ancient myth

Chapter 2

"Idiot, what do you think of tomorrow's spiritual enlightenment ceremony?"

Until Wang Fu was carried away like a dead pig, Wang Hao asked Zhou Shan.This is the first hurdle before him.I'm afraid I don't know how many people are waiting for me to fall to my death here!

"I'm going to arrange the salute!"

Zhou Shan turned around and was about to leave.

"You have no confidence in me?"

Thinking about running away?The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched fiercely.

"You can't go to Dongshan!" Where is Dongshan?Zhou Shan was very clear: "They won't return what your father left behind to you!"

"So, they will be justified after I die?" At the beginning, Wang Hao's father left Wang Hao with three relics, which were enough to make countless people salivate.Naturally including the owner!If Wang Hao is not dead, these people will not be able to swallow these things!

"You said, what if I develop a spiritual seed?"

Looking at the blood moon in the sky, Wang Hao asked.Some people wished for him to die, but how could he let those people succeed?

"You are sick!" Zhou Shan showed a trace of sympathy in his eyes: "Uncle Zhou said, you are seriously ill! Your spiritual seed is dead!"

Zhou Bo is the only old slave who follows Wang Hao.As for Zhou Shan?It was a kid that Uncle Zhou picked up on the street.Zhou Shan was in awe of Uncle Zhou!What he said was always right!

Every cultivator with cultivation aptitude in Tianyu Continent is born with a spiritual seed in his body!Opening the spiritual seed is like opening the treasure contained in the body, and from then on you will step into the road of martial arts!How to develop without spiritual seeds?And how to practice?This is not a disease, what is it!

"You are the only one who is sick! Also, don't look at me with that look!"

I don't know if I am crazy, or the world is crazy, and I am sympathized by this fool?Wang Hao is crazy!

"The old man who can't wake up all day long, what else does he know besides fooling you into hitting the iron man?" Wang Hao glanced angrily at the snoring hut not far away, and said, "Go back and rest! Tomorrow, Follow me to the Enlightenment Ceremony!"

After the words fell, Zhou Shan didn't allow Zhou Shan to defend himself, so he kicked the two idiots towards the room behind him.


"The enlightenment ceremony?"

Until Zhou Shan's figure disappeared from sight, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes.

If it wasn't for an accident three days ago, if it wasn't for a coincidence under God's will, this Wang Hao would have to die if he didn't die!It's a pity that he is Wang Hao now, but he is not the Wang Hao he was back then!How can anyone decide?

"I want to see, what is going on with this spirit seed?"

Thinking of the current situation, Wang Hao sat cross-legged and sank into cultivation.

Three years ago, Wang Hao fell into an extremely embarrassing situation precisely because he was judged to be dead and had no chance of martial arts in this life!Now that this body is replaced, how can Wang Hao accept his fate?When it comes to the understanding of the human body, as a master of martial arts, Wang Hao who combined modern medicine can be said to be a master!He wants to see what's wrong with it!

"Who the hell? What a ruthless method!"

But for a moment, Wang Hao opened his eyes with a face full of shock.

The Spirit Seed is really dead!And relying on experience and the memory left by this body, Wang Hao is almost certain that his spirit-seed was cut off when he was a baby!

What happened in the first place?Wang Hao had no way of knowing.What's the secret in this?Perhaps only later will we be able to figure it out.

The situation in front of him caused Wang Hao to fall from heaven to hell, and his whole body was icy cold!

"No, this is..."

Suddenly, Wang Hao's expression changed drastically!

In desperation, he felt a wave of fluctuations coming from the spirit seed!To be precise, there was a familiar aura from Wang Hao coming from the vicinity of the Spirit Seed.

"It's it! It followed me to this place? Or, it brought me to this world?"

The source of that familiar breath, Wang Hao found the existence that shocked him.

On the Kunlun Mountains that day, before being swept by the sky thunder, didn't Wang Hao get the legendary opportunity in an ancient relic - the seed of chaos?

It is said that the seeds of chaos have been brewing since before the creation of the world.As a thing of all spirits in the world, gathering the essence of the world can change the fate against the sky.It is also because of this legend that Wang Hao did not hesitate to risk his life!

