ancient myth

Chapter 3 Down with Wang Fu

The annual spiritual enlightenment ceremony is the most critical day for a family.It's just that the atmosphere today is a bit weird!

"Patriarch, that's him. It was Wang Hao who beat me up like this last night, and Zhou Shan, under Wang Hao's instigation, killed the guardian! Patriarch, you must decide for us!"

In the martial arts arena, Wang Fu was kneeling on the ground and crying loudly.Paired with a pale complexion and bloody buttocks, that's a miserable one!

Looking at Wang Fu who was crying, everyone looked at the two figures who had just arrived at the martial arts field.

Didn't it mean that Wang Hao was going to die?How is he still alive?He not only beat Wang Fu, but also killed his servant?Where did this trash get the courage?Doesn't he know that Wang Fu is the family head's confidant?

Looking at Wang Hao, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Unexpectedly, early in the morning, before the enlightenment ceremony started, there would be a good show to watch!

"Wang Hao, what else do you have to say?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Tianyang, the Patriarch of the Wang family, asked blankly.

"I did it!"

Facing Wang Tianyang's questioning, Wang Hao said calmly.

"Patriarch, killing family members indiscriminately is unforgivable! Look at Wang Hao's attitude, he doesn't take you and the family rules into consideration at all!"

Before Wang Hao finished speaking, a young man in the crowd couldn't wait to speak.

Wang Qi, a disciple of the collateral line of the Wang family.Three years ago, Wang Hao not only ruined a good thing for himself, but also severely humiliated himself!Due to his status as a direct descendant of Wang Hao, he could only swallow his anger.Now, he finally found an opportunity for revenge, how could he let it go?

"When did the head of the family ask me something, and cats and dogs can interrupt?"

How dare a jumping clown dare to be presumptuous?Wang Hao shouted directly.

Immediately after ignoring Wang Qi, who was full of resentment, Wang Hao glanced thoughtfully at Wang Tianyang, who was looking unkind, and said, "Patriarch, Wang Fu's evil slave bullies the master. If you commit crimes below and below, you will be expelled according to the family rules. Family! As for the dead servant? I would like to ask Butler Wang! The servant of the Wang Family Nursing Academy is at least a person of the third level of divine power, right? How could he die after being hit by Zhou Shan? In my opinion, it must be someone He killed me to frame me! What a Wang Fu, he dared to frame him and kill people recklessly! I hope the head of the family and all the elders will see clearly!"

I really can't wait for Wang Fu's revenge!And that dead servant, there must be something else in it!

Someone wants to hurt himself?How could Wang Hao let those people get their wish!

"You... Wang Hao, don't talk nonsense!"

As Wang Hao's words fell, Wang Fu's face turned pale, and he subconsciously looked towards the Patriarch...

"We will strictly investigate the death of the servant. Whoever is the murderer will be punished severely! As for Wang Fu..."

At this moment, the Great Elder who rarely spoke in the past spoke slowly.Looking at it, it seems to be biased toward Wang Hao?This made everyone's hearts jump!

"We'll talk about it after the investigation of the servant's death. As for Wang Fu, it's because of his hard work. Give him another chance! If he commits another crime in the future, he will never be forgiven lightly!"

Glancing at the Great Elder, Wang Tianyang said expressionlessly.A few words, an understatement, suppressed Wang Fu's matter and made the atmosphere in the venue a little more weird.


Wang Tianyang is partial to Wang Fu, how can Wang Hao give up?

"What else is there for you? Dissatisfied with my decision?"

Wang Tianyang's face turned cold.

"Of course I don't dare! This Wang Fu, it's a trivial matter for an evil slave to deceive the master and commit crimes. It's just that last night he passed on the patriarch's order to expel me from the family and send me to Dongshan. According to the family rules, I have not yet participated in the spiritual enlightenment ceremony. Now he is not yet sixteen... My Taoist master is wise and mighty, how could he be so confused that he even got the family rules wrong? This evil slave dares to lie like this, it is simply unforgivable!"

