ancient myth

Chapter 1 Li Wei!

In the autumn of 1086 in the Eastern Wasteland Calendar, Chu State, Pyeongchang City!

The night was as cool as water, and the red moon hung high above the sky, dyeing the whole night bloody.

"Idiot, what do you think of the moonlight tonight?"

In an old small courtyard in the west of Pingchang City, the pale boy glanced at Zhou Shan not far away and asked.

Zhou Shan, sixteen years old this year, with a hulking back and a hulking waist, has a burly body that does not belong to this age. At first glance, he looks like a humanoid monster!Especially the muffled sound of hitting the iron man with his body again and again, which made people shudder.


Hearing the young man's words, Zhou Shan wiped the sweat from his forehead, grinned, showing his white teeth, and smiled innocently.

"Do not laugh!"

The young man frowned, Zhou Shan immediately withdrew his smile and looked serious, but it seemed even more ridiculous.

"Donghuang? Chu Kingdom? Blood Moon Night!"

Since the fall of Emperor Ye thousands of years ago, the Eastern Wilderness split hundreds of countries overnight, and wars broke out everywhere.From then on, on the fifteenth day of each month, the full moon is like blood... The memories flooding into Wang Hao's mind made Wang Hao look weird.

He is not from this world, or in other words, Wang Hao's soul does not belong to this world.

As the youngest martial arts master on earth, in order to pursue a higher level, Wang Hao stepped into the Kunlun ancient site seven days ago to seek opportunities.He never tried his best, but when he finally got the chance, a thunderstorm swept him away!

When he woke up today, a huge memory flooded into his mind, leaving Wang Hao dumbfounded!

Chu State, a small country in the Eastern Wilderness of Tianyu Continent.Wang Hao, a member of the Wang family in Pingchang City, his parents died since he was a child, and because he was unable to develop spiritual seeds, he was judged to have no chance for martial arts in this life, and he was all looked down upon within the family.Three days ago, he was framed and died in Huangquan...

One is an unlucky ghost who was struck to death by a thunderbolt, and the other is a trash who has suffered all kinds of white eyes and is full of resentment. The two guys who climbed out of the gate of hell crossed time and space and became the same person!After making sure it wasn't a dream, Wang Hao gradually regained his composure from the initial shock: "Perhaps, this is God's will?!"

From a doomsday era where spiritual energy was exhausted, to a world where martial arts flourished, Wang Hao saw endless possibilities.They come, the security!Wang Hao quickly integrated into this world: "You said the housekeeper asked you to pack your things yesterday and leave the Wang family?"

"You're fine, they shouldn't dare!"


Before the second idiot finished speaking, the closed courtyard door was kicked open, and a few figures led by Wang Fu, the housekeeper of the Wang family, walked into the courtyard: "You idiot, are you tidying up? You should get out!"


The next second, Wang Fu, who was full of flesh and arrogant, saw Wang Hao, as if he had seen a ghost: "Are you... not dead?"

"I let you down?"

Looking at the astonished Wang Fu, Wang Hao's eyes flashed coldly.

"Hmph! It's just right to wake up! Wang Hao, pack up your things and go to Dongshan!"

Three days ago, Wang Hao fell from the cliff outside the city, and everyone thought he was bound to die.Unexpectedly, the life of this waste is quite high, and it survived!Thinking of Dongshan's environment and situation, and put away the insidiousness that flashed in his eyes, Wang Fu became complacent again.


Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

"Family rules! Before the age of 16 develops the spiritual seed, it will be transferred to the family property. There is still a lack of a person in charge in the Dongshan mining area. The owner of the family has decided to let you go three days ago!"

Offended the head of the family, dare to ask why?There was also that stupid big man, the kick he gave him three months ago was vivid in his memory, and when he touched his buttocks that were still hurting now, Wang Fu snorted coldly.Go to Dongshan and see how arrogant they can be!

"What a family rule! If I remember correctly, the spiritual enlightenment ceremony will start tomorrow. And me? I will be sixteen in seven days! Which family rule is the family rule you are talking about?!"

Over the years, within the family, Wang Hao has often been troubled by this person.Now that I haven't settled with him, this guy has come to my door?It seems that some people are eager to die by themselves!However, the current Wang Hao will let them decide?

