he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, brother, aren't you happy that a saint appeared?"

"Of course I'm happy, but I haven't heard that there is a tenth saint in this world." Xia Lingyun expressed his doubts.

"Maybe he deliberately hid it and didn't want others to know." Zhang Chengdao.

"Impossible, if it is really a saint, when it breaks through, Good Fortune will notify all the Supreme Beings. However, once I break through the Supreme Being, no one has broken through the Saint." Xia Lingyun said.

"Then did anyone break through before Big Brother broke through to Supreme?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"No, I have read the records left by the previous Supreme Beings, and there are only nine saints recorded on them, and there is no tenth." Xia Lingyun shook his head and said.

"Could it be that this person broke through before the saints broke through?" Zhang Cheng thought of another possibility.

"This..." Xia Lingyun stopped talking. Before the breakthrough of the first saint, he had never heard of what the world was like, and there was no record on it.

Moreover, it can be said that all the supreme beings of that era have passed away. Although some were reincarnated and reborn, after a long period of time, the contemporaries of the saints have basically died.

That is to say, apart from those saints, no one knows what the world was like before them.

As for the possibility that Zhang Cheng said, Xia Lingyun didn't really believe it, but apart from this explanation, there was no other explanation that could make sense.

"Don't think about it so much, let's take a look and understand everything." Zhang Chengdao.

"Okay!" After saying that, everyone flew away towards the source of power.


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