If Wang Fu wants to die, let him die completely!Still want revenge?Wang Hao completely knocked him down!He wants to see how Wang Fu argues now!


Wang Hao's words exploded like a thunderbolt, causing everyone present to be in an uproar.

This Wang Hao really charged Wang Fuan with a big crime!

Anyone can guess that this must be what the Patriarch said, but who dares to say it?Especially Wang Hao gave the Patriarch the name of righteousness!Even if it is the head of the family, it is not easy to refute.Could it be that you are fatuous and incompetent?

Wang Fu... This time he was a dumb man who ate Coptis chinensis, and he couldn't tell the pain!

Wang Hao, when did he become so powerful?The Wang Hao at this moment is strange.

"Wang Fu, it's true!"

After taking a deep look at Wang Hao, Wang Tianyang asked Wang Fu.

"Patriarch, I was wrong! Give me another chance... I just thought that Wang Hao was doomed not to pass the spiritual initiation ceremony, so I will help him find a place first, so that there will be no other arrangements in the future..."

Wang Fu hurriedly begged for mercy.

He has to bear the blame if he doesn't!It's just that the look in Wang Hao's eyes became more and more venomous.The future is long, he won't just let Wang Hao go!

"Haha... What a good first arrangement! Who said I was doomed to fail the spirit initiation ceremony? Huh! Wang Fu, if I activate the spirit seed, what should you do? I'm afraid it's not just a fake patriarch's order. One more crime of persecuting the master!" Wang Hao looked at Wang Tianyang: "Patriarch, I think it is not an exaggeration for Wang Fu to be assigned Dongshan as a mine slave for such evil deeds!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wang Tianyang wants to protect Wang Fu, so Wang Hao will block their way!

Wang Hao is very clear about the truth that if you beat a snake, you will not die but will suffer from it!Today, Wang Fu will not fall, and Wang Hao will never give up!He wants to see, can Wang Tianyang protect Wang Fu once, twice, or three times?

Following Wang Hao's words, the atmosphere in the martial arts arena seemed to freeze!

Knowing that the Patriarch intends to protect Wang Fu, Wang Hao is still so pressing!Is this going to offend even the Patriarch?Wang Hao is crazy!

Looking at Wang Hao, everyone seemed to see a monster.

"Wang Hao! Don't you want to spout blood! Developing the spirit seed? Hahaha... a joke! Who doesn't know that your spirit seed is dead, and it is impossible to step into the martial arts in this life." Wang Fu was also completely enraged by Wang Hao, and ignored the pain from the ground Jump up: "Okay! If you pass the spiritual enlightenment ceremony, you don't need to say, I will go to Dongshan to be a mine slave! Otherwise, you can go to Dongshan to manage affairs obediently!"

People who are in a hurry have stupid brains, just like Wang Fu at this moment!Bai didn't say anything about being beaten, and now he doesn't say anything about helping the Patriarch take the blame.To be bullied like this by Wang Hao... He, Wang Fu, can't stand this birdishness!

"Okay, it's a deal!" Wang Hao didn't give Wang Fu any room to maneuver, and looked directly at Wang Tianyang: "I hope the Patriarch will agree!"

"That's it!"

Seeing the situation at this stage, Wang Tianyang glanced at Wang Hao, and a cold light bloomed in his eyes.

What a Wang Hao, I didn't expect today to be impressive!If he hadn't stood above righteousness, how could Wang Tianyang have forgiven him lightly?And the Great Elder!Is this against yourself?No matter why Wang Hao became unfamiliar today, since he is seeking his own death, Wang Tianyang will not be polite.

A person with an extinct spiritual seed still wants to cause a storm?Daydreaming!After the spirit enlightenment ceremony is over, Wang Tianyang wants to see how domineering Wang Hao can be?He wants to see what else the Great Elder can say then!


(Third shift arrives. There is another update at night. In the future, the update will normally be around [-]:[-] noon and around [-]:[-] pm. Please support me a lot. Remember to leave your footprints!!)

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