Alien Madness

Chapter 90 Selling Pills

Ouyang Tianhong's efficiency is not so fast. Within two days of leaving, he received news that he had already discussed with several other big families and could take over the sale, and decided to auction it in the Yanjing Ouyang family one month later. In-room auction.

After all, the appearance of fourteen Foundation Establishment Pills at a time was an absolute sensation, so they decided to auction them together, so as to obtain greater benefits.

As for why the time was set one month later, Zhang Cheng guessed that they should need this time to publicize and exaggerate. Only in this way can more people know that there is such a thing and let more rich people Join the ranks of the auction go.

Coupled with the rendering, it is very likely that the price of the Foundation Establishment Pill will increase by several tenths.

Zhang Cheng knew very well that the current price of the Foundation Establishment Pill, even if it was increased by 50%, would still have more than 700 purple gold coins, and fourteen pieces would be more than [-] million purple gold coins, which is also a lot of money.

So he didn't mind waiting for a month, anyway, Dan Chenzi gave him half a year, even if this month was used up, he still had four more months, which was enough.

In Zhang Fang's room.

"Father, you will take the Foundation Establishment Pill today, and then I will protect you!" Zhang Cheng felt that there was still a long time before the auction, and there was not much happening in the Zhang family during this time. So Zhang Chengcheng decided to let Zhang Fang take the Foundation Establishment Pill to break through the Foundation Establishment period.

Now time is very urgent for Zhang Cheng, he has to make arrangements for the family before ASRock comes to seek revenge on him, at least let the family have some strength to protect themselves so that he can rest assured.

"Take it now, why are you in such a hurry?" Zhang Fang asked.

"It's nothing, you can't have any interruptions while taking the Jidan, and I will leave after the Jidan is sold out in a month, and there will be no one to protect you, so you have to hurry up." Zhang Cheng replied road.

"It turned out to be like this, that's good, but I don't want it now. You can spend good time with that girl Qianyun. I haven't seen you for so many years. You should have a good chat." Zhang Fang thought for a while and said: "In this way, two days Afterwards, I started taking the Foundation Establishment Pill, so that I can explain what I have in hand, otherwise I won’t feel at ease if I go directly to retreat.”

"Well, that's fine!" Zhang Cheng thought for a while and felt that he was a little impatient.

"Okay, that's it, you go to accompany Qianyun, and finally have a chance to take her out to have fun!" Zhang Fang replied.

"Well, I see." Zhang Cheng nodded, thinking that he should go play with Ouyang Qianyun.After all, he knows that feelings are not something that can stand the test of time, and he must spend more time and effort on cultivating them.

"Go, go to the cashier to pay some. Although our Zhang family is short of money, we can still get tens of thousands of gold coins." Zhang Fang said.

"It's not so much, dozens of pieces are enough, okay, I'm going, but you should hurry up and prepare, when taking the foundation pill, you must have no distracting thoughts, if you can't break through once, even if you have it in the future It will be very difficult for Foundation Establishment Pill to break through," Zhang Cheng said.

"Don't worry, I still know this common sense after practicing for so long, okay, just leave me alone and play with you!" Zhang Fang then kicked Zhang Cheng out.

After walking out of Zhang Fang's room, Zhang Cheng came to Ouyang Qianyun's room.

At the moment Ouyang Qianyun was meditating, she felt that Zhang Cheng had come and immediately opened her eyes, and said, "Brother Zhang Cheng, why are you here? Didn't you go to protect Uncle Zhang?"

"It's not urgent. I just have time to write now. I'll go out with you!" Zhang Cheng said.

"Really?" Ouyang Qianyun's eyes lit up, and a joyful expression appeared on her face.

"Of course it's true. After shopping, I'll take you to hunt outside the city, and then I'll give you barbecue. You don't know that my craftsmanship has been passed down from my senior brother. You can eat it once if you want to eat it." The second time." Zhang Cheng said confidently.

"Really?" Ouyang Qianyun said in disbelief.

"Of course, when have I lied to someone? Well, let's go, first go to the market to buy some spices, then go shopping around, and finally I'll show you off." Zhang Cheng walked to Ouyang Qianyun's room The side directly pulled her up, and then withdrew some gold coins from the cashier, and then the two left the Zhang family under the eyes of many people.

Although the Zhang family has changed a lot in the past two years, other places in Shaoyang City have not changed much. The market is still a market, and it is still very lively.

At this moment, the two of them are completely like a golden boy and a jade girl, no matter where they go, they will attract the eyes of people around them.

This made the two of them not very interested in shopping. After all, they are the focus of everyone everywhere. That feeling is very bad, so Zhang Cheng went to the grocery store to buy some seasonings, and then the two of them went straight out of Shaoyang City. .

There is a small lake next to Shaoyang City, named Shaoyang Lake. It is a long way from Shaoyang City, so there are not many people's footprints, which means that there are many animals here.

With Zhang Cheng's skill at the moment, he quickly caught a wild boar nearby. Of course, the reason why he chose the wild boar was that Ouyang Qianyun didn't like Zhang Cheng catching those cute little animals.

And another point is that the wild boar has a lot of meat, and there is still plenty for two people to eat.

Taking out the dagger, Zhang Cheng dragged Ye Zhu to the lake and began to wash and peel. Ouyang Qianyun walked to Zhang Cheng's side and said, "Brother Zhang Cheng, I'm coming!"

Ouyang Qianyun felt that she should be the one to do the cooking, so she walked over enduring her nausea.

"No, I'll be proficient in this job, you just have to wait with your stomach!" Zhang Cheng smiled at Ouyang Qianyun's appearance and said.

"En!" Ouyang Qianyun really couldn't bear to see the bloody scene, so she obediently walked aside.

But she didn't just wait there, but picked up some dry firewood around. When she came back, Zhang Cheng had just peeled the wild boar, and then took out the grill that Chu Yan gave him, put it on and set it up .

Then he took the dry firewood from Ouyang Qianyun and put it under the grill, then picked up the flint and lit the fire, and started grilling.

However, when he was done here, he suddenly remembered something, so he said: "Girl, I will pass on another exercise to you later. This exercise is different from the previous one. This exercise can be absorbed by eating. Increase your physical strength!"

"Ah, I don't want it. Why would a girl like me want such a strong body? No, I don't want it!" Ouyang Qianyun immediately shook her head when she heard the effect of this exercise.

"Eh..." Zhang Cheng was speechless immediately. You must know that "Food is the Sky" is a practice that others can't get if they want it. Fortunately, she hasn't heard the content of the practice, but she refused after hearing the effect of the practice. .

If Chu Yan finds out, I don't know if he will be pissed off.

However, Zhang Cheng looked back and thought about it, and felt that Ouyang Qianyun had a reason. It would be quite scary if the girl practiced like steel.

"Forget it, the exercises I gave you are enough for you to practice." After speaking, he began to concentrate on the meat test.

Sitting on the side like this, Ouyang Qianyun was stunned for a while looking at Zhang Cheng who was concentrating on the barbecue, because she found Zhang Cheng's serious appearance was very good-looking.

Moreover, it was the first time for her to stay with Zhang Cheng like this. Although it was the first time, her heart was very peaceful and she felt very safe. It seemed that as long as he was there, she didn't have to be afraid of anything.

She enjoyed this feeling very much, and even began to be a little obsessed with it.

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