Alien Madness

Chapter 89 Selling Pills

"By the way, uncle, can your Ouyang family take over the sale of Zhu Ji Dan?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"I need to discuss this with the families of several other countries before I can confirm it. After all, the appearance of so many Foundation Establishment Pills at the same time will definitely cause quite a stir. My Ouyang family cannot bear it alone, but I think the problem should not be Big." Ouyang Tianhong thought for a while and replied.

"That's good, but I hope uncle will call me back as soon as possible. You know, our Zhang family is in urgent need of money, so the sooner the better." Zhang Cheng said.

"That's no problem. I'll call those families now, and I believe they will rush to China tomorrow. However, if other families are involved, some of the benefits will be in their hands!" Ouyang Tianhong replied road.

"Of course I know that. You can't let others work for nothing." Zhang Cheng nodded. He had thought about this a long time ago. These days, if you are not driven by profit, who will do things for you for nothing.

"However, ordinary interests cannot impress them. Therefore, I hope that four of the eighteen Foundation Establishment Pills can be taken out and given to the four major families. After all, money is just a number to them." Ouyang Tianhong replied.

"That's fine, then follow Uncle's instructions, but I want to ask, how many gold coins can a Foundation Establishment Pill be sold for?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"As far as the current price is concerned, the price of a Foundation Establishment Pill is 500 million purple gold coins, and this price is still increasing rapidly!" Ouyang Tianhong replied.

"So much money!" Zhang Cheng was a little surprised. After all, the accumulation of Tianfengmen in ten years is only 2000 million gold coins, and 500 million Zijin is equivalent to 5000 million gold coins.

In other words, one Foundation Establishment Pill is equivalent to the wealth accumulated by Tianfeng Sect in 25 years, and it is also equivalent to the income of Huaxia Kingdom in two and a half years.And Zhang Cheng has 350 coins in his hand, which is equivalent to 35 years of accumulation of Tianfengmen, even if it is Huaxia Kingdom, it will have to accumulate for [-] years.

That is to say, as long as these fourteen elixirs are sold, their Zhang family can become a super family that is incomparably rich overnight, even the Ouyang family cannot compare with it.

"How much money is this? I don't think it's much. You must know that only immortal masters can refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, and it is generally not sold to the world. They will only be used to exchange for some rare materials. The Foundation Establishment Pill is It is the only elixir that can allow masters in the innate realm to break through and truly step into the ranks of cultivators, so I think it cannot be measured by money at all." Ouyang Tianhong has a deep understanding.

If he can break through the innate realm, even if he is asked to take out the general property of the family, he will not hesitate, but this is not something that can be bought with money.

"Hehe, maybe." Zhang Cheng said.

In fact, the reason why he didn't attach so much importance to the elixirs was that he had a cheating weapon like the Nine Turns Soul Cauldron. If it was someone else, they probably wouldn't think it was so valuable, and they wished they could sell it for more money.

After all, not everyone can refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. In the entire cultivation world, the only people who can refine the Foundation Establishment Pill are those from alchemy sects, and others cannot refine it at all.

Moreover, for those who can refine Foundation Establishment Pills, it is impossible for them to have a very high alchemy rate, the highest rate is only more than [-]%, and the two achievements are already sky-high.

Furthermore, the alchemy rate here does not mean that one or two foundation-building pills can be successfully refined after refining ten pills, but that the alchemy rate of refining each pill is [-]% to [-]%. .

That is to say, there may be only [-]% to [-]% of a batch of pills, and sometimes they can't get a finished pill after being busy for more than a month.

Moreover, the grade of Zhuji Pill has reached the level of mortal grade nine, and it is a elixir that connects the past and the future.

Therefore, the refining of Foundation Establishment Pills is all about luck. If you are lucky, you can refine a furnace in a few days.If you are unlucky, it often takes several months, or even more than ten years to practice one, which has led to its high price.

Of course, not only Foundation Establishment Pills, but other pills are quite expensive in the secular world. Moreover, in the secular world, Foundation Establishment Pills are already the highest level of pills. If they are at the spiritual level, they will never appear in the secular world. middle.

