The gate opened, and Qiu Xiaotian, who was standing beside the gate, looked at the entrance cautiously. The inside of this entrance was pitch black, and the light from outside could not shine in at all.Visit download txt novel

However, Qiu Xiaotian didn't have the slightest hint of fear, instead he was slightly excited, especially the terrifying coercion before, which made him sure that the place he was looking for was right here, the tomb of the saint.

Yes, this is the tomb of the saint.

The reason why Qiu Xiaotian was able to find this place can be said to be a great coincidence.

He didn't join the sect after he came to the Immortal Realm, but he was afraid of being caught by Zhang Cheng, so he and a group of loose immortals engaged in the business of killing people and stealing goods.

Since Zhang Cheng entered the fairy world, he made so much noise that he, a person who doesn't know much about world affairs, has heard of Zhang Cheng's name, so he avoided Zhang Cheng. Will not touch his brow in the past.

Therefore, he was able to live until now.

However, compared with Zhang Cheng, he is far behind, because his current cultivation base has just broken through the cultivation base of a fairy.

Originally, he didn't intend to seek revenge from Zhang Cheng, because the awareness between the two of them was too great, even if there were a thousand or ten thousand, he would not be Zhang Cheng's opponent.

Therefore, he was secretly praying that Zhang Cheng would not be reminded that there was such a small person as himself.

But a coincidence made him see hope, and at the same time made him change his mind.

At that time, he and a group of people robbed a group of immortals, but he didn't expect that there was a master of the golden immortal level in their group, so they were basically killed.

But Qiu Xiaotian was lucky and escaped this catastrophe, but on the way to escape, he unintentionally hid in a cave, where he saw countless corpses.

He could tell that the owners of these bones were all super experts during their lifetime, because even though they had been dead for thousands of years, there was already a trace of coercion in their bones.

But in the middle of this group of corpses sat a scrawny old man, or a corpse.But he didn't turn into bones like the others, which caught Qiu Xiaotian's attention.

After walking to his side, he found that such a map was hidden in his arms, which was the one he was holding in his hand at the moment.

In addition to the map, there is also a jade slip, which should have been left by this person before his death.

A shocking truth was told in the Jade Slips, that is, in the ancient times, there was a world-shattering battle among the saints, the battle was extremely tragic, and no one survived.

But why the saints fight, and why they have to fight to the death, there is no mention in this jade slip.It is only said that later, someone buried their bones, and this map records the place where the bones of the saints were buried.

It also said that this place is full of good fortune seeds, as long as one can get one, it is possible to break through the realm of saints, which shows the value of this map.

The name of this old man is Huang Shixiong. After he obtained this map, he was known by others for some reason, which caused his death. He was seriously injured and died here, and in the end it was cheaper for Qiu Xiaotian.

For Qiu Xiaotian, this is undoubtedly a great thing, so he started searching without any pause.

Sure enough, Huang Tian paid off, he really found the burial place, looking at the dark hole, Qiu Xiaotian was extremely excited, as if seeing the scene when he broke through the saint,

"Zhang Cheng, I hope you don't die before I break through to become a saint, otherwise it would be meaningless." Qiu Xiaotian had a sinister smile on his face. All the crimes he has suffered this year are all thanks to Zhang Cheng. , now that he finally had a chance to resist, how could he make it easier for Zhang Cheng.

Afterwards, he stepped into this pitch-black cave, feeling as if he had been swallowed by a wild beast.



The place where this wave of energy fluctuations was produced was their Phantom Moon Plane. However, Zhang Cheng and the others only felt the general direction, and did not know where the power came from.

So after leaving Jianzong, it took a long time to find the entrance that Qiu Xiaotian opened.

Looking at the extremely dark entrance, Zhang Cheng and the others also felt a burst of panic. After all, this place is where saints live.

"It should be here... But why do I feel that this doesn't look like a place where a saint lives!" Xia Lingyun looked at the entrance, and for some reason, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I don't think so either. This place is very gloomy, like a tomb, making people feel very uncomfortable." Tian Xuan said.

"Maybe this saint has special hobbies, so maybe he likes to live in such a place!" Zhang Cheng joked.

"It's unlikely. I haven't heard of any saint who has such a special habit." Zhao Shan couldn't help but say this.

"Okay, don't make wild guesses here, won't you understand everything when you go in!" After saying that, Xia Lingyun took the lead and walked towards the entrance.

"Brother, wait a minute, this place is full of strangeness, we'd better be careful." Zhao Shan stopped Xia Lingyun and said.

"What's so strange?" Xia Lingyun just felt that the feeling of this place was not very good, but when it came to being strange, he didn't think so.

"Brother, look, if this is really the place where the sage lives, why didn't the sage show up sooner or later, but why did he show up at this time? Also, since he showed up, why didn't he come out to see us?" Zhao Shan asked.

"This..." They didn't think deeply about this point, but Zhao Shan's mention made them feel strange.

"So I think it's better to wait and see. If there is any danger here, it will be bad." Zhao Shan said.

"There will be no danger? Second brother, you are too cautious." Tianxuan felt that Zhao Shan was overly nervous. After all, this place was quite normal except that it was a bit gloomy.

Moreover, he was also very curious about the situation inside, after all, this was probably where the tenth saint lived.

Maybe, after I come here, there will be another chance, and it may not be possible to break through the saint in the future.

"No, the second brother is right. After all, the current situation in the world is not good. If we are in danger, no one will stop Tianlingzi. Therefore, it is better to be careful." Xia Lingyun agreed with Zhao Shan's words, Now they can no longer afford a large number of casualties.

"In this case, let me go in and have a look to see if there is any danger inside. Anyway, we can't just do nothing like this?" Tian Xuan couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and still wanted to go in. check it out.

"This..." Xia Lingyun glanced at Zhao Shan, who nodded, and then he said: "That's good, but you must be careful, if you are in danger, come out immediately."

"Okay." Tian Xuan nodded, and then rushed into the entrance.

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