When a thunderstorm fell that day, Wang Hao thought that this object had been reduced to ashes in the thunderstorm.Who would have thought that he followed him into his current body!

"Hahaha... Sure enough, heaven will not kill me!"

If it was said that Wang Hao fell from the clouds to hell just now, then now he has returned to the clouds from hell.

According to rumors, the seeds of chaos gather the essence of heaven and earth, which can change fate against the sky!Not to mention restoring the vitality of the spirit seed?

Opportunity is at hand!Wang Hao no longer hesitated, and immediately sank into cultivation again.

Introducing the aura of heaven and earth into his body, Wang Hao tried to drive the chaotic clock to combine with the life-severing spiritual species...


Time passed little by little, and finally after countless attempts, a muffled sound exploded from Wang Hao's body, as if the universe had reopened.


At this moment, even Wang Hao couldn't help but let out a scream.

A heart-piercing pain spread.Every inch of skin on the body seems to be cracking, and every piece of flesh and blood seems to be collapsing...

If there was an expert present at this moment, one would be able to detect a powerful burst of energy in Wang Hao's body, flowing through the limbs and finally gathering at the dantian.Even, if someone can see through Wang Hao's body, they will be shocked to find that at this moment, that energy... gradually merged with the lifeless spirit.


Wang Hao's body exploded like a firecracker, and there were bursts of crisp sounds!Every joint and every piece of flesh and blood in the whole body vibrates accordingly.The heart-piercing pain gradually disappeared, and then a warm current swept Wang Hao with majestic vitality.Drive out the pain, drive out the cold...

"Supreme divine power!"

After a long time, when he opened his eyes, Wang Hao's eyes were full of light.

The strong in the Tianyu Continent are respected.The dream of countless people is to step into the road of martial arts, the state of divine power, the state of gathering energy, and the state of the four seas... From then on, they will rise all the way and change their destiny.

And this Spirit Seed is a starting point!Only by developing spiritual seeds and stepping into the realm of divine power can one attract the aura of heaven and earth to strengthen the physical body and strengthen the power of flesh and blood.As the strength increases, the strength continues to increase, until the divine power is infinite, and the body reaches a limit.After that, open up a sea of ​​qi to attract the aura of heaven and earth, and gather vitality...

"Two hundred catties of strength!"

After exercising in the courtyard, Wang Hao looked excited.He did it with a supernatural power of two hundred catties!Now he is full of strength, and he has an indescribable resonance with heaven and earth!The aura contained in this world made Wang Hao extremely happy!In a single thought, external energy poured into the body through the operation of the exercises, and merged into the limbs and bones like ten thousand horses galloping.Whether it was the Wang Hao back then, or the Wang Hao in memory, he had never felt such a good feeling.

"The combination of Chaos Seed and Spirit Seed rejuvenates, and it also contains a majestic energy. I just need to refine this energy, and I will make great progress!" The most difficult step has been taken, and Wang Hao In front of him is a broad road: "There is also this Great Sun Yin Qi Jue. I didn't expect that the skills obtained in the ancient monuments are not exclusive to this world!"

The exercises that Wang Hao practiced just now were obtained from an ancient site by following the old Taoist priest a few years ago at great risk.It's a pity that in the end of the Dharma Age, the aura is exhausted, and Wang Hao can't practice such a skill after many attempts!Surprised by trying it out today!

Combining the knowledge of this world in his memory with his own experience, Wang Hao even discovered that the Da Ri Yin Qi Jue is more subtle than many qi exercises in this world!

The fusion of the spiritual seed and the chaotic seed, what kind of aptitude against the sky will it create in the future?Coupled with the exquisite exercises, this makes Wang Hao full of hope for the future.

"Soul Enlightenment Ceremony? Here I come! I will take back what you owe all these years! I will take back what belongs to me bit by bit!"

The mood gradually calmed down, facing the brilliance of the rising sun in the distance, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth.

The so-called family feast, I don't know what expressions those people who are waiting to see their jokes will have at that time?Wang Hao is looking forward to it!

"Huh? The resurrection of the spirit seed? Interesting!"

However, Wang Hao, who was silent in joy, never noticed that in the distant hut, the sleepy old man murmured, and then the deep snoring sound came again.

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