Because, those who can refine spirit-level pills are not short of money at all, what they lack are only natural treasures, skills and magic weapons, and they will only exchange these things with pills.

As long as Zhang Cheng has mastered a kind of elixir, then he can achieve [-]% success of the elixir, that is to say, as long as he is given enough time and enough medicinal materials, he can use the elixir to fill up an ocean.

Therefore, he naturally does not feel that the pill is very precious.

"Okay, I won't stay here any longer, I'll deal with this matter now, I believe it will take a few days for me to confirm whether it can be sold, and then I will come back and tell you!" Ouyang Tianhong said.

"Uncle, don't be so anxious. We just came back now. You and Qianyun just met. We just met and had a reunion. It's the same when we go tomorrow." Zhang Cheng replied.

"You're not in a hurry, but I'm in a hurry. In the past, it was extremely difficult to see Zhujidan, but now the foundation can be sold. I didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing in the past. Things. So, I can't stay here any longer, at most after selling the pill, let's get together again." Ouyang Tianhong said excitedly.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, don't stop my father. He is this kind of person. Once he gets excited, ten cows can't hold him back. Keeping him here will make him more uncomfortable than killing him, so you just let him go. He will go!" Ouyang Qianyun said with a smile.

"My daughter still understands me, haha!" Ouyang Tianhong laughed loudly.

"Since this is the case, then I won't keep my uncle. By the way, this is a Foundation Establishment Pill, so I'll give it to you first. As for Qianyun's, I've already given it to her!" Zhang Cheng said holding it. A foundation building pill was produced and handed to Ouyang Tianhong.

"This is Zhuji Pill!" Ouyang Tianhong took a careful look at the pill bottle. This was the first time he watched Zhuji Pill at such a close distance, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Such a small pill It’s amazing how effective it is.”

"Okay dad, put it away quickly, don't let others miss it, if you lose it, then you can find a place where no one is around and cry!" Ouyang Qianyun joked.

"You ghost girl, dare to make this kind of joke. If I lose this Foundation Establishment Pill, it will be your curse. I will ask you for it." Ouyang Tianhong said angrily.

"Hehe, okay, I won't talk about the head office." Ouyang Qianyun smiled, and then said: "By the way, Dad, I have a storage bag. I don't need it now, so I will use it for you."

"Storage bags, are the fairy masters used to store things?" Ouyang Tianhong asked in a daze.

"Yes, as long as your first drop of blood is on it, I have already terminated the contract." Ouyang Qianyun took out a cloth bag and handed it to Ouyang Tianhong.

"That's it?" In Ouyang Tianhong's eyes, this is an ordinary cloth bag, which is very different from his storage bag, and then asked uncertainly: "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I've used it for a long time. If you don't want it, then I'll take it back!" Ouyang Qianyun made a gesture to take back the storage bag.

"Hehe, who said I don't want it anymore!" Seeing this, Ouyang Tianhong quickly brought the storage bag over, and impatiently bit his own finger and dripped a drop of blood on it.

Immediately, like a sponge absorbing water, the blood was directly absorbed by the storage bag, and then he felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

With a thought in his heart, the pill bottle in his hand was put into the storage bag.

Then the mind moved again, and the pill bottle came out of the storage bag again, and this was repeated more than ten times, and it was a joy to play.

"Father, stop playing, and you won't be afraid of being laughed at!" Ouyang Qianyun glanced at Zhang Cheng and Zhang Fang, and said with some embarrassment.

"Uh, cough cough..." At this time, Ouyang Tianhong also realized that he had lost his composure, his old face blushed, and then coughed a few times: "Well, I'll take a step first, um, I'll go first!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhang Cheng and the others to speak, Ouyang Tianhong left the room as if fleeing, making Zhang Cheng and the others amused.

"Qianyun, I have known your father for a long time. Every time I see him, he always has this face, as if others owe him a lot of money. I didn't expect your father to be so, uh, so cute. Haha..." At the end of Zhang Fang's speech, he remembered Ouyang Tianhong's embarrassing appearance, so he couldn't help laughing

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