Alien Madness

Chapter 91 The Little White Tiger

After this period of grilling, the surface of the wild boar meat has turned golden yellow, shiny and shiny, and a strange aroma is wafting out, and this aroma is permeated within a radius of more than ten meters.

Zhang Cheng took the barbecue meat to Zaiyue's nose and sniffed it, then took out some seasonings from some bottles and cans beside him and sprinkled them evenly on the meat, and the aroma became even more enticing immediately.

Ouyang Qianyun on the side was stunned at the moment, she had never smelled such a fragrant thing.

In the past, she didn't have much demand for meat, or she preferred to eat lighter vegetarian food, because she didn't like to eat greasy things.

But now, when she saw that Zhang Cheng was about to pass the test, she had the urge to go up and take a bite.

You must know that she often eats some delicacies when she is at home, but there is nothing that can make her have such an urge, not even one.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's almost ready!" Zhang Cheng heard Ouyang Qian Yuntun's saliva, so he said this casually.

"Eh!" Ouyang Qianyun blushed when she heard what Zhang Cheng said, but her eyes did not move away from the golden meat. She really wanted to take a bite to see what it tasted like.

"Okay!" After a while, Zhang Cheng felt that it was almost done. He pressed his right hand vigorously and fanned out the fire below, leaving only the red charcoal for heating, and then cut off a piece of fire with a knife. The big piece of meat was wrapped in the lotus leaf found earlier and handed to Ouyang Qianyun, and then said: "Come and taste it, and see how your brother Zhang Cheng's cooking skills are!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Qianyun nodded, and hurriedly took the lotus leaf over, blew on it, and took a small bite impatiently.

Suddenly an unprecedented taste filled Ouyang Qianyun's taste buds, and the whole person involuntarily narrowed his eyes to savor the taste.

The meat is not as greasy as imagined, and the meat is very soft, but it is very chewy, and it is elastic when chewed. Coupled with the outer layer of salty and mild seasoning, it tastes excellent, and Ouyang Qianyun can't bear to eat it. Swallow it down.

Seeing her enjoyment, Zhang Cheng was also very happy in his heart. What could be more gratifying than being recognized by others for what he made.

Then, he cut off the whole thigh and ate it with big mouthfuls. Compared with Ouyang Qianyun, his eating method is completely different. One is chewing slowly as if savoring it, while the other is eating it with big mouthfuls. To bite, to swallow whole, to eat for the sake of eating.

A pig, the two of them ate half of it together, and the remaining half was still hanging on the grill. However, more than half of this half went into Zhang Cheng's stomach, and the remaining half went into Ouyang Qianyun's stomach inside.

Although it was only a small half, it still made Ouyang Qianyun's belly bulge.

As for Zhang Cheng this time, he did not use "Food is the Sky" to refine the energy in the meat. After all, this is just an ordinary beast, and the energy contained in the meat is limited, and refining him is not troublesome enough.

Went to the lake to wash my hands and mouth, then went back to the grill and lay down looking at the clear sky.

At this time, Ouyang Qianyun also came back from cleaning, sat next to Zhang Cheng, and said with some complaints: "Brother Zhang Cheng, it's all your fault for causing me to eat so much, and now I feel so full that I can't even breathe."

"Um, it's my fault too, I didn't let you eat so much!" Zhang Cheng propped up his upper body with his arms, and asked in surprise.

"Of course it's your fault. Who told you to bake it so deliciously? If you made it less delicious, then I wouldn't eat so much." Ouyang Qianyun gave Zhang Cheng an angry look and said.

"Okay, it's my fault, I'll cook some more bad food in the future!" Zhang Cheng was defeated by her, and he lay back on the ground again, holding his head in his hands and looking at the sky.

"That's not okay, I just want to eat delicious food." Ouyang Qianyun said.

"Um, what you said is that it's not good to bake it, but you still tell me that it's delicious. Then tell me, what should I do? I'll listen to you!" Zhang Cheng said angrily.

"Hehe, I'm just joking, but to be honest, it's the first time I've eaten such a delicious thing. You've learned a lot from me?" Ouyang Qianyun said with a smile.