"Wang Fu, you are so courageous! You have betrayed the Lord! Where do you put the family rules?" Thinking of this, Wang Hao approached Wang Fu one step at a time, and shouted: "How dare you pass on the patriarch's order? What kind of person is the Patriarch? How can he not even know the family rules? How could he make random decisions! Or, do you think that the Patriarch is old and incompetent, so he can't even distinguish this point? "

"You and I……"

Wang Hao's sudden questioning made the fat on Wang Fu's face twitch, and he lost his sense of proportion for a moment.

That's right, Wang Hao was only a few days away from turning sixteen, and it was indeed the Patriarch's idea to let him go to the Dongshan mining area!However, Wang Fu dare to admit it?Once he admits it, then he admits that the Patriarch is incompetent...

Wang Fu can't afford this crime!

The boy who used to swallow his anger, seems to be a different person at this moment?What a sharp tooth!Looking at Wang Hao, Wang Fu's face was livid, and the fat on his face was trembling wildly: "Huh! Wang Hao, tomorrow is the spiritual enlightenment ceremony, do you think you have the hope to develop the spiritual seed overnight? In Dongshan, who else is there besides you?" will go?"

"Whether the spiritual seed can be developed is my business! As for Dongshan? Who will go? It's not up to you!" Wang Hao sneered: "Let's talk about the family rules first! Zhou Shan, tell him that the evil slave deceives the master. What should I do if I commit a crime?"

"The evil slave deceives the master and offends the superior, with a rod of sixty, and is expelled from Pingchang City!"

Zhou Shan let out a sigh of relief.

"Steward Wang, the Patriarch will deal with matters such as arranging the patriarch and abusing the family rules. Domineering on my side? This patriarchal rule will not spare you! With these sixty sticks, you will not be able to escape today!" Wang Hao said condescendingly: "Zhou Shan, do it!"

" dare!" Seeing Zhou Shan approaching, Wang Fu panicked, and hurriedly shouted to the servants who followed him: "Stop him!"


However, before those servants could make a move, following Zhou Shan's cold snort, seeing the tall and burly servant at the head, he flew out like a boulder.Even before landing, a mouthful of blood was spurted out, and he passed out directly.

This poor guy was hit by Zhou Shan as an iron man!

"Whoever dares to obstruct it will be equally guilty! If your body is stronger than that iron man, you can try it!"

Staring at the remaining two servants, Wang Hao shouted.Having traveled all over the modern world for many years, how can Wang Hao be stumped by this situation?

Looking at the helpless companion over there, the remaining two servants only felt weak all over, how could they dare to make a move?

If facing Wang Hao in the past, not mentioning Wang Fu, even a random servant would dare to roll his eyes.But today, under this blood moon, Wang Hao brought them an unprecedented impact!

Is this really the doormat from the past?At this moment, his figure has become huge!

They could only watch helplessly as the humanoid monster with a silly smile walked by, picking up Wang Fu with one hand like a devil, and shuddered!

"Wang Hao, you can't do this! You dare to punish me without authorization, I..."

Weighing no less than three hundred catties, but being carried by Zhou Shan like a chicken, Wang Fu's face turned pale. At this moment, he finally felt the fear!

"Unauthorized execution? No! This is a family rule punishing you!"

When death is imminent, still uttering wild words?Wang Hao picked up the martial stick used by Zhou Shan and walked to Wang Fu's side.


Under Wang Fu's astonished eyes, the stick fell, and there was a muffled sound!

"Ah...Wang Hao. You trash, you dare to hit me...I..."

Under the pain, Wang Fu's face was grim, his body was trembling with fat, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

"How dare you be presumptuous!"

The stick fell again.

"Wang Hao, I won't let you go..."


"Wang Hao...tomorrow! After tomorrow's enlightenment ceremony, you..."


Every time the stick fell, Wang Fu's face became more ferocious. His face was full of resentment and heart-piercing.

However, as time passed, Wang Fu's voice became softer and weaker, accompanied by bursts of muffled voices.

Until the entire yard was only left with the dull sound of blows...

The two servants who followed Wang Fu looked at the figure holding a long stick under the blood moon, and they were already trembling!


PS: I'm back!The new book is uploaded, please support me a lot.

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