"He is one of my uncle's disciples. His skills are really good. I have studied with him for half a year, but I have only learned [-]% of his skills." Zhang Cheng said.

"Ah, Qicheng is so delicious, how delicious it would be if he baked it himself!" Ouyang Qianyun said with some longing.

"Girl, you don't have this good fortune, unless your cultivation has reached the golden core stage or above, otherwise, even if you want to eat it, I won't let you eat it!" Zhang Cheng said.

"Why is that?" Ouyang Qianyun asked puzzled.

"Because he roasts all spirit beasts, and the meat contains a lot of energy, you can't bear even a small piece. Of course, if you learn the exercise I just gave you, there will be no such restriction. You can eat whatever you want, how about learning or not?" Zhang Cheng joked.

"I don't want to learn, the worst is not to eat!" Ouyang Qianyun stuck out her tongue and shook her head.

"Hehe..." Just when Zhang Cheng was about to say something, the grass next to him moved, so he quickly stopped and looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a grass in the distance shaking, as if there was something inside It seemed to be hidden in something, and it came from the same direction as Zhang Cheng and the others.

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Qianyun saw that Zhang Cheng stopped talking suddenly, so she followed his gaze and asked, "Brother Zhang Cheng, what is that? Could it be a snake?"

Thinking of snakes, Ouyang Qianyun's face changed. Although she has a good body, but thinking of snakes, her whole body has goose bumps.

"I don't know, I'll go and have a look!" Zhang Cheng said to Ouyang Qianyun, then stood up and walked over there.

"Be careful!" Ouyang Qianyun reminded.

"Don't forget that I'm a master in the foundation building stage, so what else can he do to me?" Zhang Cheng looked back at Ouyang Qianyun and said this, and then continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, that thing seemed to sense Zhang Cheng's approach, and stopped suddenly.

"What the hell is it!" Zhang Cheng became more and more curious in his heart, but he was afraid of scaring it, so he deliberately put his footsteps full, but just when it was about to reach the side of the unknown object, a white shadow ran from the grass out.

Zhang Cheng was taken aback by this situation, but when he came to his senses, he saw a little white cat running to his feet, biting his shoe desperately, and there was a sound in his throat. Some ferocious voice.

"It turned out to be a kitten. I thought it was something!" As he spoke, he bent down and wanted to hug the kitten.

However, the kitten seemed to be more vigilant than Zhang Cheng had imagined. As soon as it saw that Zhang Cheng wanted to grab it, it immediately jumped to the side, its body leaning forward, its two front paws gripping the ground tightly, and another There was a whimpering sound of "woo woo", as if thinking about Zhang Cheng's provocation.

However, what surprised Zhang Cheng was that the word "king" was written on the kitten's head, and Zhang Cheng was stunned. This is not a cat, it's just a little tiger.

But Zhang Chengcheng was even more depressed. How could there be tigers in this place? Although there are tigers in this world, they only exist in the deep mountains and old forests.

Moreover, the tigers here are much bigger than the tigers on the earth. An adult tiger must be at least five or six meters long and more than one meter tall, counting the tail, which is very powerful.

But this one was pitifully small, less than half a meter long including the tail, so he thought it was a cat.

"Wow, so cute!" Ouyang Qianyun jumped up immediately when she saw the fluffy little tiger, her eyes lit up.

"Wait, I'll catch you." After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, he jumped out directly. The little tiger seemed not to have thought that Zhang Cheng's speed would be so fast. .

But it didn't accept its fate, it was struggling desperately, its sharp claws wanted to tear Zhang Chen's clothes, and then hurt its arm, and let him let him go.

It's a pity that what makes it depressed is that the clothes are made of unknown material, and his claws can't penetrate them at all.

In the end, he seemed to realize that he couldn't get out of the struggle, so he became more honest, and looked at Zhang Cheng pitifully, as if he was begging for mercy.

"Uh, is this still a tiger?" Zhang Cheng was surprised that this little tiger had such a high level of spirituality. He and Chu Yan had caught spirit beasts in Dan Daozong before, and many of them did not have such a high level of spirituality. Woolen cloth.

If it wasn't for the fact that it didn't have the slightest spiritual power, he would have thought that what it caught was the offspring of a high-level spirit beast.

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